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August 31, 2016

Yu-gi-oh! Card of the Week 047: Gold Gadget

Heck yeah! The Gadgets are back and I'm on a mission to build the deck! It definitely looks like a lot of fun! Lets get them all together and join forces! 


Game-bit of the day 553: The Newzealand Story (PC Engine)

An arcade classic is out for the PC Engine and the part is quite good. The game has an interesting story but we will leave that for another time. Check it out! 


August 30, 2016

Game-bit of the day 552: Lord of the Sword (SMS)

Another classic role playing game for the Sega Master System. This one plays like Zelda 2 the Adventures of Link. It's not bad, but also not the best one. It'll take some time to get used to it. 


August 29, 2016

Game-bit of the day 551: A Boy and His Blob (Wii)

The legendary game for the NES gets a nice little remake for the Wii. It's an instant classic and should not be ignored! 


August 28, 2016

Game-bit of the day 550: Zack & Wiki (Wii)

This is a very fun puzzle game for the Wii. It's a puzzle by Capcom so you know it's gonna be good! Definitely check it out if you have a chance. 


August 27, 2016

New Pokemon Go Update has People Nicknaming Their Pokemon "Dick" A Lot!

A new Pokemon update surfaced earlier this week that had everyone laughing till the joke lost its taste. Apparently, now you can appraise your Pokemon by your leader. If the Pokemon has a nickname well, just look at the photo below...

There you have it! Of course, you can do it with a weak Pokemon to get the small dick joke! It got so used up that it's now stupid if anyone even posts about it on the web. It's a joke that's died awfully fast. Anyways, there was also a fix of the HP meter when fainting and that's that. That's the Pokemon fix for this week~! 


Pokemon Go Hub Releases Spawn Rate Chart!

This is a very interesting chart by Pokemon HUB which took info from 100 million data points from Poke Radar's “prediction algorithm dataset.” . This information all turned out a chart with different percentages and times in which each Pokemon will appear. All in all, is a very interesting chart that could help you find the missing Pokemon in your Pokedex. Of course, Pokemon like the legendaries and Ditto aren't there yet since they can't be obtained in the game but the rest of them are there. Be sure to check out the chart here and find out the percentage of spawn for a Pokemon you are on the look out for. Incredibly, Pidgeys are more common than Rattatas and Pokemon like Charizard are very rare to find! This explains a lot! 


Cuphead - an Insane 1930's Style Adventure!

 This is something else! A video game with a early 1900s feel is something you don't see every day. The animation is just incredible! It looks like you are in a cartoon from the beginning of the 20th century. The game plays as a sidecroller shoot 'em up and it's definitely challenging. It might take you sometime but you will get used to the whole animation style. For some reason, the game reminds me of that part in Who Framed Roger Rabbit when they are about to enter the Toon World. I guess because the animation is quite similar. 
 The game has an interesting story. Apparently, the main characters lose a bet with the devil and must repay the bet! What a way to start off an adventure huh? 

Studio MDHR really went through with such a beautiful game. I suggest you check it out if you have an Xbox one, but it's also available for PC. Sorry Nintendo and Playstation fanboys, you'll have to cross the border in order to play this gem. 


Tanglewood – an Original Title for the SEGA Mega Drive

This is a new game for the Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive that's looks quite interesting. It includes a a puzzle adventure experience and classic 2D platforming as well as a very interesting and charming story. The game is being developed out of love for the genre but still doesn't have a for sure release date. You are welcome to check out the demo video below and definitely click here to keep up with updates on the game. I can't wait! New creations are always welcomed! 


Game-bit of the day 549: Strip Fighter 2 (PC Engine)

This is an interesting game. It's more for adults though. It's a Street Fighter 2 clone which explains the name. Every time you win a battle, a girl takes her clothes off! Isn't that something? It's definitely a cult classic and very few know about it! 


Sega's Secret Message on UFO Machines!

I gotta hand it to Sega for doing something so ingenious!. Sega's UFO machines where one could win prizes and what not are all over Japan. The savvy company decided to leave a secret message in Morse code and it wasn't till recently that it was discovered what the message said. The message read as followed:  “UFO Catcher Is Not A Vending Machine.”  Sega responded and admitted to the discovery of such message. Aren't Sega just the coolest company out there? Unlike others that like to shut down everything that dedicated fans throw into the web. Love you Sega!


August 26, 2016

Game-bit of the day 548: Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble 3 (Turbo Grafx)

This is a game that has been under my radar for quite a bit. It's part of the Bubble Bobble series and a very fun one. It's two players as well so be sure to check it out especially if you want some fun gaming with a friend. 


August 25, 2016

Game-bit of the day 547: Oregon Trail 2 (PC)

The second one was not as memorable as the first but still a lot of fun to play. If you are into the old school text adventures, look no further. 


August 24, 2016

Game-bit of the day 546: Oregon Trail (PC)

This is a cult classic. Not only is this an old school text adventure but the way you can die in this game was marked into gaming pop-culture and ends up being a very laughable joke. Die of dysentery already!  


August 23, 2016

Game-bit of the day 545: Silent Hill HD Collection (Xbox 360)

I highly recommend this mainly because you won't see any more Silent Hill games by Konami. This is a collection you should pick up with two of the best of the series. Then again, I think all of them are amazing. A must play! 


August 22, 2016

Game-bit of the day 544: Saint (Wii)

This is a very odd shoot 'em up game that fell under the radar. It's not the best, but if you're a shoot 'em up fan, definitely give it a shot! 


August 21, 2016

Game-bit of the day 543: Miracle Warriors (SMS)

This is another hidden gem for the Sega Master System. Believe it or not, there are tons of old school RPGs for this console. It's alright, I don't mind getting them while everyone else is fixated on Nintendo.  


August 20, 2016

Game-bit of the day 542: Pete Rose Baseball (Atari)

Who the hell is Pete Rose and why does his baseball game sucks so much?? LMAO! 


August 19, 2016

Game-bit of the day 541: Super Baseball (Atari)

There is nothing Super about this Baseball game! It's more like super pain in the ass baseball! LMAO! 


August 18, 2016

Game-bit of the day 540: Atari Football (Atari)

Another crappy football game. Although, there are some good ones, stay away from this one. 


August 17, 2016

Game-bit of the day 539: Crossbow (Atari)

This game sucks! Nothing more to say about that! 


Finds 939: Supercon Gifts!

These are two pretty awesome items from the convention called Super Con I got thanks to my brother. The first one is a Super Poster signed by the voice of Mario! It's so awesome and I can't even find a place to hang it! The other one is an amazing art of Gengar! That's the best Pokemon ever! 


August 16, 2016

Game-bit of the day 538: Super Mario Bros 3 Mix (FC)

This is a beautiful hack for the Famicom and NES. It changes the game and introduces you to new levels. You also can save your game! Now that's playing with power! 


Finds 938: Dungeons & Dragons Plus Phalanx!

Here are two gems for two different consoles. On the left, you have Dungeons and Dragons for the Sega Saturn which is an amazing two game set of the classic arcade games I threw so many quarters in. The other has the most unusual cover art ever! It's Phalanx and it definitely has nothing to do with a farmer. 



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