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June 28, 2018

Game-bit of the day 962: Turbo Outrun (PC)

Another PC port by Sega. They really loved doing these back in the day. Unfortunately, you will probably not have much fun with this one. That's ok, it still makes a decent effort into giving you the arcade action at home! 

June 27, 2018

Game-bit of the day 961: Space Harrier (PC)

A classic arcade title ported to the PC. Unfortunately, it's not as good as the arcade. If you want a true Space Harrier game, get the 32X version as it's arcade perfect! 


June 26, 2018

Game-bit of the day 960: Number Munchers (PC)

This game I played when I was like 7 years old back in school. It was so much fun, I actually played it on an old IBM computer with a chrono display. It was so much fun! Relive your childhood with this one.

June 25, 2018

Game-bit of the day 959: Warrior Dragon (PC)

This is a Dragon Warrior clone for the PC. The creator made the main character a dragon and switched the title ! Ingenious! The game plays like the classic Dragon Warrior game and contains lots of wonderful play mechanics. It's a classic RPG to the fullest. A must play! 


June 24, 2018

Game-bit of the day 958: Boulder Dash (PC)

A classic game for the PC and other consoles as well. It's a wonderful puzzler that is quite memorable! Definitely give it a shot as you might like it too! 

June 23, 2018

Game-bit of the day 957: Dragon Wars (PC)

Here is a nice PC game that is also based on the RPG genre. Dragon Wars taking you into a fantasy world where you might not return! Classic RPG action all the way! 


June 22, 2018

Game-bit of the day 956: The Destiny Knight (PC)

The Destiny Knight is part of the Bard's Tale series. Another solid entry for RPG fanatics! 

June 21, 2018

Game-bit of the day 955: Bard's Tale 2 (PC)

The classic series for the PC is here! Bard's Tale is just and old school RPG to the max. One of the more popular series of the genre back in the day. 

June 20, 2018

Game-bit of the day 954: Rock Man (PC)

This is a puzzle game that involves rocks. Yeah, it's not the Japanese Mega Man by any means! 

June 19, 2018

Game-bit of the day 953: Castlevania (PC)

Here is the classic of horror platformers! Castlevania for the PC is not as good as the NES version. It is missing a more tight gameplay feel and the graphics just look bleh. Konami needed to upgrade this game to look better, not worse! 


June 18, 2018

Game-bit of the day 952: Prehistorik 2 (PC)

The sequel to the first makes the caveman look like he is on something! He's not tame anymore! He's wacko! Anyways, it's more of the same. We never saw a third game in the series mainly because the caveman fever was dying by the time this game came out. 


June 17, 2018

Game-bit of the day 951: Onesimus (PC)

This is a decent side scroller that uses the Jill of the Jungle engine for religious purposes. It's not bad though. 


June 16, 2018

Game-bit of the day 950: Prehistorik (PC)

A fun side scroller game for the PC. This wasn't as well known but it was released during the caveman fever in the early 90s. 


June 15, 2018

Game-bit of the day 949: Ski Free (PC)

I'm sure every single PC gamer out there has played this at one point or another. It's Ski Free for the PC. The classic game that came with so many Windows computers. You can never run away from that monster! 

June 14, 2018

Game-bit of the day 948: Leaper (PC)

This is a classic frogger clone and it works quite well. Has cute PC-speaker sound and it's just a solid game for the good old PC. Check it out! 


June 13, 2018

Game-bit of the day 947: Trog (PC)

This is a very nice puzzle style game that was released for the PC as well as the NES. It was a surprise to find the PC version of this game. It's fun!


June 12, 2018

Game-bit of the day 946: UGH! (PC)

This games reminds me of prehistoric man but like his cousin or something. It's a really neat game nonetheless. Just get the girl! :p


June 11, 2018

Game-bit of the day 945: Trojan (PC)

NO, this is not the condom brand! This is a side scrolling game for the PC. Was that too much? Just enjoy the graphics ok? 


Ads from the Past 445: Zero Wing (Genesis)

This is a very unique game and an amazing ad for it. There is so much craziness and I enjoyed the graphics on this one. I may have to print out all of these at some point. Love it, oh and the game is great too. 

June 10, 2018

Game-bit of the day 944: Treasure Trap (PC)

Another one of those odd games that are somewhat fun and makes you come back for more. Definitely another lost gem. 


June 09, 2018

Game-bit of the day 943: Ulises (PC)

This is one crazy side scroller game. It reminds me of Legendary Axe especially because of the graphics and gameplay. Not so much the sound... Try it out! 


June 08, 2018

Game-bit of the day 942: Ultris (PC)

This is one of the Tetris clones that a lot of us played with. It was just so much fun to play Tetris on PC and we didn't have many alternatives like today. It was really the Ultimate Tetris. 

Ads from the Past 444: Kikikaikai (Arcade)

I believe this is the Arcade game of this series. I don't see any console labels anywhere and this did came out in the arcade only in Japan though. Lets see how many of you can beat this game! It's a beauty!

June 07, 2018

Game-bit of the day 941: Ultima V Warriors of Destiny (PC)

I honestly never got around to play this one. I was hooked on part IV, but this one looks quite promising and a nice upgrade to the series. 

June 06, 2018

Game-bit of the day 940: Tube (PC)

A game where you take your ship through tunnels. This game reminds me of Skyroads a lot. I'm sure there are a lot more of them out there. Game on! 



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