November 21, 2013

Finds 630: Flea Market Pick Ups! Good Stuff

 Here is the loot from the flea market! I was able to pick up a lot of awesome items! There is so much to go through, check it out!

 I picked up this Gamecube because it had the Gameboy player. The disc is hard to come by but I know I'll find it eventually.
 Here are a bunch of loose games. Too many to mention! Also, a Spyro game for the PS1.
 Here are some Wii games! Also, can't forget about Super Mario Bros 3.
 Some obscure accessories. Have you seen any of these ?
 Vintage video game magazines. I collect them, they are just so much fun to look through.
 Here are some Xbox and Ps2 games. Nothing crazy, but good stuff to bring to the convention.

Finally, a Chobits manga! It's a very cute series! 
Gamecube console with GBA Player
20x + Loose games 
Spyro Year of the Dragon (PS1)
Chobits Manga
Super Mario Bros 3 (NES)
New Super Mario Bros (Wii)
Trauma Center Second Opinion (Wii)
Sega Accessories 
Xband (Genesis)
Sega Saturn Gameshark
10x Vintage Magazines
6x Ps2 and Xbox Games


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