September 19, 2021

Finds 1517: Tube TV, Xbox Games, Vintage Power Surge Protector, fake Mini NES, and PC Stuff

Here is the rest of the loot from that same trip. I found one of those vintage Surge Protectors and I think I will use it for my Tandy computer. Speaking of Tandy, I haven't even test it yet with the new stuff I've gotten. I've been leaving that behind for quite some time and I kind of hate it. I will have videos and photos of it on here once I do. I also got a fake NES which I'm sending to my friend, he will enjoy that. A couple of Xbox games and some PC software but nothing crazy. The tube TV was actually from a garage sale I stumbled upon. It works great and has three AC inputs so that's very handy. It's definitely an upgrade from the tiny TV I have so It's a plus. I was able to find a spot in my office believe it or not so It's good to go. The picture quality is quite good on this one and it works just wonders. I might just plug in my digital antenna to it for TV watching purposes. It was a good day overall!


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