January 31, 2009
January 30, 2009
A new destination Play N Trade
Woot I found out about a new place I'm going to check out tomorrow. The place is called Play N Trade, it has been talked about for so long by many different people so I think it's time for me to check it out. I'll also bring my camera to take photos of the stuff they have there. It should be fun either way.
Oh I found some crappy games at the thrift store today....blah wanted to give them the finger hahahha....but I'll try again next week...well I'm going to start going less now. I'll have photos of the new stuff later tonight when I get back from work.....
Oh I found some crappy games at the thrift store today....blah wanted to give them the finger hahahha....but I'll try again next week...well I'm going to start going less now. I'll have photos of the new stuff later tonight when I get back from work.....
January 29, 2009
A day at the beach
Wow it's been a while since I last went to the beach and I live two blocks away from it. Can you believe it? Well it's time for me to go for a swim again. The weather was perfect and since the forecast for the weekend is nothing more than a cold front coming back, we had to go. The water was freezing but the sun was hot so it even things out. We also brought a couple of beers for the hell of it. There is nothing like it man! I had a great time overall and had a good round of exercise in the water as well. I just wished I had brought my camera to show photos of how beautiful the day looked. I'll probably go more often so I'll have photos next time for sure! Until next time!
January 28, 2009
Forgotten Finds #13 TMNT 1 & 2
Well this is not a find I would pass out but it's been one I've forgotten for a while until now. Well here are TMNT 1 and 2 for the Famicom. Believe it or not these are not the TMNT 1 and 2 we know from the NES because TMNT 1 for the NES was named differently for the Famicom release. Therefore TMNT 1 and 2 are really TMNT 2 and 3 from the NES series. I hope I didn't got you confused but that's just how it is. Finally, enjoy the photo!

Finds 030: Here are my latest finds
Quick fix on my site
So here is a little update on my upcoming homepage. Well I have been working on the main page and everything looks to be taking shape. I still have to come up with better looking banners and other stuff. The content on the site is still in discussion especially since my friend Bob is hosting it. He'll have to be OK on what it's going to be on it but I really doubt he will turn down anything I want to show in my site. Enough of that just wanted to keep a heads up on it.
January 27, 2009
Gradius 2 Famicom Pirate Video Added
Here is yet another Famicom Pirate video. This time around I play a little bit of Gradius 2! The volume came out low for some reason I still haven't figured it out but nevertheless enjoy!
January 26, 2009
New Youtube Videos
This time around I try out a Playstation pirate! I hope you like it and check out my other videos. There are also new entries to the growing Famicom Encyclopedia so check those out as well.
January 25, 2009
Finds 029: Bulk Updates New Finds!
Yeah I once again got lazy so now I have to fuse two entries into one. I was able to pick up some neat stuff including some psx pirate discs and Shenmue for the Dreamcast. Also check the last photo as I complete the Kid Icarus Saga. Well there is tons more so check it out!

PSX Pirates ARRRR!!!

Shenmue is finally mine!

Well here is the final find of the day. Kid Icarus for the NES. It's weird because I didn't had neither the NES or Gameboy version last week but now I have both(check previous finds blog for kid icarus gb photo). So anyways, I have them all now! even the FDS version. Can't you see how happy I look??? Can you??? AWAA!
Well here is the final find of the day. Kid Icarus for the NES. It's weird because I didn't had neither the NES or Gameboy version last week but now I have both(check previous finds blog for kid icarus gb photo). So anyways, I have them all now! even the FDS version. Can't you see how happy I look??? Can you??? AWAA!
Lack of updates
Well this blog is not dead you know! There are tons of updates I must post! I'm going to work on them right now so expect new entries soon!
January 19, 2009
Finds 028: Lots of Finds at Flea Market!
Well here is another weekend and another set of good finds. This was also the first time I met a local NA member who taught me a lot of stuff about NES carts. Since I mostly know about Famicom the NES info was very helpful. I also bought some games off from him and other stuff. I also found a lot of games and a N64 with six controllers for only 15 bucks! I tested it today and it works great but one of the controllers needs a little fixing up. That lot also came with a NES super controller thing and a zapper. It was a great day overall. I hope to come back soon. Anyways, the photos are here!
Lots of Photos below!

Lots of Photos below!
January 18, 2009
Forgotten Finds #12 Batman Pirate
I finally got a NES 2!
Yeah here you go guys one of the many videos uploading today. Enjoy and don't forget to check out my youtube page as well!
Sorry for the delay
Sorry for not updating for the past day but I have been busy with getting injured! hahahaha yeah I wasn't able to walk all day so I couldn't take photos of my newest stuff.... I'll try some other day.
January 16, 2009
A lot of stuff coming tomorrow!
Yeah there are some finds I must show on my blog as well as some youtube videos I'm uploading. Stay tuned!
January 13, 2009
Finds 027: Woot New Awesome Additions!
Man I was finally able to get a top loader NES woohooo. The console works great and I only ended up paying 10 bucks for it! But that's not all, I also got two awesome rare RPGs for the Saturn Albert Odyssey and Magic Knight Reyearth! If you check ebay often you can see that these go for a lot. I paid 15 bucks for each of these so not bad of a deal after all. The only downside is that Magic Knight came disc only but at least the most important part of the game is mine which is obviously the disc. Enjoy the photo!

January 12, 2009
Finds 026: Double Dragon Trilogy
Well I got something nice in the mail. The Double Dragon Trilogy for the Famicom. Yeah each of these games are quite fun to play but even far more challenging than the NES counter parts. Especially Double Dragon 2 with the supreme difficulty, it's a big challenge surviving the first mission. Well enjoy and let me know what you think.

January 09, 2009
Finds 025: Lots of Updates on New Games
Here are a bunch of new games I got. I wasn't able to take photos of everything since I'm too tired to do it right now but these photos don't miss much. Only a copy of Abe's Oddysee and two PS1 memory cards are missing. Anyways, enjoy the pics and comment on anything.

Whew that was a lot of photo uploading. Most of these will be hitting the bay so enjoy the photos.
Whew that was a lot of photo uploading. Most of these will be hitting the bay so enjoy the photos.
Site Update
Well I was finally given my info in order to create my site. Things are going slow but I'm slowly getting ideas for this new site. My old site will have a link for my new site as well. I should have something by this weekend so stay tuned.
January 07, 2009
Thrift Store Finds
Today I went to the thrift stores again! I found a couple of good finds including another black label FF8 that I wished it would have been part 7 but what are you gonna do? Anyways, I will have some photos later tonight.
January 06, 2009
Finds 023: More Gameboy Finds Thanks to Gamestop
So I ended up visiting a couple of more gamestops I didn't finished cleaning up lol. These guys had some good games as well and one of the gamestops even added new games to their shelves! Yeah the seller said they had some of them in the back still so they brought them out. Anyways, I picked up what I liked but there is still some games left there. That's kewl though I will get them all eventually muahahahah. Anyways, here are the photos!

Luis Games Site to Return
I was finally able to find a host for my site so now there is a lot of work to do. This is of course my personal site which will contain information on stuff I like and projects I'm working on. I had one on angelfire for almost ten years but it's time to move on especially when their service is so poor. My good friend Bob is going to host my site so I think I'll be in good hands. Well I have to start getting ideas together man there is so much work to do....
January 05, 2009
Forgotten Finds #11 Mario 8
This is probably one of the most wonderful Forgotten Finds entries because it's about a game that meant a lot to me back in the day. The game is none other than the pirate cart Super Mario Bros 8! Back in my childhood in Peru there were game rooms where you would pay to play in hourly sessions and of course, I would go there every day and try to beat as many games as possible. Some of the games involved Master Fighter which is a port of Street Fighter to play on the NES. There was also Super Mario World, Captain Tsubasa 3, TMNT 2, and many more all in their pirate forms. I would play Mario 8 as many times as possible but was never able to beat it. Well now it's over fifteen years later and I was able to get a copy as a birthday gift from a great friend of mine. The first day that I got the game I played it through either times to the ending. I was actually going to play it again but my wife got fed up watching me play it. I guess I did played it too many times lol. Anyways, I don't play the game that much anymore but I do pop the game in once in a while for the nostalgic memories that still remain from the past.

Mario 8 Rocks!

Finds 022: Free Gamecube Games!
What's better than free? I don't think anything! Anyways, I got these two gamecube games from an old man that always comes to the restaurant and why? Because I always take care of him when he comes to eat. He had a big box of dvds and I was wondering what he was doing with it so I asked and he told me he was giving them away! I was like why? He said because he got tired of them so then he started taking them out one by one until I saw two small discs so asked them about it. They were the two games below. He gave them to me and said "Happy New Year" and I was like WOOT! Anyways, hope you people enjoyed this story heheheh

The games are disc only but who cares!
Updates on Famicom Carts
I'm currently out of upcoming Famicom carts for a while at least for a couple of weeks so I won't be adding much stuff anytime soon. However, I will be adding new blog entries for other consoles and handhelds since I'm an all around collector. I will be visiting the local thrift store tomorrow morning so I hope to have some good stuff to show you....

That's all for now!

That's all for now!