Yeah it was an odd day today as I went to play n trade and didn't found anything interesting to get. Oh well it'll have to be next time. I'll try to hit the thrift store by the end of the week and see if there is anything good. Cya later!
June 30, 2009
June 29, 2009
Taking a closer look at my pirate carts.
I've gotten quite a bit of pirates but there are some that are quite unique because of the way the play out. I'll be describing and making videos of these unique pirates to show why I think they are unique or have some interesting features. I'll keep you posted!
June 27, 2009
Mystery Cartridge for Genesis...what is it really?
So here is an interesting question. I bought this supposedly pirate cart for the genesis thinking it was a multi cart but no games showed up. I decided to insert a cart on top of it since it has a connection thing for carts and the game started but with weird sounding music. So my question is, what the hell does this cart do? A friend of mine told me it's a region type of cart that'll let you play carts that are only for specific regions. Maybe it is or maybe not. Anyways, shoot me up with some info on this cart. I'm uploading four photos I took of the cart. Cya

Finds 080: Thrift store finds including Kid Icarus!
Aftermath: trip to Peru
Well I had an amazing time and took over 500 photos with two cameras (mine and my sister's) so I should have a really good memory of my time over there. I will need to arranged all my photos before I show them all over so give me some time! For now, I have this one I took near the government building. It's amazing how much the country has changed.

June 26, 2009
Back in the states once again....
Well the vacation is over and I'm back with lots of interesting games. The one I liked the most is the Pokemon Stadium for the snes. You can call it the ace of all the finds. Anyways, I gotta clean and try lots of stuff now so I'll cya ya all later!
June 25, 2009
Finds 079: Final Finds in Lima, Peru...
Here are some of the final finds I got at the markets. I look closely through all the markets and came out with the most interesting stuff. I would have bought more but it´ll have to do for this time around. Next time I go, I´ll have more knowledge and time to find more interesting stuff.

More magazines from the past. 33 cents each!

A couple more pirates!


More Pirates arrrr!

More pirates for a dollar each. Sweet prices!

Got this game for 5 bucks as well.

Mega Man X2 with original board(I checked) for 5 US dollahs!

Awesome Pokemon Stadium SNES game for 5 US dollahs! har har har
That´s about it. Next time I blog will be back home.....the hunt is over!!
More magazines from the past. 33 cents each!
A couple more pirates!
More Pirates arrrr!
More pirates for a dollar each. Sweet prices!
Got this game for 5 bucks as well.
Mega Man X2 with original board(I checked) for 5 US dollahs!
Awesome Pokemon Stadium SNES game for 5 US dollahs! har har har
That´s about it. Next time I blog will be back home.....the hunt is over!!
June 23, 2009
Finds 078: Some kewl finds and some missed ones
Well I wish I brought my laptop with me so that I would show you all the great photos I have taken so far. The problem is that from this laptop I'm using(my sisters) it's so slow that it'll take me a lot of time to upload the photos here. So I decided to only show my finds at least for now and once I get back, I'll show you guys all the places I visited. Anyways, I finally got a famiclone and was playing all the kewl pirates last night. I also found another copy of Mario RPG and cheaper(5 US dollars) as well as some magazines I got with a trade from a member of a Peruvian gaming forum and others I purchased at used book stores. I also found another Mario 8 cart as well as Kid Dracula. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the photos!

Two more pirates arrrr!

Famiclone with built in games!

Genesis Multi Cart and NES pirate cart!

Nintendo magazines in spanish!

Super Mario RPG for 15 soles(5 US Dollars)
Two more pirates arrrr!
Famiclone with built in games!
Genesis Multi Cart and NES pirate cart!
Nintendo magazines in spanish!
Super Mario RPG for 15 soles(5 US Dollars)
June 21, 2009
Finds 077: Pirates Everywhere in Lima, Peru!
June 18, 2009
Hello Finally!!!
Hello everyone I've been so busy having so much fun on my vacation and also checking out those pirate cart spots! wekkekekekekek! So far I've found a couple of places with pretty kewl pirates but I'll have to come back to them since I was just looking for them. Anyways, I would have blog more often if it wasn't for my laptop which I had to leave in Best Buy back in the states. So I'm with no laptop but I have tons of photos to show!! I'll try and make an update with photos of all the places I've visited as well as some finds I already have!! Ohhhh yeahhh!!!
So that's about it from me, I'm going to a concert later tonight so I'll take lots of photos to show you guys. This place is awesome!!!! AHHHH!!!!
So that's about it from me, I'm going to a concert later tonight so I'll take lots of photos to show you guys. This place is awesome!!!! AHHHH!!!!
June 15, 2009
Cya Later!
Well today is the day......I'm going on an awesome vacation and I can't wait to see what I find! I'll keep you guys posted!
June 14, 2009
Finds 076: Some Small Flea Market Finds
famicomfreakSunday, June 14, 2009Gameboy, Genesis, Latest Finds, N64, PS1, Sega CD, SNES
No comments:

Well here are my finds of my flea market trip. It was pretty fun but very tiring....Anyways, enjoy the photos!

Got this game for two bucks.

Go this one for six bucks thanks to NA member Penguin!

Paid three bucks for this one.

Finally found me a copy of pokemon yellow. Five bucks...

I paid 20 for these two!

A dollar each for these...
That's about it. Nothing great but these are surely great additions to my collection. Cya!
Got this game for two bucks.
Go this one for six bucks thanks to NA member Penguin!
Paid three bucks for this one.
Finally found me a copy of pokemon yellow. Five bucks...
I paid 20 for these two!
A dollar each for these...
That's about it. Nothing great but these are surely great additions to my collection. Cya!
It's 2:30am and only four hours until flea market time
Yeah so what to do huh? I'm going to clean up my home and keep packing. I hope I can get something done and not get tired. Well, I can also play some games....hmm haven't played Darkstone in a while. Maybe I'll give that a shot. AWA!
June 13, 2009
Two days left......
Man there is so much shit I have to do but so little time! Anyways, I'll keep you posted if by any means I have time to find some stuff today but I doubt it. That's about it for now!
June 12, 2009
Son of a beach! Laptop DVDR broken!~
Man this really bites. Only two days left until I go away and the DVDR drive of my laptop doesn't work. It keeps spitting the discs out! Oh well not like I use discs at all but still. That really pissed me off. I'll check out if I can get it fixed during my trip because down there things are a lot cheaper. Anyways, that's about it, until next time fack!
Moded PS1 lives!!
Oh man I had a scare since I got the moded ps1 from craiglist. The console wasn't reading the discs that well so I talked to a friend who gave me some tips on how to clean the lens to try to make it work. Well after some careful cleaning, the PS1 works flawlessly! It's great to have this one working fine. Now to find a place for it....
June 11, 2009
The days are coming closer
Oh man I can't believe in four days I'll be off on vacation of a lifetime! This will be an amazing journey with vast dungeons and intriguing allies! hmm not really but it'll be a lot of fun. I'll be sure to bring my camera to show you guys my hometown and the place where I grew up. Also, if there are any game finds down there I'll be more than happy to show them off(mostly pirates I bet). These coming two weeks will be a time for me to relax and refocus on what I want to do in life. There are so many things I have to do when I go that it might not be a vacation after all! Well, I'll keep you guys posted!
June 10, 2009
Finds 075: Lots of new stuff!!!
Here are a hell of a lot of finds from yours truly.
First off we have some Play n Trade goodness! I got all these by using my 20 dollars credit I had at the store for buying tons of used games. Ah good times....

Then I went to the thrift store last Friday and got some sweet new items!! Check them out awaaaaaaaa!!

Now I can sell my broken Mega Man 2 woot!

Some good old xbox games for a dollar each. I wonder if they are any good.

Another old PC game boxed! This one says it runs on windows and DOS OMG what technology!
Alright finally I saw an ad on craiglist for a moded ps1 and some games. Well I checked it out and came home very happy with lots of new additions to my ps1 library.

Moded PS1!

These are truly the aces of this lot.

Well that's about it. I hope you enjoyed the photos. I know I'll enjoy these games!
First off we have some Play n Trade goodness! I got all these by using my 20 dollars credit I had at the store for buying tons of used games. Ah good times....
Then I went to the thrift store last Friday and got some sweet new items!! Check them out awaaaaaaaa!!
Now I can sell my broken Mega Man 2 woot!
Some good old xbox games for a dollar each. I wonder if they are any good.
Another old PC game boxed! This one says it runs on windows and DOS OMG what technology!
Alright finally I saw an ad on craiglist for a moded ps1 and some games. Well I checked it out and came home very happy with lots of new additions to my ps1 library.
Moded PS1!
These are truly the aces of this lot.
Well that's about it. I hope you enjoyed the photos. I know I'll enjoy these games!
June 09, 2009
Hit & Run Bastards!
Well my car was involved in a hit and run accident. Yeah the fucker hit my bumper and then ran off. Of course, I wasn't there when it happened so I will never know the fuck face who did it. Well I guess it's time to save up money to fix my car. I can't even look at the bumper!
June 06, 2009
A Day to Remember, Water Everywhere!
Man I had the craziest day yesterday. The morning started with a lot of sun and heat, but then it turned for the worse. The rain started little by little and then real strong with winds and lighting! It was a pretty nice day to stay home and relax but nuuuuuuuu, I had to take my brother for surgery, then I had to pick up my mom, and then I went shopping. When I finally got home, the streets were flooded and stranded cars everywhere. It even got more scarier when I went to drop my mom off at work. She works in South Beach so the road to get there was just amazing. I wish I knew how it was because I would've brought my camera. Anyways, there were stranded cars everywhere in that area. Some houses had water reaching inside while others were barely saved from the flooding. The reason why cars got stranded is because many cars were driving through the water real fast which is the stupidest thing someone can do. Of course, water will get inside the motor and the result, a busted car. As I was driving, I saw a white ban coming awfully fast from the other direction so I had my window down. I didn't hesitated and pulled the window up as fast as I could but my wife and mom didn't know what was going on so they kept theirs opened. Well the ban didn't stopped and they got wet while I was spared lol. After dropping my mother off at work, I had to head south to pick up my sister from work. That was another crazy journey trying to find the less flooded street and drive through it. South Beach itself was crazy with cars and people going nuts(not sure why). I picked up my sister and we headed back. We were doing OK but the traffic was too much so we decided to try going back the way we came. We were doing good until once again a big car this time a bus drove by us real fast and got the car wet. This time the car wasn't spared as smoke started coming out of the front and I started to freak out! We had to pull over and check things out. I assume that water got inside the engine and that's what it was. I took a cloth and tried to dry it off and waited around ten minutes before trying to turn the car on. The car turned on fine but the smoke kept coming out of the car. The smoke this time had a burned plastic scent so that freaked me out even more. We stopped the car again and waited. As I was waiting, I looked at all the cars passing by and saw that some of them had the same problem but they were driving alright. I decided to take a chance and drove once again. We finally got out of that mess and slowly headed back home. I'm happy to announce that the car is in great condition but I will probably take it for a check up just in case.
June 04, 2009
Updates on Trip to Peru
Well time to update my preparation for my trip. I haven't done squad! hahaha you know I went to the local Ross to get me some winter clothes but ended up buying summer clothes(neat huh?). Anyways, I did got a suitcase but I will need another one and with only eleven days left of my departure, I need to hurry things up. Now to leave you guys with a smile, here is a nice photo of my cats!