Finds 1676: A CD Case Book Shelf

It's got to be the cutest most awesome design for a CD case ever!

Pokemon Black is added to the shoppe

Be sure to check this and all the newest releases on the Retro Gaming Life Shoppe!

Ads from the Past 461: Sega Game Gear

Classic ad for the handheld that rivaled the Gameboy.

Yu-gi-oh! Custom Deck Box: Toon World

Stop by and check out my custom Toon World Deck Box!

Kitsune Zero: Adorable Fox Girl

Play as a cute fox girl in a world filled with Japanese Folklore!

March 24, 2020

Finds 1252: Famiclone from Canada

 This is a lot of Famicom games I won on eBay for an amazing price. I can't believe how much I paid for it. Lets just say, I won this lot for the price of one of the Super Mario 2J games. Not only that, I got a bunch of adapters with it! A total steal! 
Here are the adapters! So many of them. I'm happy to say that I have tested everything and everything works. The lot was sold as is so many of the possible buyers were probably turned off due to that.  


March 22, 2020

Finds 1251 Psikyo Vol 3, Beat 'em Up Collection, and Ninja Saviors

Playasia arrivals! Psikyo Vol 3 introduces more shoot 'em up classics that are welcomed for the Nintendo Switch. Beat 'em up collection is also another one very welcomed! I love how it comes with the arcade counterparts of some of the most awesome classics. Finally, Ninja Saviors is actually a very awesome classic from the SNES era called Ninja Warriors. Overall, Playasia is a great place to pick up some great games. 


March 21, 2020

Finds 1250: Mario Adventure on the NES

I have been wanting to get this hack for a while in physical form. This is Mario Adventure and it pretty much shows what a Super Mario Bros 4 game would've been in the NES. You get new power ups, new levels, a save system, and many more stuff! This one set a new standard for Mario hacks. Totally want to beat this one one day!


March 20, 2020

Finds 1249: Metal Wolf Chaos XD

This game has a lot of history. Apparently, it was supposed to be released in the Xbox and things happened. Coming out on the PS4 so many years will definitely make it a good conversation piece. More for the collection! 


March 19, 2020

Finds 1248: Bootleg Famicom Beauties Still Keep On Coming!

Here are more Famicom beauties! The games are some that I wanted to add as well as some variants. I got these from a seller that I've been buying from for years. He is always delivering some amazing stuff. Must get more! 


March 18, 2020

Finds 1247: Joe & Mac 2 Lost in the Tropics

A very epic addition to the collection. Joe & Mac 2 is one of those games that eluded me for years. I finally had the chance to snap one up and don't regret it at all! I have been working on getting all the SNES games I missed the first time around. I highly recommend this entry in the series. I believe this was also the last entry for the series, but I may be wrong. Another great addition to the collection. 


March 17, 2020

Finds 1246: Galahad, the First Tree, and Famicom Beauty

Here are three new additions. One by Limited Run Games, the other two are from eBay. I got Galahad mainly because it's a great role playing game, if you haven't checked it out, please do. The other game I can't even remember for the life of me what it's called so if any of you know the name, leave it in the comments! More stuff for the collection. 


Finds 1245: Back to the Future 2, Super Turtles 6, and Body Conquest II

Here is an odd trio. Super Turtles VI is just bootleg TMNT 2 game, Back to the Future II for the Sega Master System is another pain in the ass Back to the Future game, and Body Conquest II is another Hentai type game for the PC Engine. I suggest you try this one out of all of them, you pervert!


March 16, 2020

Finds 1244: Toe Jam & Earl Back in the Groove

Even though the game wasn't a standout hit, I still gave in to get the collector's box for it. I just couldn't say not to the beautiful present design it came with. It also came with lots of extras! I mean, why wouldn't it? Overall, I love the packaging more than the game itself. Play it if you haven't, it'll give you a nostalgia boner. 


March 15, 2020

Finds 1243: PCE Works Best of Japan

I have to say, I love PCE Works as they offer brand new CD releases of games we missed out for the PC Engine and Turbo Grafx CD. Not only that, they play great and come with lots of extras. I have been working on getting more boxsets of these gems as they are quite worth it. I don't think you want to spend thousands on these games! I can't wait for more of these! Of course, this one brings the best of Japan which comes with four games that are unique to the Japanese console. Not only that, they threw in a Bonk's Adventure in CD! Gotta love extras!


March 14, 2020

Finds 1242: Valkyrie and Alice for PC Engine!

Two very playable games arrived for the PC Engine. They are both sidescrollers and are really rad. Definitely check out Alice as it's an odd one but plays quite well. The musical score is quite good and definitely keeps you entertained. Valkyrie is a classic game for the PC Engine and just has the solid side scrolling action you desire. Both are worthy pick ups! 

March 13, 2020

Finds 1241: Monster World IV, Knuckles Chaotix, Golden Axe 3, and Crusader of Centy

Some unusual additions to the collection. The Monster World IV, Golden Axe III, and Crusader of Centy are repros but some really good ones to have. The Chaotix is one that I've been meaning to add to the collection for a long long time! I'm talking about since I started collecting as the Sega CD and 32X were one of the first consoles I picked up. Believe it or not, the game was more expensive back then than it is now! Lucky me! 


March 11, 2020

Finds 1240: Flintstones, Mega Man X3, Star Ocean, and Axelay

This is probably one of my best findings ever! Well, I didn't actually find these but bid for them online. Either way, they were great deals so I was happy to add these long awaited titles. Oh wait, Axelay was actually a local purchase. Star Ocean was from and online store in China as it's a reproduction. Mega Man X3 was from eBay and I really think I got it for a decent deal. The Flintstones was also another one I have been meaning to add to my collection since playing it back in the early 90s. With this, I finish the X series although I might consider getting another copy of X2 as my current one is beat up to hell! More beautiful additions to the collection!


March 10, 2020

Finds 1239: Silver Valley for the Sega Master System

Here is a pretty awesome homebrew game for the Sega Master System. You usually don't hear much about Sega Master System homebrew but this is a rare case of it. The game is called Silver Valley and it's an action game as stated on the cover! If you have played Mask of Darkness for the Master System, then this is quite similar to it. It plays like Castlevania and what great gameplay it brings. it's pure classic 2D scrolling action with the classic Master System sound effects. It's a beautiful well done game. Totally recommend it!

Have a Super Mar10 Day!

Just a heads up! it's Mario day! You are obligated to play a Mario game! What are you waiting for? Game on! 


March 09, 2020

Finds 1238: Metal Storm, Monster Lair, Ninja Spirit, Super Soccer, and Mystery Disk System Game!

I went to a convention and actually picked up three games I've been looking for a while. The games are Metal Storm, Ninja Spirit, and Monster Lair. Being able to find them in one stop was actually pretty cool. It was also locally so that's even better as two of the three are imports. The two on the top were just bonuses. I am glad to have these gems into my collection. Ninja Spirit eluded me for the longest time and the same goes to Metal Storm. Monster Lair I could've gotten a while back but backed out. A wonderful array of titles overall! More for the never ending growing collection. 

I picked this up at a convention and well, it just caught my attention because it has no label. What could it be? I really need to get my disk system add-on plugged in again. My guess is that it's one of the golf games but since you could rewrite your games over and over, it could really be anything in it. 

March 08, 2020

Finds 1237: Shockwave 2, Pelado, and Efera

Here are three new additions I got at the local game shoppe! Shockwave 2 just has an amazing cover and it's a decent game for the 3DO. The PC engine game with the bald guy I just call Pelado because I forgot its original name and Fera is a pretty cool RPG. These are solids additions to my collection. 


March 07, 2020

Finds 1236: The Game Paradise by Limited Run Games

So here is a game I was looking for the Saturn for the longest time and to my surprise, Limited Run Games decided to have a release of their digital version for the PS4. They brought it into physical form and included lots of extras. This is one wacky shoot 'em up and I highly recommend getting it even if you can only get it digitally, it's that worth checking out. 


March 06, 2020

Finds 1235: Exile for the Sega Genesis

Here is a game from Renovation that I wanted for a while. I tried looking for the Turbo Grafx version but it's just way too expensive and saw that the games weren't that different so I went with the Genesis version. I gotta say, other than the amazing gameplay, I love the artwork. I hope I can make something this beautiful someday. That's the goal. Another addition to the never ending growing collection. 


March 05, 2020

Finds 1234: SNK 40th Anniversary Collection for the Nintendo Switch

This is a compilation of some SNK hits which are totally welcomed to anyone's collection. You will play through some of the most fun games by SNK. It includes 24 games from arcade hits such as Guerilla War to console hits such as Crystalis. I myself, decided to try Crystalis and I'm loving it! 

It's time to beat the game again! 


Ads from the past 447: 10MB Hard Drive for only 3398 USD!

This is a very interesting ad for a computer hard drive of a whopping 10 Mega Bytes! Yup, this was something brand new and groundbreaking. Lets just say they made the most of every single bite of data. Also, the floppy disks used to be bigger and would carry nowhere near what this drive was capable of just to say the least. Apparently, this is a hard disk capacity that was awaited for by the ad. Honestly though, the consumer of this massive hard drive would be businesses and offices that would make the use of them to their full capacity. Lets face it, during these times, a computer at a household was quite rare. It would change by the late 80s and mid 90s with lower prices of computers and a more attractive services for the consumers such as AOL. Overall, it's amazing to see how hard we have come with storage devices and still so much left to go! 


DOS Game Update: Chronicles of Galia, Mysterious Song, and DB Quest

Three new games have been added to the database. Be sure to check them out especially if you're an RPG fan! I will be starting to add games for other genres as well! Maybe change them into genres! That'll keep them organized.

New Games
-Chronicles of Galia: The First Mission
-Mysterious Song
-DB Quest

March 04, 2020

Happy Birthday Playstation 2

Just wanted to wish the Playstation 2 a happy birthday! You are 20 years old now! This console had so many titles for all sorts of genres. We got the sequels to a lot of the popular titles from the original Playstation, and tons of new originals made their debuts such as Devil May Cry and Rachet and Clank. There are just so many other titles and that's not even counting the imports that never made it here! That's why you must import if you haven't played them. I still collect for this console as I'm never done with the PS2 collection! There is always something new! Happy birthday my old friend! 


Finds 1233: Bloodstained Curse of the Moon

You ever wanted to play a Castlevania resurrection kinda game? Well, look no further. This is as classic as it'll get for a Castlevania style game. Bloodstained Curse of the Moon is just as enjoyable as the classic Castlevania series in the NES. Everything will feel familiar so definitely check it out. 

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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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