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November 29, 2008

Not much new stuff to show....

With the holiday weekend going on and all I think the postal service is taking a little longer. I have some new kewl stuff coming so I guess I'll have to be a little bit more patient. I will have some of the forgotten finds to show off. That's about all for now!

November 28, 2008

Forgotten Finds #3

This time around I'm going to go back a few months back to talk about a boxed pirate cart find. This is a pretty nifty and interesting cart. For example, the box has the word "TV-Game" upside down! The pirates must have been way too lazy to even care about the upside down scenario. Anyways, the cart comes with games such as TMNT 2, Super Contra, Double Dragon 3, and even a Robocop game. Overall, it was a pretty nice pick up for my collection since it only cost me three dollars.


November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This is FamicomFreak here to tell you to have a happy thanksgiving and enjoy all those football games being aired today. I myself will be playing my Famicom and maybe other consoles to pass the time. I got the day off work so I'm going to relax and enjoy the day. I hope all of you have a great day and enjoy your turkey.

Forgotten Finds #2

Well here are some pretty kewl finds I got a while ago. They are the gameboy titles Dig Dug, Ducktales 2, and R-Type. Please just ignore the other carts since I'm only focusing on these three. Overall, I liked R-Type the best because of it's classic shooter gameplay. Ducktales 2 came in second because of the good old side scrolling action and finally Dig Dug was the least favorite of the bunch. Don't get me wrong, Dig Dug is a great classic game but I for some reason can never and have never gotten into it. To conclude, these games were a nice pick up to my small gameboy collection. If I remember correctly, I paid four dollars for this lot so not bad at all huh? That's about it for now, cya next time.

King Kong's Queen Kong

As I was playing this game I decided to take a break and check out the demo gameplay that is shown. I was also introduced to what the story is behind this game. King Kong 2 is probably one of the more fun smashing games for the Famicom. The story should make you want to smash even more especially when Queen Kong is taken away! Oh NO!! Behold some snapshots of the intro:

King Kong's heart is pounding faster more and more!!

Those bastards have taken Queen Kong. Lets go teach them a lesson.

Never mess with an ape on mating season!
Now to have revenge on the world! Go King Kong GO!

Finds 007: Lunar Silver Story is Here!

Yeah I was finally able to play this great RPG in its original form. Lunar Star Story is everything a Sega CD game should be. It has a great story and gameplay. The cut scenes are a big plus since it helps you get into the story in more detail. I haven't had time to play this game much but it was more than enough to proove that it's a true classic and everyone should own a copy of it. The battle sequences are very interesting as well. I played the PS1 version long ago and ended up loving the battle system used in this masterpiece. There has been other sequels to this title but no other is better than this one and maybe the other Lunar game for the Sega CD.

Here is a photo of the Lunar game and my kitten. As you can see, he looks excited and wants a chance at playing this game!

That's about it for now. I still have a few surprices for the coming days.

November 26, 2008

Forgotten Finds #1

This is a new series of blog entries with the purpose to show finds I never talked about but are worth mentioning.

Behold are the pirate carts Street Fighter IV and Adventure Island 2. These were a nice addition to my pirate Famicom collection because of Street Fighter IV. The game is really hard to come by making it rare but also it's a rare game that's worth every penny because it's one of the best fighters for the Famicom. This game is so great you can even fight using the playboy bunnies! It's a nice addition to anyone that wants something different to play on their Famicom as well as rare. Adventure Island 2 is also unique since it lets you pick the island you start on. You also get a lot more lives! It's great to get a little help from the pirates....

Finds 006: Flea Market Sale

We decided to go to sell some of our junk yesterday morning and came up having a good time in the end. The busiest time was actually when we opened our spot. We made a little bit over fifty dollars but overall it was fun. I was able to pick up some stuff as well.

We had to wake up at 5am but I actually stayed up all night since I got out of work at 1am. This is a photo I took a little bit after we got to our spot. A lot of people didn't opened their spots until a couple of hours later maybe they were just waiting for people to start walking around or something.
This was our spot. We didn't bring any tables so we had to place everything in the floor. Of course, we placed a sheet on the floor so that we can place all our stuff. I brought some of the games I wanted to get rid of and ended up selling a few of them by the end of the day.
Of course the flea market has a big porn business going on nowadays. Spots like this one in the photo were all over the place. I didn't checked them out myself but they do look like burn DVDs. I also saw a lot of perverts at times and even a lady looking to purchase some porn.

As you can see in this photo the flea market was not busy at all! We were still able to sell some of our stuff but I think if we came another day of the week, we could have sold a lot more stuff.

You can find a lot of counterfeit items in the flea market. Right here there is a NES like clone with no cartridge insert so that means you can only play the games that are built in. The seller told me it had the board inside the console so maybe with some tweaking it could be opened and change the cart? The seller was selling it for twenty dollars which is not bad but it's always a gamble to purchase one of these items. There are also some fake pokemon trading cards that were a dollar each. They used to have Yu-Gi-Oh cards as well but I didn't see any this time around.
I was also able to find a Power Joy 3 Famiclone. This is the one that comes with the second controller and gun + the built in games. The game that the clone was running is Super Mario Bros. The lady was selling the clone for 25 dollars which is not bad considering it was cib. It would make a good gift for someone who wants a cheap Famicom. The sound is not the same as the Famicom though.
Here is a closer photo of the Power Joy 3 box. The controller looks like a N64 controller.

Well enough about the flea market, time to show my finds which weren't many but it was at least something rather than nothing. Here they are:
I saw this while the seller was putting his stuff away. He sold it to me for a dollar which is a good deal since it came complete. I don't have a genesis 1 or 2 so I can't make much use of this. Maybe my CDX will fit in here.
I found also a SNES from another seller who wanted to get rid of it badly. She said three dollars then five dollars then ten dollars and finally three dollars. Yeah I got it for three dollars and found the AC adaptor in another store later on that day. The SNES came with the AV output only + game. I tested it when I got home and works like a charm. I'm going to spray paint it to give it a nice new style. I'll show photos of my finished project.

So that's about it....I hope you enjoyed this nice blog entry and please keep visiting for more retro gaming entries!

November 24, 2008

Lunar the Silver Star on its way!

I was able to find a cheap copy of Lunar for the Sega CD on ebay. I got it for 20 bucks + free shipping so that's a good price since I've been looking at other auctions and they go for up to seventy dollars! I think 20 dollars for a Lunar game is always a good deal. You know how much the psx versions go for right? Anyways, I hope it'll get here this week but with Thanksgiving coming I doubt it'll happen. Oh yeah I found out that the Sega CD has built in memory to be able to save games. That's great isn't it? Well that's all for now.

November 22, 2008

Finds 005: Sweet new finds!

Well today I went to the thriftstore to see if I could find some Famicom carts but came out empty again well not really. I was able to find some other kewl stuff including a CDX console. At first I though it was a 32X adaptor for the Genesis but when the lady showed it to me it said CDX which I had no idea what it was until I saw the sega logo on the AC adaptor so I took it. When I got home I found out that it was actually a Genesis console with the Sega CD addon which is great because I wanted a Sega CD for a long time and finally got one. I was nervous whether or not the console was going to work but in the end it was all good. I only had crappy games to try out in the Sega CD addon but it was so sweet to see them boot up. Below are my other finds.
Playing Battletoads on my new CDX hehe....

A close up of the CDX. I couldn't figure out what to do with the game Dragon's Lair....

I found an extra SNES controller as well. It's always nice to have extra controllers since one I had recently stopped working.

Here are some more games including Double Dragon(NES), World Class Soccer(SNES), and Stunt Race FX(SNES) which use the FX chip for some enhanced graphics.

Overall it was a pretty good day and I only spent ten dollars for all these items. I think the CDX is somewhat valuable but I'm not going to let it go since I was looking for a Sega CD player.

November 21, 2008

Youtube Page

Here is my Youtube page which I'm starting to update again! Check it out when you get a chance!

November 20, 2008

Mega Man 7 Famicom Version

I was finally able to play this game which is a PC exclusive. The game plays great just like a Famicom/NES game. These guys didn't leave any details out of the SNES version. The game is not a rom hack of any kind or a rom at all, it's a PC game. Finding it wasn't that hard all you have to do is go to Google and search for Mega Man 7 NES. So there you have it, the game is incredibly similar to the SNES version and has most of the details done to it. I would love to see Mega Man 8 for the NES as well although only time will tell if it'll become a reality. If you are too lazy to try it out then here is the link to the site Mega Man 7 NES and download away. One more thing, the site is in Japanese but don't worry the download link should be on the front page.

November 19, 2008


I missed a really good auction for a playstation megaman game so I'm pissed!! That shit was supposed to be mine but I overslept.... Anyways, I'm going to be adding photos of King Kong's girlfriend later tonight so you can see what I mean when I say wtf!

November 18, 2008

Finds 004: Game Shark for the N64

This is a find I didn't posted about until I had enough anti-laziness strength to pick it up and post about it. As you can see in the photo I didn't even took it out of my closet hahaha. This is the N64 gameshark! Tada!! The main purpose of this peripheral is to help you cheat. How you say? by inputting codes or using the built in codes. The psx gameshark had built in codes so I'm assuming the N64 gameshark has the same capabilities. Anyways, enjoy the shot and that's about it for now. AWAAAAAAAAAAA!


Finds 003: New Famicom Carts!

Today I received in the mail a bunch of Famicom carts. They were all enjoyable except for Toy Story which didn't work although I knew it would not work anyways. The one that was the most playable was King Kong 2. That game is crazy! You use King Kong to destroy everything in your path. Your goal is to destroy everything because of your rage and find King Kong's girlfriend? Yeah the intro shows a lady Kong being trapped somewhere. It's a very cliche story but what matters is the gameplay.

The kitten also agrees that King Kong rocks! Oh yeah Ghostbusters sucks!

Internet is back!

It took more than four hours but the internet at my place is back. It was agony not having the internet! I have a new find to show but I'll have to do that later today since it's really late right now and I'm too lazy to take photos anyways.

November 17, 2008

COLD and Famiclone

This is the perfect weather to play some good old pirate Famicom carts. It's the best feeling in the world!! which makes me want to move up north to have weather like this all the time! Anyways, the carts I'm going to be playing tonight involve Mario 8 and Super Contra. Of course there are lots of more but too many to mention. Behold photos of these masterpieces:

This is a real sweet game and two players makes it ten times better.

A superb hack in my opinion. Everyone should enjoy this game!

November 15, 2008

Finds 002: A pirate game lot!!

Here they are my latest Famicom finds and they are all pirate carts!! Oh yes these are all pirate carts for some pretty fun games:

That game you see with the airplanes is actually Tetris. I don't know why there are airplanes all over the cart but I guess they were trying to make it look cool. There is also Adventure Island, Sky Kid, and some Namcot baseball game.

Then finally the top games of this find. Behold are Contra, Super Mario Bros, Yu Yu Hakusho + Dragon Ball Z, and some strategy game. These are actually the carts that cost me that most. The Yu Yu Hakusho is pretty unique which lets you play the whole dark tournament saga and maybe even more since I haven't gotten that far yet. You can also pick which fighter you'll fight with and they also have their own unique powers!!

Well that's about it. Lots of good stuff here and there. There will be more new things in the future so keep checking my blog out.

My Famicom Banner

Here is the banner of my Famicom Collection. Behold are the most rare and unique carts I own. There is one problem though, this is an outdated version since I have gotten even rarer carts to my collection. Enjoy this one for now!

November 14, 2008

Famicom Disks Updated

Here are some pirate disk system games that I was able to buy off for real cheap. The games are decent but nothing too fancy in them. This lot goes great with my collection! That's about it for now oh yeah I'll have my latest cart finds later today.


Back from an annoying work night!

Man I was about to loose it tonight at the restaurant when I found out I had to stay another hour. I work there so hard but sometimes I feel like they don't appreciate my hard work. Anyways, I'm finally home and I'll have some new finds tomorrow that I would like to post here. I'm also working on a compilation of my collection for all you fami freaks well the few ones that visit my blog. That's about it for now, time to get drunk and fall asleep lol!

November 13, 2008

Finds 001: Flea Market Finds

Here are some really kewl finds I was able to find at the flea market. I got them for real cheap ahh you can't beat the flea market prices. Anyways, here are some photos:

The Gameboy is in great shape! It's a great find in my opinion! It also came with these 3 games which is a nice plus. The cart in the top right is a cleaning kit for the gameboy. I never seen one of these before so it's a nice treat, in fact I didn't know one of these existed.

Now I have to show you a game genie for the Genesis and Legend of the Mystical Ninja for the SNES. They are both OK finds and I really can't complain.

I hope the future brings me more finds to be able to grow my collection of classic gaming related items. That's all for now!

First Blog of Many

Well I was finally able to find a blog service I like so I'm sticking with this one. I'm a gamer into retro gaming and will be posting my latest finds with photos here as well as other information about retro gaming. That's not all, I will also post any important life happenings of mine so it should be interesting to check around here more than once.


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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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