January 30, 2021
Ads from the past 453: Super Mario Bros 2J

Finds 1434: Sonic Mania, Octopath Traveler, and Stay-Puft

New Additions to the Shoppe! New Super Mario Land, Dragon Ball Final Bout, and Mortal Kombat Gold 2000!

January 28, 2021
World’s Smallest Nintendo 64 Console is More of a Handheld!

Finds 1433: TMNT Playmates Comic Turtles

January 27, 2021
Donatello & Cobra Kai

Finds 1432: TMNT Neca Turtles! WOW! Krang and Splinter Baxter

Finds 1431: VHS Cartoons and PC Games

January 26, 2021
New Nintendo Gameboy Games being released 31 years later! Shapeshifter !

January 22, 2021
First Press Games Releasing Two Crazy Shoot ‘em Ups Ginga Force & Natsuki Chronicles

January 20, 2021
Retro Game of the Week 173: Gradius 3 (SNES)
Another week, another wonderful pic of the week. This time around I will take a look at a SNES classic from the early days of the SNES. This is Gradius 3 and even though we never got Gradius 2 which was released on the Famicom, we did get the first game and had an idea on what we were getting into. This game does look like a remake in a lot of ways, a remake of the first game that is and that's not bad. With brand new 16-bit graphics, we got a lot of awesome things coming. Lets take a look at one of Konami's most memorable series.
Graphic wise this game does a splendid job in portraying a wonderful set of colors on screen. The game takes advantage of the amazing 16-bit graphics and definitely takes a moment to acknowledge such beauty. As mentioned before, the game looks like a remake of the first game.
Score: 90%
Get ready to have your fingers blistered. This game will keep you on your toes from beginning to end. Remember that this is the kind of game that requires you to collect the power ups and not die. I highly recommend if you die in the middle of the stage, just start over. You will only be destroyed over and over. The game does have a great power up system that can be really good but also a weakness for the game. It's a shoot 'em up that really doesn't do anything extraordinary, but it's always a lot of fun!
Score: 95%
This is a really awesome game to listen to. The sound effects are also your typical classic Konami sound which they were known for years. The music is also quite good with your typical shoot 'em up space exploration that your ears will enjoy. Overall, this is an amazing game to listen to, I highly recommend it in high volume !
Score: 90%

Finds 1430: Kid Icarus European Edition!
January 19, 2021
Deadeus, a New Horror Style Game for the Gameboy!
Well, this totally run under the radar for me so I figure it was time to post about it on here so everyone can have some idea about it. This is Deadeus which is a game that was built from the ground up for the original gameboy. It’s a horror game and has that classic original Gameboy look. The game is available digitally for 12.00 for anyone wanting to get it, but the physical version will be up for pre-order till February 15th which you can get by clicking here. This game has gotten a lot of good reviews and why wouldn’t it, it looks like a lot of work was put into it.
The game contains 11 different endings which gives it a lot of replayability and gives you more reasons to go back to it. Whatever you decide is what will lead you to a certain ending.

January 18, 2021
Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is Coming!
As you can see, the game doesn’t come with a pixelated look, but it looks to be a combination of both. You can see the texture of the big monster there to get a better idea.

January 16, 2021
New Repros Added to the Shoppe! Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Verytex, Top Fighters 2000, and Metal Sonic Rebooted!

Finds 1429: Thrift Store Loot, Strikers 1945, Sonic Blast Man, Devil Lady and More
I was finally able to come out this weekend and hunt for a bit. I haven't gone thrifting since last year so it was a good change for once. I also checked out a new thrift store and came out with a couple of good things. As you can see, there is a lot to show in this loot post so lets get started! Of course, I was very careful when going to these places as the pandemic is still going and one has to be careful.
This box set was four bucks and mainly caught my attention because it looked like a hentai series. Apparently this series does contain nudity and gore so I'm very curious about it. I will have to watch it!
I'm always happy when I find PC stuff. I am happy to find the floppy disks as they were brand new sealed for 2.99! That's a steal! The CDs were .50 cents each. I'm always adding new stuff for my PC software collection. I think I might have missed some discs as there was this annoying idiot hogging the entire section. I was annoyed and wasn't going to wait until he was done, I have places to be!
Some Wii titles I found at this new thrift store. These are five bucks each and thought they were solid pick ups. Super Mario Galaxy needs a little cleaning especially on the disc while the DDR game is in perfect condition.
Strikers 1945 I got from the local shoppe I frequent for 29.99 while Sonic Blast Man was 39.99 from the same store. I always think the prices are fair for these games and always add new things to my collection every trip I make. Thank you CD Trader!

January 15, 2021
Smarty and the Nasty Gluttons Getting a Physical Release!

January 14, 2021
Retro Game of the Week 172: Atomic Runner (Gen)

January 13, 2021
Ads from the past 452: Family Computer