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November 28, 2013

Finds 642: Ys and Aquapazza!

Here are two games from Gamestop! Totally worth the wait and I mean that because I had to wait about an hour for the Ys game to arrive from UPS at the Gamestop. It's ok, I was killing time talking to the manager there and checking out the other games. It's all good. 
Ys Memories of Celceta (PSVita)
Aquapazza (PS3)


Finds 641: NES lot and Lunar Silver Star Story Complete!

Here is another small lot of games for my shop. There is so much good stuff here! I don't like to pick up crappy titles and as you can see, these are not crap! 
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete (PS1)
Castlevania 64 (N64)
x7 NES Games
Xmen (SNES)
Floating Runner (PS1)

Retro-bit of the day 332: Mega Man V (GB)

The one and only Mega Man V for the gameboy. This game is quite odd as it's the first and only time you get to use Tango, your faithful feline partner. The game is also tough! I couldn't beat any of the robot masters on my first run. I will definitely try again! Never give up! 

Retro-bit of the day 331: Duke Nukem (DOS)

The first of many Duke Nukem games. This is the one that started it all. Duke is such a badass even in the earlier games. I would play this game over the Duke Nukem Forever game any day! 

Retro-bit of the day 330: Secret Agent/Dark Ages (DOS)

Two awesome games in one. We haven't done this but this is a first since both games came in a bundle. Secret Agent is a very kewl platformer while Dark Ages I believe is an RPG. 

Retro-bit of the day 329: Commander Keen (DOS)

The first Keen game was a gem to play through. I still think it's a very solid platformer for the PC. This game is the equivalent of Super Mario Bros except for the PC. Try it out! 

Retro-bit of the day 328: Hugo's Adventure (DOS)

Hugo was very popular especially because his text based adventures were hilarious and interesting. Too bad we don't have such interesting text based adventures nowadays.


Retro-bit of the day 327: Kung Fu Louie (DOS)

This is a very interesting game. If you have DOS BOX on your PC, be sure to check it out. It's a lot of fun! 


Retro-bit of the day 326: Super Mario 64 Pinball

This is such a neat find. I couldn't say no to it! I haven't tested it because the batteries are expensive as fuck! I do intend to try it out at some point. It's not the time yet...


Finds 640: From Garbage to Treasure, NES and Others!

 An interesting day of incredible loot! The feeling you get when finding these gems is indescribable! Lets check out what we came across this time around.
 This was a late night pick up. Can you believe all of this was 20 bucks? it was well worth the drive!
 This is one of the more interesting pick ups. It's not because of the games but because of the deal I got on them. The guy was asking ten for the older gameboy games and ten for the ds game. I counter offered with 15 and he said it was too much but how about 13? I said yes and got the fuck out of there!!!! go figure!!
 Local Thrift store pick ups!
 As I drove into the garage sale I couldn't keep my eyes off this box which was on top of the garbage the people in the garage sale just finished throwing out! I picked it up and asked the lady if it was actually garbage? She said yes! and I got that and got the fuck out of there! I of course, asked if she had any games for sale. Free NES! boxed! life is good!
 This is what the result of a nice cleaning was. Totally worth rescuing huh?
Here are more thrift store pick ups! The Resident Evil books were quite interesting and only paid .25 cents for each! 
x2 Resident Evil Books
Deep Labyrinth (NDS)
Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)
Twisted Metal Small Brawl (PS1)
Boxed NES 
x3 Xbox 360 Games
Portable Games + Gameboy SP


Finds 639: Awesome Loot! Retro Collective Sticker!

Here is some awesome loot!!! Also, I want to thank the Retro Collective community for taking me as one of their own! I'm finally worthy!!! lol! Well, if you are wondering, the game with no label is Metroid Fusion! And the red one with no label is Pokemon Fire Red. It's alright, I can fix them! New labels coming up!! The Otomedius was on sale on Amazon for 14.99! Can you believe it??  Now, that's amazing! The rest of the loot was from a local score. 
Digimon Dusk (NDS)
Digimon World Championship (NDS)
Otomedius (Xbox 360)
x2 Pokemon Fire Red (GBA)
Metroid Fusion (GBA)
Light Blue Gameboy SP +
Pokemon Silver (GBC)
Pokemon TCG (GBC)
New Super Mario Bros (NDS)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue (NDS)


Finds 638: Mega Man V! and Others!

A midnight meet up with a stranger led to these acquisitions. See the one in the middle? it's none other than Mega Man V for the Gameboy! it's finally mine!!! Good times!!

Mega Man V (GB)
Pokemon Blue (GB)
Metroid 2 (GB)
Super Mario Land 2 (GB)
Mortal Kombat (GB)


Finds 637: NEScessary Acquisitions!

Another score of NES goodies are here. Only one boxed game in this lot, but it's better than nothing! Check out this loot!
See anything you like?
There is more!
More and more!!!
Is that Battletoads?
And the rest of these games!

Lot of 37 Games!!!!


Finds 636: Garage Sales Lot! Intellivision and More!

This was a pretty good haul! Some Garage Sales proved to be very interesting to go to! There is a little bit of everything, even more boxed NES games!!!
Here is the haul! Good stuff! All boxed and complete Intellivision stuff!
More of the same goodies!
The rest of them!
Here are some boxed NES games. They were minty as heck! Also, were .50 cents each!
Here is a Nintendo DS Lite I bought from a garage sale. The little girl that sold it knew how to bargain!
Here are some more games for the shop! I needed these!
And the rest, some unusual games to be honest except Resident Evil DC ^_^

Duck Tales (NES)
Big Birds (NES)
Sesame Street 1 2 3 (NES)
Star Wars Trilogy (GBA)
Resident Evil DC (PS1)
Chronicles of the Sword (PS1)
Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)
Zelda 3DS (3DS)
Mario Kart 7 (3DS)
Super Mario 64 (NDS)
Mario Kart DS (NDS)
Mario Party DS (NDS)
Pokemon Sapphire (GBA)
Tom & Jerry (GBA)
White Nintendo DS Lite
Lot of Intellivision Games



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