Finds 1676: A CD Case Book Shelf

It's got to be the cutest most awesome design for a CD case ever!

Pokemon Black is added to the shoppe

Be sure to check this and all the newest releases on the Retro Gaming Life Shoppe!

Ads from the Past 461: Sega Game Gear

Classic ad for the handheld that rivaled the Gameboy.

Yu-gi-oh! Custom Deck Box: Toon World

Stop by and check out my custom Toon World Deck Box!

Kitsune Zero: Adorable Fox Girl

Play as a cute fox girl in a world filled with Japanese Folklore!

March 30, 2009

Some more updates

Just wanted to point out that I'm still working on my site but I don't want to give the link until it looks decent har har har.....

In other news, I might go to the thrift store tomorrow to see if there is anything interesting and worth re-selling....

I'm also currently working on new youtube videos(Finally!) of some weird games I have including a soccer(futbol) game that has spanish comentary...I know nowadays games come with it but back in 1999(when the game came out) it was a big deal because I don't think there were any. Also, this game is a hack of ISS 99 for the PSX and has all South American Teams + some other clubs. It's quite interesting and funny to hear the commentary that turns vulgar at's a Peruvian narrating btw lol...

That's about it so until next time!

March 29, 2009

Finds 054: Annoying day at the flea market

Well we though it was going to be a nice day to go to the flea market but I was wrong. We usually take our dog to the flea market but this time it was totally different. We had workers from the flea market telling us to get out all the time until we finally talked to the administrators and they said it was ok to have a dog in the flea market. I mean we have come so many times and now they start giving us crap over this. It was just one annoying fuck after another but it was alright my wife sort of lost control and screamed the fuck out of those fools. I on my part, maintained my kewl and kept repeating myself that they told us it was ok to have the dog but something in their heads must not click because they kept telling us to get out. Finally I was able to pick up some stuff and then finally we were heading out until we had another fuck face tell us the same "You guys have to leave you can't have a dog here" while there were tons of people that bring their dogs to the flea market. It was just a very horrible experience but one that I'll never forget. We are going to be back in a couple of weeks and I'm not backing out about bringing my dog to a place where people can bring their dogs as well and no one tells them anything!

Well enough talk here are my finds:

Zelda Soundtrack 1 dollar

These games for 5 bucks

These two nes games for four bucks. The one with the white label is actually contra but it has a sticker on top of it that says how to play contra lol weird stuff.

2 dollars

1 dollar for this game

a dollar for each of these

2 dollars for each of these.

Well that's about it. Not much this time around but very good pick ups overall for my collection. Getting Silent Hill 1 and 2 in one trip really made it worth the time. Prices were OK this time but many people were asking 7 dollars for nes games for some reason.

March 28, 2009

Site Update

Well I haven't posted anything about my site but I have some news. I'm still working on it so we'll see what comes out of it. I've also gotten requests for Pokemon hentai which I'll have in the site lol....yeah you know who you guys are. I'll be kind enough to have a section for that. I will also have a whole album of my collection in there. I'll keep working on it when I get free time.

March 26, 2009

Finds 053: Persona 3 is finally here

I have been waiting for this game for over a month but finally it's here. The game came complete including the art book which is a pretty kewl collectible. Now I'm going after Persona 4....wish me luck!


I missed one it's really 333.....

Yeah I forgot I had Super Bros 8 in a box up on a book case until I was walking by and saw it that'll add one more to my collection count. I'm going to count the ps2, xbox, and cube titles next since they are all together.

March 25, 2009

Finds 052: RBI Baseball 2 and Jet Force Gemini

Got a couple of games today so here you go check them out. I haven't tried them yet but I get the idea what they mean.


March 24, 2009

332 Famicom Carts Counted!

Alright so I counted all my famicom carts and came up with 332 so starting things up with a high number. I also took photos of all of them which I'll be uploading in a blog entry which will show all of my collection counted. Stay tuned for more!

March 23, 2009

Let the countdown begin!

Alright so I have finally decided to count all of the video games I own. I always wondered how many games I actually own and never took a chance at counting them. I hope I can come up with a big number. I'll keep you guys posted!

Sales down the drain.....could have done better

Wow man I was surprised at how horrible my sales went and I was counting that money to pay some debt I have but I guess what I got for my stuff will do. Thanks for everyone that participated! Cya later!

March 22, 2009

Retro Game of the Week 001: Super Contra(NES)

The contra series was the game to play back in the day for many reasons. One of them being for its great replay value and another was for the great challenge and level design. I can't explain how satisfying destroying everyone in your way feels but if you played the game, you know what I mean. This game is a must play for any NES player or Nintendo player overall because it's just that great. The challenge can make you want to stay away from it but it only takes some practice and the "S" weapon to kick ass with ease. I myself I'm still trying to beat the game without losing any lives which is a very tough task to complete but I'll do it eventually after all practice makes perfect.

Super C has some of the craziest bosses around including aliens and Helicopters and more aliens well if you played it you'll see all of them. One of the more interesting things about this game is the so called Konami code that'll give you 30 lives for those of you who die a lot. I highly suggest playing the game without the code since it'll give you a challenge to accomplish man I can't remember how many times I died practicing levels with this game but now I can go through it with ease. Well that's about it if you want a challenge and best of all play it with a friend then pick up Super C at your local thrift stores or try ebay if you don't want to travel. The price range for this game is 15-20 dollars so expect to pay that at least. Until next time!

Items ending today buy buy buy!!

I had tons of games ending today that may be at the interest of a few of you. All the games are in working condition and in acceptable condition I mean you can check it out they have photos and all. These will all end this afternoon so check them out! Sorry for the delay but I thought I mentioned this before in my blog. Guess I didn't.....anyways, all I have to say is buy buy buy! Famicom Freak's Shoppe

Poll added! Vote Now!

Here is an interesting poll that I hope all of you take part of. Check it out and if you have any suggestions please let me know. Thank you!

March 21, 2009

Any ideas on cleaning carts?

I'm just wondering if any of you followers have any more ideas on cleaning a NES cart. I think I have tried everything but nothing seems to work....I'm having problems trying to run Shadowgate and this gold cart game made by Camerica. If you have any more ideas let me know! Thank you!

Some Updates

I just wanted to organize things a lot more clearer so I decided to name all of my blog entries that contain new game purchases as "Finds XXX" the x would mean the number of the entry. So far there are 51 entries and I hope to have a lot more as the year progresses. Why not check out some of my old finds? They are all there well at least the ones after November of 08 since that's when I started this blog. Cya later!

March 20, 2009

Finds 051: New Finds brought to you by Gamestop

So I stopped by gamestop after getting my haircut after all gamestop is next doors and picked up a couple of random games. There were some that I was looking for there but decided to wait on their prices to lower a little bit more. I also didn't realized that the Nintendo DS games have gone down in price considerably so I will be picking up some of those games in the near future. Anyways, here are some photos oh yeah and I also got Wizardry at the local thrift store. Enjoy!

Wizardry 2 for the NES. Haven't tried it yet but by the looks of the back of the cart it has saved games in it!

This is a Zelda game that had mixed reviews and fans because of the way the gameplay was totally changed. This is a classic in my book.

I got these three PS2 titles for real cheap at Gamestop. They have some interesting things to pick up once in a while. I had to pick up NHL blitz since I'm a fan of the blitz series.

That's about it, nothing that major but my collection keeps growing nonetheless.

March 18, 2009

Finds 050: New finds at thrift store

I got some decent stuff today but nothing that amazing. The games were a dollar each while the gameboy sp was 9.99. I was sad that the SP didn't had the brighter light but I guess I'll have to keep looking, Enjoy the photos


March 16, 2009

Finds 049: New Game Arrival Shinning Wisdom for Sega Saturn

So today I got a knock on the door and it was none other than the mail man with a nice gift for me. Finally, Shinning Wisdom arrived! I bought this game for 9.99 on ebay and the only thing that's missing is the manual which I'll try and track down for the right price. I'm happy to have this RPG for my Sega Saturn collection....enjoy the photos!

Until next time!

R.I.P. SNES 1992-2009

Well it was about time that my SNES hit the bucket after working since 1992! Yeah as I was testing the recent games I got, the SNES just couldn't go on anymore and started acting up. It was a great run this console had but sadly it's in non working condition. I won't throw it in the garbage because it means a lot to me. As of now, this SNES is retired! I have to track a SNES now....oh well

March 15, 2009

Finds 048: Flea Market Finds N64 boxed games and Power Glove!

Well I'm back from the flea market and couldn't be happier with my finds. We took our dog as well and he had a blast although he is right now sleeping because of all the walking we did. We got to the flea market around 7am and left a quarter to 10am. Yeah we didn't spend much time there but I had more than enough time to check all the place out and leave with bags full of games. Anyways, here are the photos along with what I paid for them.

Got all these SNES games for 20 bucks. It was odd since I was asking for the price of each and the guy told me he'll give me a deal for all of them and said 20 bucks and I'm like I'll take it!!! lol.

SNES lot

Got this cube game for 2 dollars.

Got this game for a dollar from the same seller who sold me the boxed N64 games.

Got these games for a dollar each. Not bad for reselling.

Loose N64 games for 2 dollars each. I'm happy I finally got Paper Mario woohoo!

Boxed N64 games for 2 dollars each!

Got this for a dollar with the tetris game woohooo!

NES Zapper for a dollar. I got this with the Power Glove.

I got this Power Glove for 2 dollars.

Paid five dollars for both of these.

As usual I'll see what I'll keep and what I'll sell very carefully. Stay tune for more!!

A night of no sleep.....

Ah yeah as many of you must be sleeping I'm wide awake because I got out of work real late and there is really no point in sleeping since I'm heading to the flea market in a couple of hours.....I hope all of this is worth it!

March 12, 2009

Nothing much lately

I haven't had time to visit the local thrift stores lately but I'll be able to do it eventually so sadly there are no new games acquisitions. I also decided to stop collecting Famicom and focus on my other collections which are embarrassing in my opinion which is why I haven't showed them at all. Those collections include the SNES, N64, PSX, PS2, and Game Gear among others. Just thinking about it makes me sick! Anyways, that's all for now!

March 09, 2009

Forgotten Finds #14 Famiclone CIB

This is a find I had about a year and a half ago I never showed anywhere well expect in some collection photos but still. This is a Famiclone that looks a lot like a Famicom unlike other Famiclones. I was never able to get this one to work though because it didn't came with the cables it needed to get to work and I checked out Radio Shack and they wanted around 30 dollars for the cables I was looking for to make it work. It wasn't worth it but I hope that someday I'll get it to work because it does bring 52 built in games and I'm still wondering which ones they are.


Finds 047: New Finds! Mario Games!

Hey today I went to the thrift store and found these games. The lady at the register had lots of GBA and GBC games although most were commons I did noticed there were mario games and picked these two up in the end. I already have Super Mario Bros Deluxe so I'll probably end up re-selling that one. I don't have Super Mario Advance so I'll probably keep that one. Also Syphon Filter 2 was 95 cents and it's complete with manuals and everything. Anyways, enjoy the photo!


March 08, 2009

Atelier Iris Intro

Here is the intro for this awesome game for those of you who haven't seen it yet. Probably one of the best intros I've seen! Enjoy!


Finds 046: Atelier Iris is mine!

Finally this awesome RPG is mine. I played it for a little bit and so far I liked it. The voice acting is not bad at all and the animation is just awesome. I'll be working on getting part 2 and 3 to add to my collection. Anyways, I'm still waiting for Persona 3 though.....


Daylight Savings Sucks!!

Man I just got home and looked at my watch and guess what? it's an hour ahead wtf man now I'm going to loose an hour of's 3 am right now oh man...well can't do anything about it. Doesn't this piss you off??

March 07, 2009

Not going anywhere this weekend

Blah with my work schedule now I can't hit the usual places to find the good stuff.....oh well anyways I'll keep you posted as I got a new game yesterday that finally came through the mail. har har har

March 05, 2009

Help me find the differences! Dragon Ball GT Final Bout

Alright I need your knowledge of these games on this one. All I know is that the left one was released in 1997 while the other one was released in 1998. Anyways, I would try to see the differences by playing them but I'm currently in a hurry and with no patience to plug my ps1 in hahaha. Any info other than the cover difference would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Finds 045: New Finds at Gamestop

Today I visited the local gamestop well the one that's half an hour away at least and found some games at low prices! I also found two gameboy games for .75 cents each! I finally finished the Devil May Cry PS2 saga by buying part 1 so I'm pretty glad. Anyways, hope you liked the photo.


March 03, 2009

Finds 044: Thrift store and Circuit City Finds!

Ah another day and another set of finds. This time around I went to two places, the local thrift store and circuit city. Sadly Circuit City is closing their doors this Sunday because the company is's so sad because that's where my dad bought us our first computer back in 1995. I was able to find two copies of guitar hero and a free smash brothers guide hahaha the girl at the register couldn't find the bar code so she said "you can just have it" hahaha great day!

Carmen Sandiego PC game! complete even with encyclopedia.

The box itself.

The disc are ancient looking hahhahaha.

Awesome games at 95 cents each!

NES titles for 95 cents each as well.

I also went to Circuit City and sadly this is their last week of business. I did picked up these two games for 11 dollars each so good deal for me!

They were even nice enough to give me this Smash Brothers Brawl guide for free!

Another good day and as usual I'll see what's going on the bay and what's staying. I hope you enjoyed the photos!

March 02, 2009

Finds 043: New Famicom Finds! Finally!

So I finally got some new Famicom carts! Pirate ones that is! While two of the three carts are pretty common and lame, the other one is very fun and playable. The cart that says NHL 98 is actually Kunio Hockey Game! Yeah it was surprising that it would have that name lol. Anyways, in the game you are Kunio and you and your buddies go to this hockey tournament to beat up the competition. The other two carts are pretty much some of the more common pirates. The one with the tennis people in there is the game Tennis and the other one is a multi cart with four games and lots of repeats of the same games. That's about it, hope you enjoy the photo!


TMNT for Genesis is awesome

Man I have never played this game before but it's a truly awesome game! Wow Konami did a gem for the genesis back in the day. This game is just as good as the SNES version. Anyways, just wanted to suggest this game to any Genesis owner out there that still doesn't have it.


March 01, 2009

Finds 042: Awesome new stuff!! Odyssey 2 first finds and blue game gear!

Well I had a long day at the flea market which I took my uncle to show him around. We had a blast and talked about a lot of family stuff which is of course private har har har.....anyways I was able to find lots of kewl stuff especially a blue game gear that works great with game and game genie! There is other stuff including my first odyssey 2 finds! Check it out and let me know what you think!

Well before everything take a look at this before photo.....disgusting isn't it? Check the final photos for the after photo har har har....

Here are some manuals for different odyssey 2 and atari games.

Here are some kewl games!

I may not have the console but at least I can get started at learning stuff about odyssey 2.

Joysticks....I'll probably ebay them since I have no use for them.

More joysticks....well I paid 10 bucks for the whole box of odyssey 2 and atari games you see in the above photos. I forgot to take photos of two games as well but they were Ms. Pacman and Video Pinball.

More weird controllers....

Mega Man X RPG for the cube! Got it for 2 bucks.

Dog bone nes controller I got for 5 bucks. The controller looks brand new!! It's sexy! The Genesis RF adaptor I got with all the genesis games in the below photos for four dollars.

Here it is the blue game gear I got for 10 bucks with the game and game genie. I finally have a good working game gear and it's a nice sexy blue one har har har..

As I stated before I got all of these genesis games for four bucks.

The ace of this lot is of course the TMNT game.

I got these games for two bucks each and as you can see I got the romance of the three kingdoms cleaned. Doesn't it look beautiful?

Zelda and Banjo for 2 bucks each while Double Dragon 2 was only a dollar.

So that's about it, it was a good day overall and I had a blast. Of course like always I'll take a look at all these games and see who will stay in my roster and who will be traded hahahaha sorry for the sports talk. Cya later!
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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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