August 31, 2021
Retro Tuesdays 001: Mario Wendy's Kids Meal Figure

Finds 1507: Limited Run Games Arrivals! Scott Pilgrim vs the World and Panzer Dragoon
Finds 1506: Flea Market Finds! Super Mario Galaxy 2, Magic the Gathering, and FIFA 98
I went back to the flea market after a year or so. Life has got me so busy that I can't really go to the flea market as much as I would love to go but it is what it is. I didn't find much but I was shocked to find what I did! I honestly didn't think I would find anything at all. The first thing I found was the Super Mario Galaxy 2 disc which was on a table that looked run down. It was five bucks so I was happy to pay for it. The second find was the FIFA 98 cart which is in Portuguese which is quite interesting. I will be talking about this FIFA 98 cart in a future post because there is something interesting about it. The last item was a Magic the Gathering Quick Start Set which I have no idea what it's worth or for but I picked it up because it's vintage and complete. I didn't even finished walking through the entire flea market but it was good times once again. Even better, I ran into my friend that goes to the flea market and we hunted like old times. Good times!
Here is the Mario Galaxy 2!
FIFA 98 moment!

Finds 1505: Epic Local Pick Up! Nintendo 64, Zelda, 007, and Genesis Gems!
I haven't really hunted locally as much as I should have in matters of garage sales and what not, but this one didn't got away from me. This lot was really good. I paid 130 for everything and I thought it was quite fair! I picked up the Nintendo 64 because I know there are lots of friends I know that still need one. This is going to one of them but I am keeping the green controller. Overall, I was very happy with this lot. The Genesis games were really cool and they all worked well except for Red Zone which acts funny at times, but then again, I need to really clean this one. So happy!
I forgot to mention, I also got Battletoads and Double Dragon for SNES. Here are the rest of the Genesis goodies. Gotta love them...
The N64 came with 007 and Zelda Majora's Mask which is really cool. The console already has a future owner so yay!

Finds 1504: DOS Book & Container Case
Finds 1503: PC Software Exile, Riven, Hellbender, and More

Finds 1502: Playstation Pick Ups and Algebra 1
Finds 1501: PC Software Bicycle Solitaire, Body Works 5.0, and Key Clip Art 25000

Finds 1500: Klik n Play Create your own classic games!
So back in the late 90s, there were these fan made games that were released online which were really cool. You could find games like Mega Man to Mario and more. The program used for these games was Klik & Play. This little program helps you create a whole lot of stuff. It was a lot of fun to see what people created with this wonderful program. I would be on AOL finding these games and always wondered how to get the program. I never did got the program till now. A little eBay search brought me to this purchase and it was totally worth it. All that's left is to boot it up on my Windows 98SE PC and see how it works. I'm quite curious!

Finds 1499: Megacon Pick Ups 4! Mortal Kombat and Bonk's Adventure

Finds 1498: Megacon Pick Ups 3! Robin and Street Fighter Collection 2

Finds 1497: Megacon Pick Ups 2 -It's Batman-