July 05, 2011

Emulation News 096: Updates for 7-5-11

Here are the updates for today.


Added missing BWGDIPx switches for TI-99/4 and SGCPU (required when selecting the BwG disk controller)"


ScummVM v1.3.1

- Improved audio device detection and fallback.
There should be no more silent errors due to invalid audio devices.
Instead ScummVM should pick up a suitable alternative device.

- Added detection entries for more variants of some Living Books

- Fixed a regression that made Discworld uncompletable.

- Fixed a regression in Inherit the Earth's dragon walk code which
was causing crashes there.
- Fixed a regression causing various crashes in I Have No Mouth and
I Must Scream.

- Added detection entries for some Macintosh game versions.
- Audio settings are now stored correctly for the CD version of EcoQuest 1.

- Fixed graphics bug in FM-TOWNS versions of games on ARM devices
(Android, iPhone, etc.)."


CrystalBoy v1.4

"* Now supports loading the DMG, SGB and GBC bootstrap ROMs
* Better GBC hardware emulation (now supports switching to fake B&W mode)
- Using GBC bootstrap ROM allows to play B&W games with automatic color palette
- The GBC automatic palettes are also emulated without the bootstrap ROM
- The OAM and VRAM are initialized more accurately
* MBC2 support (maybe not totally accurate, but certainly good enough)
* Instant FPS calculation… Should be instantaneously more accurate, but much more variable than the method used previously.
* Multithreaded emulation. (Should only improve uncapped FPS for now)
- I did not test extensively with all the rendering plugins, but things should be ok as the UI thread and and rendering thread never execute at the same time.
- Please send a bug report if you encunter a bug related to multithreade rendering…
* LCD and Timer timings emulation redone 95%…
- Compatibility increased
- Wario Land II startup screen now shows correctly
- Link's Awakening's bug seems to be gone
- Brain Bender's startup screen now render correctly, like it did a [very] very long time ago.
* Fixed the sprite priority emulation again… Pokémon Crystal intro should play fine.
* Fixed small - but sometimes nasty - bugs
- Now able to run Mental Respirator by Phantasy (The Gin & Tonic trick is not emulated yet)
- Most demos are able to start or even run correctly. (Demotronic still doesn't, but it helped correct one of the nasty bugs ;)"


Fceux SVN r2212

Reordered a function call. Now it updates the lua window with the proper file path when you select a lua script from the recent menu."


Dolphin SVN r7669

VideoCommon: Always update pixel shader constants when tevregs change

This time, it doesn't break the games i tested, and still fixes
Metroid Prime 3 texts/colors.
added 1.5x, 2.5x, 4x internal resolution"


DeSmuME SVN r4052

win32: add korean language resources
Rename ALIGN macro do DS_ALIGN

Anthony J. Bentley reports that desmume does not compile
on OpenBSD when the hud is enabled in bug #3148356.

After a few he reports that Stuart Henderson of OpenBSD
found the problem. The macro definition of ALIGN() conflicts
with a definition in /usr/include/machine/param.h.

So rename ALIGN macro to DS_ALIGN."


XM6i v0.31

"Change the top-level window from the dialog launcher o.
significantly improve the Preferences dialog o (see below).
Menu "Tools> Options" and can also change the reference in execution.
o wxGTK: mouse-mode support.
o wxMSW: Maybe the mouse mode support.
o FC2 implement modifications flag pin cut.
o MO restore disk support.
To end the fraud and attempting to write a long word o ROM area
Fixed a problem.
o 68030: Implement longword fetch four-byte boundaries.
o "Turn off the exit" function is disabled because it does not work properly.
improve the behavior of the scheduler when the power is off o. There are still many problems.
o XM6: Fixed a problem where the mouse cursor leaves the virtual machine startup.
o menu "View" context menu in each of the following sub-text
"Copy" to implement.
To disable the maximize button o.

o Menu-related changes:
- "View> Devices> IOSC" implementation.
- "View> Devices> Floppy disk controllers" on
Status, ST0, ST1, ST2 is also displayed in hexadecimal numbers.
- "View> Devices> Virtual Renderer" layout changes.
- "View> Virtual Hosts> Input" some additional information to the virtual host mouse.
- "Tools> full speed" to "Tools> no wait an entire virtual machine
Operation "renamed. Aligned with the preferences dialog.
- "Tools> In no wait the whole" virtual machine checks the correct
Modified to indicate the state.
- "Tools> Mouse Mode" revised to reflect the correct state of the check.
- "Tools> joystick emulation," the abolition of the set
You can switch the dialog.
- "Tools> Options" to implement.
- "Help> About" Build the "drawing from the system thread scheduler"
Fixed the display was reversed.

Changes related settings dialog o:
- "Basic" page displays the virtual machine path.
- "Mouse" Page "velocity" and "replace the left and right buttons"
Restoration options.
- "Joystick" Page "emulation" Keyboard
- "SASI", "SxSI", "SCSI" restored to almost original as a page.
If any configuration files can not be edited which has become
Please correct if you play directly. _o_
- Help implement wind XM6. The details on the implementation constraints, however
Please do not 突Tsu込Manai.

improvement work without a word to mask the fi o debugger command.
Since the VBR instruction corresponding to the 68 020 i-o debugger.
o The Debugger instruction i [0-7] add an option.
o wxMac: Change the application bundle."


Mupen64Plus 20110705

"* Dynamic recompilers for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (amd64) machines
* 3 OpenGL video plugins: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, Glide64
* Hi-resolution texture support in Rice Video
* LIRC Infrared remote control support
* Rumble Pak support
* Graphical R4300 debugger
* Cheat system with gameshark code support
* Speed adjustment with smooth sound output
* GTK2-based GUI
* Qt4-based GUI
* Command-line options for integration into other systems
* Installation support for multi-user systems

- Cleanup patchset for all m64p modules"


PCSX2 SVN r4792

it kinda works better if you make the hackfix use the function...

GSdx: Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2's hackfix works with NTSC version now


Vba-ReRecording SVN r372

A minor fix."


Chicky Woggy S4/1.01

"- Added English instructions manual browser."



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