Well haven't shown much in the final quarter of the month but expect a lot of new kewl stuff to come. I'm also currently working on new youtube videos since my last updates were from a month ago. The Famicom encyclopedia will be finished someday!
February 28, 2009
What a night....
Wow work was crazy last night. We usually close at 1am but I ended up getting home at 3am....it was fun though....I'm real tired right now so I'm going to sleep all day until I have to work again later today. In other news, I haven't come across any new games but I did lost a best offer for over 100 NES games which really sucks but whatever. I'm sure I'll come across some awesome stuff eventually.
February 26, 2009
Slow day
Well there is nothing much to post about....haven't tried to hit any thrift stores lately but I did managed to find a Florida Marlins World Series 03 dvd which brings a documentary of the MLB World Series of 03....man I'll never forget how we won it all that magical year. Lets go Fish!
February 24, 2009
Blog en Espanol
A la derecha de esta pagina en la seccion de links esta el link para mi blog en espanol. Estava este blog un poco loco osea que decidi hacer uno totalmente nuevo y en espanol. Sigan mis encuentros de mi vicio que son los videojuegos. Saludos
Finds 041: Gameboy Finds
har har har here is FamicomFreak again with some small finds. This time around I bought a bunch of gameboy games at the local gamestop that I finally cleaned up. The only problems I have been having is the lack of the ability to save games for pokemon silver. This is the second copy of Pokemon Silver I found in the last couple of weeks and it won't save the damn game. Anyways everything else worked well so enjoy the photo!

February 23, 2009
Sales !
Man I had my auctions end last night and made a pretty good penny to invest in my gaming hobby and also pay the bills. Anyways, thanks for everyone that participated and I should have packages shipping tomorrow or Wednesday. Thanks again
February 21, 2009
Finds 040: New games well kind of
I went to the thrift store and didn't found anything major but I did found some Sega Saturn games as well as some PS1 games. The Saturn games are Daytona USA, and Virtua Cop which I already have but at 95 cents each, it was a steal! Anyways, I also got two ps1 games called Tarzan and Casper at 95 cents each as well. Overall, everything is in great condition! I also found a Nights sampler but it had a ps1 demo inside of it....bummer....and to finish things up I picked up a Pokemon Red for 1.99 and a PC gamer demo disc which contains a Resident Evil demo! Back from 1997......good old days....well enjoy the photos!

Nuevos Juegos! Bueno Algunos....
Ayer fui a la tienda de segunda y encontre algunos juegos de Playstation y Sega Saturn. Nada fabuloso pero es mejor que nada. Los juegos de Sega Saturn fueron Daytona USA y Virtua Cop que ya los tengo en mi coleccion pero a 95 centavos cada uno los tenia que agarrar. Para el Playstation encontre Tarzan complete en su caja y Gasper que le falta el libro del frente. Una cosa mas que encontre fue el Pokemon Red a 1.95 y todavia tiene su juego grabado que tiene un Blastoise en level alto pero el resto de los pokemons en level bajo jajajaja que mal entrenador tenia este juego. Y para finalizar encontre un CD de demos de PC que tiene la portada de Resident Evil con esa cara de zombie volteando....es en realidad escalofriante hasta el dia de hoy! Bueno eso es todo por ahora. Saludos!
p.s. Una ultima cosa que encontre un Night Sampler de Sega Saturn pero tenia un disco de demos de playstation pero bueno aunquesea tengo el sobresito jajaja aunque el sampler tambien lo tengo.

Pokemon rojo con Blastoise super desarollado!

Juegos del playstation.

Juegos de Saturn y demo PC de Resident Evil.

Nights con demo de playstation ah bueno....
Eso es todo por ahora.
p.s. Una ultima cosa que encontre un Night Sampler de Sega Saturn pero tenia un disco de demos de playstation pero bueno aunquesea tengo el sobresito jajaja aunque el sampler tambien lo tengo.
Pokemon rojo con Blastoise super desarollado!
Juegos del playstation.
Juegos de Saturn y demo PC de Resident Evil.
Nights con demo de playstation ah bueno....
Eso es todo por ahora.
Hola Amigos!
Solo un anuncio para mis amigos que visitan la pagina y no pueden entender mucho. Desde ahora en adelante voy a hacer mi blog en los dos idiomas asi mis visiosos pueden saver de lo que estoy hablando y bueno tambien otra gente que visite mi blog. Saludos y que el vicio continue!
February 19, 2009
New Ebay Items for Sale
My shop has been updated with tons of new Games for sale! Check it out and help me out in growing my collection!! har har har (link on the right of this post in the links section)
New Items added:
NES complete with cables + five games
Super Mario Bros 2(NES)
Super Mario BRos 3(NES)
Golden Axe 2(GENESIS)
Donkey Kong(NES)
Sega Game Lot(GENESIS)
Double Dragon 2(NES)
Ninja Gaiden 2(NES)
Dragon Ball GT Final Bout Import(PSX)
Well that's just some of the stuff for sale! There is more so check it out!!
New Items added:
NES complete with cables + five games
Super Mario Bros 2(NES)
Super Mario BRos 3(NES)
Golden Axe 2(GENESIS)
Donkey Kong(NES)
Sega Game Lot(GENESIS)
Double Dragon 2(NES)
Ninja Gaiden 2(NES)
Dragon Ball GT Final Bout Import(PSX)
Well that's just some of the stuff for sale! There is more so check it out!!
Finds 039: Some small gameboy finds
February 18, 2009
Finds 038: Some PS2 Finds that were forgotten until now
Well I got these games like a week ago but I forgot to mention them here. Anyways, my RPG PS2 collection is growing pretty good! har har har enjoy the photos!

I was able to get Suikoden 3 and 4 at the local gamestop to finally add them to my collection. I'm still looking for Suikoden 5 which I'm pretty sure I won't have trouble finding cib.
I was able to get Suikoden 3 and 4 at the local gamestop to finally add them to my collection. I'm still looking for Suikoden 5 which I'm pretty sure I won't have trouble finding cib.
February 17, 2009
Items for sale
Hey just wanted to point out that my ebay shop is packed with games for various consoles so why not go and check it out. Bid with confidence!!
p.s. the link is on the right side of this page.
p.s. the link is on the right side of this page.
Finds 037: Enough of old gaming, now some new gaming finds!
Well today I went to the mall and decided to check out Circuit City. Sadly this store is closing as well as many others......so they are having a blow out sale. Nothing much is left but I decided to check out the PS2 games they had left and picked these three up for five bucks a piece. I also went to the Target and picked up Final Fantasy IV for 19.98 which I think it's a great deal since they have it for 39.99 at gamestop. I'm a big Final Fantasy fan so this was a great chance to get the remake of one of my favorite Final Fantasies ever!

Final Fantasy IV(NDS) on top and then from left to right you have Ape Escape 3(PS2), Art of Fighting Anthology(PS2), and King of Fighters XI(PS2). Great stuff over all!
Final Fantasy IV(NDS) on top and then from left to right you have Ape Escape 3(PS2), Art of Fighting Anthology(PS2), and King of Fighters XI(PS2). Great stuff over all!
February 16, 2009
Finds 036: More finds this time the thrift store!!
Well my wife wanted to go to the thrift store but I didn't.....was just too tired from my flea market adventure but decided to go anyways. I found all this stuff for 10 bucks!

Awesome games here I got. The aces of course are Lufia and Illusion of Gaia which I'll most likely keep for my RPG collection.

I also found this NES controller. I don't know much info about it but it looks kewl lol.
Awesome games here I got. The aces of course are Lufia and Illusion of Gaia which I'll most likely keep for my RPG collection.
I also found this NES controller. I don't know much info about it but it looks kewl lol.
February 15, 2009
Finds 035: Great day at the flea market!
Man what a day I found lots of new games and then some har har har. I spent 40 bucks on all of this....

Got this for a dollar.

a dollar for each of these games as well. Manual was free.

discs only were .50 cents each and got the saturn game case for free to place them in.

Also .50 cents each.

a dollar for this game as well.

Superb RPG finds. Got all these three for 10 bucks.

All the NES games I got for a buck each from this nice old man. Gotta love the elderly :)

Thanks old man!

Again thanks!

The last but not least some gbc finds. Got these two for four bucks.
Now it's time to start cleaning and sort them out to see which ones goes to the bay and which ones stay. har har har!
Got this for a dollar.
a dollar for each of these games as well. Manual was free.
discs only were .50 cents each and got the saturn game case for free to place them in.
Also .50 cents each.
a dollar for this game as well.
Superb RPG finds. Got all these three for 10 bucks.
All the NES games I got for a buck each from this nice old man. Gotta love the elderly :)
Thanks old man!
Again thanks!
The last but not least some gbc finds. Got these two for four bucks.
Now it's time to start cleaning and sort them out to see which ones goes to the bay and which ones stay. har har har!
February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day
I just want to wish everyone a happy valentines day and hope you spend it with your loved ones. I myself will be spending it with my wife and we'll go to the casual romantic dinner etc etc. I'm also celebrating our one year anniversary as a married couple since it was a year ago since we got married. Anyways, I wish you all a great day! Later!

February 13, 2009
Another night......
Kid Icarus has pissed me off man!! But at least I have some stuff to look forward to. For instance, I'll be hitting the thrift store tomorrow and the flea market on Sunday so there will probably be some good things to show in my blog. I hope to find some more stuff I can auction off on ebay since my last sales didn't went as planned. For god sakes I sold Donkey Kong Classics for 99 cents + shipping! Yeah well at least I didn't paid much for it. I did ended selling my emergency carts to a friend that wanted them so I'm back on track with my sales. I hope to show more soon! Take care!
February 10, 2009
Finds 034: Latest Finds GBA, Genesis, Famicom!
Here are some of the finds I had lately.

First are some GBA sealed games I got from a sale at the local supermarket store Kmart! They went for six bucks each which is a sweet deal to me. I'm going to keep them sealed since I lack having many sealed games at all haha.

Anyways, there is also some Genesis games Sonic 1 Not for resale version, and Sonic 2. Both of them came CIB so it was a nice deal. I got these at the salvation army for a buck each. There is also a Super Mario Sunshine case I got there for free since someone had stolen the disc already, the guy was nice enough to give me the box for free which is great because I have the disc only so now my copy of Super Mario Sunshine is complete!

I also got a couple of mysterious pirates! Well sort of because if you check my youtube page, there is a video of one of them. I got one of these by trading a SNES controller while the other one I got for free(just had to pay shipping).

I also got Colony Wars which is a game I have wanted to get since late 1997! Yeah I got a PSM demo with the game and couldn't stop playing the demo over and over. It's a great game in my opinion and knowing that it has two discs makes things sweeter. Well that's about it.
I'll probably have something this coming Friday if I find good stuff at the local thrift store. Until next time!
First are some GBA sealed games I got from a sale at the local supermarket store Kmart! They went for six bucks each which is a sweet deal to me. I'm going to keep them sealed since I lack having many sealed games at all haha.
Anyways, there is also some Genesis games Sonic 1 Not for resale version, and Sonic 2. Both of them came CIB so it was a nice deal. I got these at the salvation army for a buck each. There is also a Super Mario Sunshine case I got there for free since someone had stolen the disc already, the guy was nice enough to give me the box for free which is great because I have the disc only so now my copy of Super Mario Sunshine is complete!
I also got a couple of mysterious pirates! Well sort of because if you check my youtube page, there is a video of one of them. I got one of these by trading a SNES controller while the other one I got for free(just had to pay shipping).
I also got Colony Wars which is a game I have wanted to get since late 1997! Yeah I got a PSM demo with the game and couldn't stop playing the demo over and over. It's a great game in my opinion and knowing that it has two discs makes things sweeter. Well that's about it.
I'll probably have something this coming Friday if I find good stuff at the local thrift store. Until next time!
Lack of Updates
Well the only reason there is a lack of updates is because there is a lack of findings. In my last two trips to the thrift store I've only found a sealed PC game and some Genesis games which I will be showing photos of soon. Anyways, finds seem pretty slow but I'll try again on Friday so maybe I'll have something good to show for.
I have also added a link to my shop if you want to pick up some of the games I decided to let go, check it out!
I have also added a link to my shop if you want to pick up some of the games I decided to let go, check it out!
February 08, 2009
Playing Some Kid Icarus! The agony!
Man is this game hard or what? I'm currently stuck in level 1-4 but little by little am able to pull through this game. I already know what to do but those eggplant curses are so annoying! I'll keep you guys posted on my progress in this game!
February 06, 2009
Finds 033: Amazing Finds! Marvel vs Capcom 2!
Wow what a way to start February but with some awesome finds. Got all of these for 20 bucks!!

But that's not all! I went to play n trade and got these as well!

Actually the Marvel vs Capcom 2 I got for 5 bucks from craiglist wooooooootttt!

Well that's about it. Most of this stuff will hit the bay but I'm keeping the stuff I like the most of course. Enjoy!
But that's not all! I went to play n trade and got these as well!
Actually the Marvel vs Capcom 2 I got for 5 bucks from craiglist wooooooootttt!
Well that's about it. Most of this stuff will hit the bay but I'm keeping the stuff I like the most of course. Enjoy!
February 05, 2009
Cold Weather!!
Man I know this may not be cold for many of you but the temperature right now in Miami Beach is in the high thirties!! It's very cold for us and worst of all, my allergies are acting up. I wasn't able to sleep until four am last night because I couldn't breath well. Anyways, I hope I can sleep tonight but if I don't then I guess it's time to play some good old games...ahhh good old NES will cheer me up and take my allergies away.
Anyways, I haven't gone to the thrift store in a couple of days but I might go tomorrow depending on how I feel. Wish me luck!
Anyways, I haven't gone to the thrift store in a couple of days but I might go tomorrow depending on how I feel. Wish me luck!
February 02, 2009
February 01, 2009
I hope for a better month in findings....
Yeah haven't hit that many good finds lately. I mean I have found some nice stuff but nothing that I love to mention to people haha.....well I'm hoping for something big this month so I'll have to keep positive and hope for the best.