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June 30, 2024

Finds 1866: Cuphead, Bubble Ghost, Ikai, Goodbye World, Spyro, and More!

More deals from Gamestop as usual! I also got some deals from Walmart as they were having some goodies for clearance. Bubble Ghost was from eBay as it's for the Commodore 64. The rest are sweet deals from Gamestop. Cup Head or Goat Simulator anyone?


Finds 1865: Gamestop Deals are Here! Amazing pick ups!

So many Gamestop deals lately, it's crazy! All I can say is that you have to take care of the deals they have when they are doing the Buy 2 Get 1 free. Be sure to check out the photos below as there are so many interesting awesome games! Fight Crab is just awesome! 


Finds 1864: Trip World DX, Hammerin Harry Concrete Collection, and Heart of the Woods!

More arrivals from Limited Run Games! Trip World DX is the colored version of the game I got not too long ago. Hammerin Harry brings the games to the NES! While Heart of the Woods is another cute little RPG. Limited Run Games delivering good stuff once again! 


Finds 1863: Amazing Haul! Just so Many Goodies to Mention!

Lots of more goodies! Here are some mail day arrivals and other findings. Please be sure to check each game as there is a little bit of everything. I also got another PS5 game even though I don't have a PS5. I'll eventually get the console. 


June 29, 2024

Finds 1862: Vegas Pins! Super Mario Bros trilogy!

I got these really cool pins from a shop during my trip to Vegas. The Super Mario Bros trilogy in pin for! aren't they beautiful? 


Finds 1861: Plumber Don't Wear Ties Definitive Edition

I can't believe this game was actually re-release. I was all over it when it was available for pre-order. A cult classic for the 3DO!


Finds 1860: PC Controller and USB Zip Drive!

A little stop at a Garage sale ended with a USB zip drive finding! I'm not sure if it works but it was a decent pick up for a couple of bucks. The controller I found next door at the Goodwill. It looks like an older version as it only has two buttons like NES style controller so I'm guessing it was mimicking the controller of the time. Overall, really unique stuff. 


June 28, 2024

Finds 1859: NES Top Loader, Spider Man Web of Shadow, and Ys VIII

A local pick up for this NES top loader for a really good price ended with a trip to the Gamestop of the area where I made the pick up. I was able to find the hard to find Spider Man Web of Shadow for PS3 and also picked up Ys VIII as a nice added bonus. It was definitely a good hunt. 


Finds 1858: Code Name Viper and Magic of Scheherazade

Here are two awesome games complete in a box for the NES. I am making an effort to get more boxed NES games as I want to have a bigger collection of it. Don't get me wrong, I don't want a full set! Just want to get the games I like the most. Code Name Viper is a game that plays like Rolling Thunder which is really cool while Magic of Scheherazade is a really unique adventure game that I highly recommend. Everyone always talks about Mario but the NES has many other gems that don't get enough attention. 


Finds 1857: Parodius Super Famicom Games!

Lets continue with more Parodius for the Super Famicom. Here are the other two games I was missing in the set. They are so much fun and unique. I wish they would make more games like these! Ever tried them?


June 27, 2024

Finds 1856: Massive Haul! Gamestop and Thrift Store Finds

Here is a lot of games from a little bit of hunting. I even got some PS Vita games which is really rare nowadays. I found them at Gamestop as well as other goodies. A little bit of everything ! Be sure to check out the photos below!


Finds 1855: River City Girls 2 and Do Don Pachi Resurrection

Here are new Limited Run Games arrivals! River City Girls 2 and Do Don Pachi Resurrection! Just two beautiful additions! You ever heard of River City Girls 2? It's from the Kunio-kun franchise and it's a beauty. 


Finds 1854: Cool Floppy Disks are Cool!

These are probably my favorite floppy disks ever. They are of different colors, see through, and work great. They are cool disks alright! 


June 26, 2024

Finds 1853: Gamestop Deals ! Cobra Kai, Alex Kidd, and Mato

Here are a couple of Gamestop deals that arrived a little later than the first order of games I had. They were really cheap and happy they all came with their original cases. It's funny I keep buying PS5 games even though I don't have a PS5. 


Finds 1852: Super 7 Krang is Huge!

This is the full body Krang which is huge! I totally forgot about this figure so it just showed up one day. It's a really cool figure overall. Krang is cool! Gotta love being a turtle! 


Finds 1851: Gamestop Deals! Stray, No More Heroes 3, Monster Crown, Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, and Capcom Fighting Collection

Here we have some amazing deals from Gamestop. I actually ordered these from the website and was lucky enough to get them all in their original packages. Lots of Xbox goodies for sure! 


June 25, 2024

Finds 1850: TMNT Auto Mutations Leo and Raph

These are a really odd release of the TMNT re-issued lines. I'm not even sure why these were picked to be released as honestly, there are other sets that are more sought after. Either way, I'll pick them up and add them to the collection. 


Finds 1849: TMNT Super 7 Wave is Here!

Another beautiful Wave of the TMNT Super 7 set. This is Wave 7 and comes with really cool figures. My favorite would have to be Dunkin Don! Check out the rest below, Gotta love being a turtle! 


Finds 1848: NES Boxed Games, and PS4 RPGs

Here are new boxed NES games. Tiny Toons 2 is complete while Back to the Future 2 & 3 plus Swords and Serpents are box only. I also picked up some games at Gamestop! Just good stuff all around. 


June 24, 2024

Finds 1847: Canvas Quest Pins!

More pins from Canvas Quest! They are just so awesome and my bag is just getting too full I'm running out of room! Once again, be sure to check them out here!


Finds 1846: Fire Emblem for Wii, Virtual Boy Games, and Disgaea

Here are some new additions from Nostalgia Den which is a shop where they fix consoles and sell games. Totally love it especially since I was able to add really cool stuff to the collection. 



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