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September 30, 2021

DOS Thursday 005: Mega Man

Have you ever heard of Mega Man for DOS? Yes, it was released but don't go crazy just yet. This is Mega Man for DOS...

The game doesn't look like the games we played on the NES or SNES at all. This was made by another team so it really shows. The game at least looks like it could be Mega Man but it disappoints with all the gameplay mechanics.... It's really something else...if you want something painful to play. Definitely give this a shot. You have been warned! 
Download it here!


Finds 1522: Castle of the Winds, Shadow of the Ninja, Return of the Ninja, and Mobile Light Force 1 & 2

Here is some new awesome stuff that arrived in the mail. Mail loot is always fun as sometimes I forget what I've ordered. Don't blame me, I'm old and some of these are pre-orders that take forever to arrive. 

First, we have some Limited Run Games that are finally here. Shadow of the Ninja got a re-release in NES format and it came in a really nice packaging. The game is a lot of fun as I've played it years ago and had a blast. It's also quite challenging. The one I haven't played ever is Return of the Ninja for the Gameboy. This game apparently didn't come out here, but I haven't really checked much on it as it may have had a different name. I'm not sure!

The cover art for these two is quite odd. You would never believe that these games are actually shoot 'em ups! But yeah, they are! You want to see some photos of proof? Here!

You would've never guessed right? This is insane! But it's really cool. Originally, this game was released by Atlus as Gunbird. It's a very popular game and I believe there was a release of it on the Dreamcast but correct me if I'm wrong. I decided to get both games and believe it or not, the PS2 version was cheaper than the PS1 version.

Finally, this is a really cool game that I've been looking for a while. I wanted it complete in box and finding one is quite tricky. I tried the Bay and did found some and even one with a rip on the box that has been there forever. I didn't wanted this ripped, I wanted it fully working. This is really cool. Castle of the Winds is one of those games that I played when I first started to use AOL 3.0 back in 1997. It was a magical time and I was introduced to so many games on my old Windows 95 PC that I was overloaded with joy. I was never able to beat the game as it can be quite tough. I have been playing it more recently and have done progress. I do need to find a guide because I'm stuck so will keep you posted. 

It's such a primitive DOS/Windows 3.11 game, it's just pure nostalgia. 


September 29, 2021

Password Wednesdays 005: Lolo (NES)

This is the password GCVT which will lead you to the final stages of the game. Are you ready to finish this puzzler? Take the challenge!


September 28, 2021

Retro Tuesday 005: Donatello Mug

This is a really cool Donatello mug from the TMNT series. It’s based on the original cartoon from the late 80s. Overall, it’s a great way to sip some coffee in the early morning. I got this at GameStop and they were in clearance! What a deal! 


September 27, 2021

Manual Monday 043: NFL Quarterback Club (Genesis)

It's the football season and this is one way to introduce some of that into the blog! This is the manual for NFL Quarterback Club for the Sega Genesis. If there is something Sega knew is that sports where the way to go! Enjoy and play ball oh wait that's for baseball.... 


Alwa's Awakening: the 8-bit Edition at Limited Run Games!

This is a really awesome new title that's getting the NES treatment. You can pre-order it at Limited Run Games and it should be out in December. This could make a really awesome holiday gift for the retro gamer in the family. There is also the version for Switch and PS4 that you can also pre-order. I highly recommend this game especially if you are into the classic adventure side scroller genre. This game will keep you on your toes and feels rewarding when you past through difficult areas. 

Be sure to get your copy pre-ordered before it's too late! Limited Run Games has been doing pre-orders for other NES titles as well as Gameboy so it'll be a good idea to follow them and see what they release next. 


Finds 1521: Half Life Adrenaline Pack, Total Annihilation, Little Big Planet 3, Cassette and CD Case

Over the weekend, I went thrifting but not as much as I have been doing lately. It was great to find something especially because it was raining so much! I picked up a couple of PC games like Half Life Adrenaline pack which was an interesting hunt. The CDs which come in three were in different parts of the CD section so I had to look closely till I found them all. That was actually fun! I also got Total Annihilation for PC which looks interesting and it's another welcomed game for my PC collection which has grown substantially. I also got Little Big Planet 3 for the PS4 and I believe I'm missing part 2 now, but I could be wrong. I also stopped at another thrift store which had the cassette and cd cases that I ended up picking up. As I have mentioned before, the cassette case is perfect for Famicom games and believe me when I tell you that I have a lot of them! I will find a spot for them just have't had the time. The CD case is really cool as you press on the front of it for it to open up and the case opening on its own. I have a lot of loose games which will go in here. Nothing crazy this weekend, but I'm always happy to add new loot to the collection. 


September 26, 2021

Latest Nintendo Direct: Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis

I am sure a lot of you are familiar with what happened a couple of days ago but I wanted to put my two cents into the whole ordeal. Although I am all for re-releasing software that's not available to everyone due to price and scarcity, I am not fond of the way it is handled nowadays. After seeing the only part I was interested in, which is the retro games being released for the Switch, I was a little disappointed. I have a couple of issues on these. Lets get started.

The first thing on the table is the price of the controllers. Why 49.99? The price is honestly quite hefty and ridiculous, but I am sure the fanboys are going to jump and say 'oh but it's retro and not out anymore' Which that may be the case, but it doesn't feel like the price of these controllers is fair at all. Think about it, you want to play Smash with other friends in the same home, you'll need 200 dollars worth of controllers. Of course, you can also play online but I am not sure how that is going to work so I can't say much about it. Another thing, why the Sega Genesis three button controller? It's most likely because they want to sell them first before releasing the newer six button controller, why not just the six button? You know that would make more sense as it's the definitive version of the console. The price of these should've been 24.99-29.99 tops, that would've been fair. 

Another thing to bring up is the membership upgrade, why? This stuff should've been included in the membership everyone is already paying for, so now, you are telling us we have to pay more to play games you have sold is since the Wii generation? That's just ridiculous, why include the NES and SNES and then decide that you want more money for the same games you have released ages ago? That's just wrong. In a sense, you are just releasing the same thing over and over and over. Stuff like this shouldn't need no upgraded fee as it's something that should have been included in the first place. This is quite disappointing and greedy on their part. Yes, we can't make money from these games so lets just raise the membership price, not fair. 

One last thing I'll mention is the incredible re-releases of the same stuff. We have gotten a Sega Genesis collection for the Switch not too long ago so now we have to get a controller for 49.99 and upgrade our membership for who knows how much just to play them? That's just wrong and makes no sense but I'm sure people will buy into it regardless because that's the reason Nintendo keeps doing this. Same thing can be said for the Nintendo 64 games, didn't we get a 3 in 1 Super Mario Anniversary collection which included Super Mario 64? So now, you are including it again? why? That's just ridiculous.

Overall, I'm very wary of these new releases but we will see what time will bring in the future. I do see some good with the release of such games as Sin and Punishment and MUSHA. I think these games will introduce these games to new players that It hasn't already, but overall not happy how Nintendo is pricing playing retro. Sometimes I feel it's better to just play them on emulators or the originals.


Galaga Port for C64 aka Commodore 64 Mini

Happy Sunday gamers! Today I have this really cool game to show you. It's for that little gadget called the C64 which mimics the Commodore 64 games. This one was done with a lot of hard work and dedication. It's Galaga after all! The game also comes with two player option. 

The game can be downloaded here at the author's page so be sure to check it out. I highly recommend this as it's a very faithful port with a Commodore 64 touch. I myself am a fan of Galaga and definitely enjoy when ports like these are released. The author of the game has a lot of detailed information on how things were accomplish to make this game playable. Once again, be sure to check out the page here to read further into it. 


Ads from the Past 455: Sega Genesis -The Other Guys Just Don't Stack Up-

We are back with the ads from the past. We have been gone since February and it was time to bring this bag with our weekly retro ad! This series has been moved to Sunday now since we have Famicom Fridays in that spot, but it'll go back to being a weekly thing! Lets get started. This week's ad is from the Sega Genesis who did a lot of bashing of the Nintendo console especially because they needed to compete with the big boy Nintendo. The Sega Genesis started the race early but Nintendo caught up with the Super Nintendo console in terms of bits. The bit wars of the early 90s was something else. What a time to be alive! I encountered so many discussions and fights over who was better but I'll never forget that one of my teachers actually had the 3DO! I played Gex for a little bit and though it was awesome, but that's the first and only time I played that console till years later when I became a collector and found one in the wild. Other than that, it was either Sega or Nintendo. Sony would enter the console wars with the Playstation and recruit me into a big fan boy especially with the upcoming Final Fantasy VII game. Those were some amazing times. 



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