November 24, 2008

Lunar the Silver Star on its way!

I was able to find a cheap copy of Lunar for the Sega CD on ebay. I got it for 20 bucks + free shipping so that's a good price since I've been looking at other auctions and they go for up to seventy dollars! I think 20 dollars for a Lunar game is always a good deal. You know how much the psx versions go for right? Anyways, I hope it'll get here this week but with Thanksgiving coming I doubt it'll happen. Oh yeah I found out that the Sega CD has built in memory to be able to save games. That's great isn't it? Well that's all for now.

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Lorfarius said...

Will you be posting a review when you get round to playing it?

famicomfreak said...

Yeah I'll make a video of it. You can check out my Youtube page for other videos as well!


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