February 28, 2018
Ads from the past 407: Famicom Game
February 27, 2018
Finds 1104: Etrian Odyssey V for 3DS
Ads from the past 406: Famicom 3D Glasses
So the 3D Glasses were supposed to work with some games for the Disk System. It was a pretty cool peripheral but it felt flat and was only compatible with a few games. I say it's still a very interesting and ground breaking accessory. I would've bought one back in the day....I still need one for my collection.

February 26, 2018
Game-bit of the day 876: Diablo 3 (PS4)
Finds 1103: Rodea the Sky Soldier and Genso Wanderer
Twitch Channel Reopened!

Ads from the past 405: Rockman
February 25, 2018
Game-bit of the day 875: Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker (Wiiu)
Game-bit of the day 874: Yooka Laylee (PS4)
Finds 1102: Rastan Saga 2 for PC Engine
Ads from the past 404: Famicom Classics
Continuing the Famicom trend, here we have a bunch of art work from the classic releases of the Famicom. A lot of this artwork is from the classic games such as Donkey Kong and Mario Bros, even Popeye! I believe they are being advertised at around 15 USD, not bad if you get a minty boxed copy of these gems.

February 24, 2018
Game-bit of the day 873: Claire Extended Cut (PSVita)
Finds 1101: Cursed Castilla EX for PSvita!
February 23, 2018
Game-bit of the day 872: Kaizo Choujin Shubibinman 2 (PC Engine)
Finds 1100: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and Terraria !
Ads from the past 403: Famicom Karaoke
February 22, 2018
Game-bit of the day 870: Mario Bros (FC)
Finds 1099: Undertale Collector's Edition for PS4!
This game is just hilarious. I gotta say, from all the new retro style games, this one has to be in my top 3. I should really start doing more gaming and lists for the top games of the month or something. I'm sure that would be a nice new twist on the blog. Anyways, this game combines RPG gaming and comedy and puzzles all in one! A must have!

February 21, 2018
Finds 1098: Axiom Verge Collector's Edition for PS4!
Ads from the past 402: Mother 2
February 20, 2018
Famicom Blues Part I : The reason I game

Retro Gaming News: Super Mario Ultimate! A Really Neat Super Mario Bros 3 Hack!
This is really an interesting hack with a lot of things changed that makes it look like a brand new game. I can't express that enough, this is just amazing. I will definitely be streaming this game in the near future especially with my new set up. I can't wait! So many good things happening this year. I feel this is the year of change! Hmmm talking a little too personal here. Check out the info below and make sure you click HERE to download the patch. Also, one last thing, coming soon you will be able to play games on this blog! YES! It's a work in progress but I'll get it done.
ROM / ISO Information:
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG0) [!].nes
- SHA-1 16f5b10b0c95ec07b26443e1f2bbf2bf40ee5781
- MD5: 1839da341cf94f2e312e282c33903f9b
- CRC32: ac33c4f5"

Retro Gaming News: SMB3 Ridley X Hack 4
- All Levels are changed (World 1-8)
- Graphic are changed
Enjoy ;)
ROM / ISO Information:
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG0) [!].nes - GOODNES 3.14
- CRC32: 85A79D9C
- MD5: BB5C4B6D4D78C101F94BDB360AF502F3
- SHA-1: A03E7E526E79DF222E048AE22214BCA2BC49C449
- SHA-256: 6EA0777CA520BA7AD7B0EA0F6452140D59AA0B1DFFE5045CB1E8020DDE10C267"