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August 26, 2010


Nothing much to mention for this month as well. Things have been pretty slow but good things come to those who wait so all I can tell you is be patient, it'll come. Until next time!

August 18, 2010

Reasons I don't play Diablo 2 Online

Well it has come to my attention that playing this game is a waste of time. It's not because it's a bad game but mainly because the money you loot or hunt for in the game is worth nothing! Yeah, that's what it is...The only way you can acquire great rare items is to do the quests but those quests are the same thing over and over so what is the fun in that. Eventually you don't even need to go in a group because you have level up so high that you can take the monsters by yourself with no problems. You can even go kill Diablo by yourself at the right level and await some good items. What is the fun in that really? I though it would be more about hunting and finding rare gems but it's more about killing the bosses and hoping for something great. It's a great game but just not a very interesting online experience. I decided to move on and focus all my role playing abilities on World of Magic for the itouch.

August 14, 2010

Retro Game of the Week 044: Tengen Tetris(NES)

Yes it's finally back, another retro game of the week entry! Yay...horray....OK..seriously, this week we are going to look at a wonderful game full of magic and adventure(aren't most games full of that and then some?) And of course tell you why you should check it out. After Gimmick! you had to think of more titles that made the NES a classic and which one made you think of the NES the most? Probably a game that wasn't around for a while, Tengen Tetris. This game is very unique in a couple of ways. This version of Tetris is actually a lot better than the official Nintendo release. The game was only released for a short time so there are fewer copies than the millions of official Tetris copies out there. Did I mention it's two players? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

If you want to play a good Tetris game for your old 8 bit friend then Tengen Tetris FTW! So there is not much to say....there are so many other Tetris games for multiple platforms, it's the phenomenom that will never die but as far as the NES, This is a winner. Cya next week!

Finds 215: Tetrisized finds!!

After picking up some cards I headed to the Thrift Store with my brother. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was a good thing that I decided to check out what they had anyways! Here is what I got today...

Here are the best finds of the day. Got each of them for 1.95 plus tax of course.

Here is the rest of them. It's good that they have fifty percent off certain games.

If you haven't realized yet, that's Tengen Tetris so I'll give you a chance to shit your pants or maybe some other disgusting reaction to a great find har har har...Cya next time!

August 13, 2010

Finds 214: Another Brother and some communist games!

So another interesting day of findings. This time around I came accross lots of Pokeymon games as well as some other interesting little items. Well enough talk have at you!

All this red makes you wonder what is Pokeymon really about? har har har jk...

I also got this N64 set of course usually the console is a piece of junk as not worth keeping around unless it's one of the rarest ones....sob not this one...

This is the Powerjoy II which still came with the cart. The clone itself is worth jack but the cart is the valuable part as it contains interesting hacks of your favorite games! And then some!

I saw this at my final stop and it immediately caught my eye. This is a smaller version of the Brother MFC-8480dn which in ways it's a good thing. The great thing about this printer is that the ink is cheap(Paid 17 dollars for 8 carts of ink, four black, four color) and of course, it prints in color! I was in need of one of these and I had to take a chance. I paid five dollars for this machine so I had nothing to loose. It's already installed in my computer but the printer still needs the ink I ordered for the real test. I have only tried the scanning feature which works great.

So that's all, good bye for now...

August 09, 2010

Finds 213: Colombian Soccer and other weird things...

It was a very horrible day of findings but I guess it's better than nothing. I ended up picking up quite a few items but no big lots like other times I have gone to the flea market. The weather didn't helped either as it was probably one of the main reasons why there wasn't much to find. Anyways, I am going back there soon because I am in need of new additions! Either way, here are some photos with information on the new finds.

I picked up this external floppy drive which works great. New computers nowadays lack of a floppy drive, I guess it's to lower the cost of them but they are still quite useful for such things as troubleshooting or just to back up smaller files and make bootdiscs. There are endless ideas for them!!

This was probably the best find of the day. For three bucks I picked up yet another Atlus RPG for my personal collection. The disks are in great condition but the manual was missing....oh well can't be perfect all the time. There was also this memory card for the PS1 that had a sticker of the game so I picked that up for free. Yay for free....

In the same vendor I picked this game up for two bucks. What's so odd and what I didn't realized is that this is a Canadian release of Zelda. It was really neat to bump into one of these, they are not that far anyways....

So here are what seems to be some pirate SNES games...they are just something else huh? One of them is Colombian Futbol 96 which I have a feeling is one of the Super Soccer games but with Colombian teams in it. I have no idea what the other cart contains, it's still untested. We'll find out soon enough...oh yeah I paid a dollar fifty for each of these.

I also picked up this working Gameboy color and it came with a surprise! Dragon Warrior Monsters! I paid five bucks for these two.

Finally, I picked up this N64 controller for three dollars while the Doom loose disc was a dollar. I heard this Doom is a decent port of the original so it's a must try!

So that's it, there wasn't much to brag about especially with such a crappy day. I didn't know it would get ruined that way. Oh well, what can you expect....

August 05, 2010

Finds 212: Interesting... MAC OS X!!

Nothing gaming related this trip around but a very kewl looking box became mine as I paid the 1.95 fee for purchasing it. It's a sealed retail version of MAC OSX 10.2 Jaguar or something like that. Not one of my greatest finds but one that makes me wish I had an apple begging for an update....



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