March 03, 2009

Finds 044: Thrift store and Circuit City Finds!

Ah another day and another set of finds. This time around I went to two places, the local thrift store and circuit city. Sadly Circuit City is closing their doors this Sunday because the company is's so sad because that's where my dad bought us our first computer back in 1995. I was able to find two copies of guitar hero and a free smash brothers guide hahaha the girl at the register couldn't find the bar code so she said "you can just have it" hahaha great day!

Carmen Sandiego PC game! complete even with encyclopedia.

The box itself.

The disc are ancient looking hahhahaha.

Awesome games at 95 cents each!

NES titles for 95 cents each as well.

I also went to Circuit City and sadly this is their last week of business. I did picked up these two games for 11 dollars each so good deal for me!

They were even nice enough to give me this Smash Brothers Brawl guide for free!

Another good day and as usual I'll see what's going on the bay and what's staying. I hope you enjoyed the photos!

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