Here is all the amazing loot I got from my trip to Peru. this time around, after seven years since my last trip, a lot has changed. You can’t find good loot that easy anymore or at least what I’m looking for to add to my collection but I did get lucky with a couple of things. Let’s take a look at t all this amazing loot!
SNES games are still around so here are some that I got. The ISS Deluxe is legit but beat up. The rest are bootlegs with the circuit boards which means they are higher quality.
Here are some Famicom games. Some legit and some are bootleg which are my specialty.
Here are some Spanish Yu-gi-oh! cards! I am going to open them soon!
Here are some new items! Epic!
Max Play is a clone which was really popular in Latin America, this console is also known as the Micro Genius in other regions. It’s a really awesome well built console.
Here are some Wolfenstein 3D stickers! They are really awesome but I don’t know where to put them yet. I’ll find a spot!