"This is the most amazing SMB editor yet. Not only does it have full editing capabilities, it has an emulator built in so you can test the game from the exact point you’re editing."

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Updated in Version 1.1, for Pokémon Yellow, the ability to edit fully the battle Oak has with the wild Pokémon and which Pokémon will follow you during the game."
This is the second hack from HF Games, and the most important thing we wanted to accomplish was playability. The difficulty was made to be very comparable to the original Super Mario Bros, and this is a game you can pick up and play without needing to be a master of Super Mario Bros.
The hack is a complete level hack, with a few minor graphic modifications.
If you’d like, you can play the game online before you decide to download the hack! Just check out the website: http://sites.google.com/site/hfgames where through the magic of technology, you can play both the original hack and our sequel online!
Thanks for looking, and I hope you enjoy the hack!"
"Three years ago, a group of fans, under the name of TWEWYTeam released a Spanish translation for The World Ends With You, for the Nintendo DS. It successfully adapted all the texts and a 90% of the graphics into Spanish.But that translation had something special: It was the first time in Spain that someone romhacked a dubbing into a game. At that point, only the FMVs were dubbed.
Now, three years later, some of the members of TWEWYTeam, along with plenty of new people and with over sixteen voice actors, released The World Ends With You Versión en Castellano (Spanish Edition) 2.0.
This new version changes quite a lot of the texts, improving many of the lines of the game; adds all the missing graphics that were left untranslated before; but the best part is that now the in game lines are completely dubbed with professional quality, thanks to some of the perpetrators of the Time Crisis dub project.
As usual, pictures won’t show the quality of the work, so here’s a sample of the lines of each character.