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December 31, 2011

Retro Gaming News 094: Castlevania: Rondo of Blood English Translation Patch, Essentially, Complete.

"Well, after 8 years the Castlevania: Rondo of Blood translation patch for the PC-Engine is now, essentially, complete! Mind you a majority of those 8 years was leaving it abandoned until just recently.

I say essentially complete because there are still three small things left to be done and with my limited knowledge of ROM hacking I’m unable to hack them in.

The three things are the text for the ferryman, the billboard in stageX and the title screen. Also the opening subtitles are all in SJIS characters which forces us to shorten the dialogue and take liberty’s with the translation in order to fit it in the game’s limited memory space. There is an alternate smaller font within the game that would fix this problem but neither Cubanraul or I know how to switch between the two fonts in the game’s text engine.

If anyone feels they can achieve these goals by themselves we can integrate them into this patch, you would be credited for it of course. A mockup of the game’s title screen can be found on the website for this patch, courtesy of fragmare.

But enough talk… have at you!"



Happy New Year! 2012! ^_^

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2012 from Retro Gaming Life! Enjoy it and have an amazing time! A whole new year of greatness awaits!


Finds 384: Final Finds of the Year! Silver Nintendo DS Lite and Apple DVD Drive

So it's the end of another year and what a year it has been. As for finds, this will be the last finds entry of the year. It's not one of the best finds but still good enough to mention. I got in the mail the Apple DVD drive I need for my eMac so will buy some gloves and work on opening the computer for the replacement job. It only cost me ten bucks so I'm happy that I don't have to invest a whole lot of money for one. I also got a silver Nintendo DS lite for 12 bucks! It still doesn't beat that white Nintendo DS lite that I got for ten bucks but still a pretty good pick up. It works as you can see so that's all that matters! Anyways, that's about it for this year! The next one will be even more amazing, that's for sure. Retro Gaming Life wishes you a happy new year!!! Let the games continue!!

Silver Nintendo DS Lite
Apple DVD Drive


Retro Gaming News 093: Super Mario Unlimited Released!

"After literally years of development, Super Mario Unlimited has finally been released!

This elaborate hack of the original Super Mario Bros features:

  • 40 all new levels
  • Tons of new secrets
  • New power ups and items
  • Updated graphics
  • And new music added by Dr. Floppy!

Super Mario Unlimited is intended for everyone from the casual Mario fan to the hardcore SMB addict.

Video Preview

See the project page or relevant link to download"



Ads From The Past 199: Parasol Stars (Turbo Grafx)

This is one of the cutest video game ads ever! Don't you just love the cuteness all over it?? So adorable! Apparently, this is Bubble Bobble part 3....Hmm I never knew about it. I will have to definitely get a copy of this sometime in the future. Enjoy!


Playing Then, Playing Now 010: Sonic Generations & Devil Survivor 3DS

So for this entry there isn't much to say except Sonic Generations. I was able to pick this game up for 22 dollars at the flea market. It's obviously a cheaper price than such places like Gamestop and Best Boy so it was a no brainer to pick such a gem up. My girlfriend was also all over my case about how great this game was and her being a huge Sonic fan, I had to listen to her. The game is quite good nonetheless and really does justice to what a Sonic game is supposed to be about.

There is nothing much more I can say about this game as I just started playing it but I gotta say it does look beautiful and the gameplay can get quite challenging. Best of all, you fight Metal Sonic in one of the stages! Be sure to pick this game up if you haven't yet, it's literally a blast from the past!
I also got this game in the mail this week and decided to try it out. The game itself is pretty interesting and has similar gameplay to the previous Shin Megami Tensei games. I'll have more info on this title as I get to play it more and more.

Not that much gaming due to the holidays and you would think it would be the other way around but it's not. I really have to make it up! Until next year!!


Emulation News 249: Updates for 12-31-11

Final day of the year and the news get even better! Check them out!

Emulation News 248: Updates for 12-30-11

Only two days away from a new beginning! Lets keep it up!


December 29, 2011

Emulation News 246: Updates for 12-28-11

So close to the end of the year! Enjoy the news!

Finds 383: TMNT Action Figures, Mousers, Sonic Generations, Apple Mouse, Okami, and Others

So a very odd day with some odd ends but finds nonetheless. Lets check out what we got today!

December 28, 2011

3DS Pic of the Week 014: Nyan Cat 3D!

So this week we have the Nyan Cat going 3D! Isn't Nyan Cat the cutest? Enjoy!


December 27, 2011

Retro Gaming News 092: 'Super Mario Star Road' Released

"My full SM64 hack, ‘Super Mario Star Road’, is complete. The features are:
  • Over 120 stars
  • More than 30 nicely designed areas
  • Nearly 50 catchy tunes
  • Many new objects for Mario to interact with
  • Well-polished gameplay
  • Lots of goomba stomping
  • Mario-style humor

See the project page for downloads, and related URL for the release trailer."



Finds 382: eMac, Portal 2, FC Twin, Star Wars Alarm Clocks, and More!

So another day of awesome is here! Lots of new findings from very odd ends. I also got an eMac which is not in this picture as I already set it up in my room but there is a pic below showcasing its beauty. Lets check these finds out!

December 26, 2011

Time to Rock Till 2012!

So the countdown starts! Now, with Christmas over lets look forward to 2012! Let us party till 2012!!!


December 25, 2011

Retro Game of the Week 098: Super Mario Land 2 (Gameboy)

Another entry and another awesome classic game! This Mario game really takes me back as it's the first one I played for the portable handheld. This game reminds me a hell of a lot to Super Mario World and why wouldn't it as it's very similar to it. Lets take a look at this gem!

The music is quite memorable. There are some levels such as the ghost stages that doesn't have such upbeat music but there are some other ones that are just as memorable! Try reaching the moon why don't ya?

The graphics are top notch for the Gameboy title. They had little room to work on but did an amazing job. Mario looks like Mario and the overworld is packed with detail! Of course, you can't forget about the bad guys and a lot more other things you might have missed the first time. Totally awesome!

The gameplay is wonderful! It's a joy to play such an awesome game! You couldn't expect anything less from Nintendo. As sidescrollers were the shit back then, every other would end up mimicking the Mario titles. Of course, very few were successful in doing so which is why Nintendo and Mario were always on top. Mario has a whole new arsenal of power ups including the bunny ears which works like the leaf from Super Mario Bros 3. Be sure to play through this game till the final showdown against a now famous Nintendo character Wario.

As mentioned, this game is a wonder to play through. There are hidden stages and hilarious bad guys. There is always a reason to go back to this game and play through it once more. Be sure to pick it up any time you want to play a very awesome side scroller game for a portable handheld. You won't be disappointed.

Overall, this game offers a lot of amazing gameplay hours. With such a vast overworld, ingenious bad guys, and some up beat music you are bound to be playing this game for hours and hours. This is definitely a must have for your classic portable collection or if you just want to play a well done game. This game does what you couldn't in Super Mario Land. Enjoy and happy new year!


Finds 381: Final Fantasy XIII, Deathsmiles, Castlevania, and More!

So here are some Christmas gifts from my brother. I am eager to try the Xbox 360 titles out but will be patient as tomorrow I have the day off. I will check them out then. Also, I got Castlevania for the Nintendo DS and Silent Hill Homecoming for the PS3. Not any retro-related finds but finds at least. That's all for now!!

Silent Hill -Homecoming- (PS3)
Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox360)
Deathsmiles (Xbox360)
Borderlands (Xbox360)
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow (NDS)


Retro Gaming News 091: Takeshi's Challenge released

"Today, I have released a translation patch for the NES adventure game Takeshi’s Challenge. Consider it a gift from Scrooge. :P

You’ve probably heard about this already. It’s pretty infamous for its poor quality. Or maybe the whole game was just a comedian playing a prank on everyone. :)

I was planning to release it on the 10th to celebrate its 25th anniversary, but replacing the graphics proved more time consuming than I thought. So instead you get to share the experience Japanese kids must’ve felt 25 years ago when they got this as a holiday gift. :D"



Retro Gaming News 090: See Where "The Glory of Heracles" Series Got it's Start

"Happy Christmas!

Finally, the first game in The Glory of Heracles series The Glory of Heracles - Labors of the Divine Hero can be played in English. And not only that, but we’ve released the entire manual in English too! Come see how we polished up this really old school RPG game and did our best to keep it challenging, but give you the clues you need to at least make it possible to pass it without a walkthrough.

This is the first new game we’ve released that requires our newly released ROM Expander Pro program to expand the ROM. It’s an open source program we made that implements a generic way of expanding ROMs. By use of a simple text file provided by the translation group, it allows copying and moving ROM data of the orginal ROM. Just include this file with your IPS patch.

And for those who prefer something a little different. We’ve also quietly released the puzzle game Puzzle Boys, our first FDS game in November. It’s Atlus’s only FDS game, and the sequel to the Gameboy game Kwirk, the first game Atlus produced on their own. The two player game is really fun."



Retro Gaming News 089: PS2 Standard Daisenryaku: Lost Victory Teaser Patch released

"Merry Christmas from Nebelwurfer HQ.

We are releasing a playable Teaser patch for the PS2 Standard Daisenryaku: Lost Victory game containing only the Yugoslavian scenarios of the initial Marita campaign. The Weapons, General names, Menus and most dialog text have been translated as well. So, it should be playable, even if the scenario debriefings are not translated. They just add flavor, and are not essential to enjoyment of the game.

The games combat system is simplified over AD 2001. For example, there are no night turns. Also, weapons can fire in any direction, they don’t have restricted firing arcs. There is also a single ground defense rating instead of having separate defense ratings for the front, sides, and back.

You must use the patch with ImageDiff on the original PS2 .mdf file. Also, you must use a Japanese bios in PCSX2 in order for it to work. It will also need a fast PC with a good graphics card for best results.

More instructions are included in the Readme.txt file.

I hope you enjoy playing it."



Merry Christmas From Retro Gaming Life! ^_^

Hello there! Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I hope you spent it with your loved ones and had a nice feast and of course the stuff that you wanted! I myself am getting ready for a game day! Lots of new games to conquer await! Speaking of which, care to find the turtles in this photo? They are there somewhere! Have a great day!!


Emulation News 243: Updates for 12-25-11 Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! The latest emulation news are here!!! HO HO HO!


December 24, 2011

Retro Gaming News 088: You now prossess Simon's Quest: Redacted.

"Mentioned in egoraptor’s first Sequelitis episode, this hack, done by The Almighty Guru, streamlines Simon’s Quest by speeding up text crawling, rewriting townfolk dialog, and there are a couple other surprises too. If you’re still riding the fence on Simon’s Quest, you can try this hack. Enjoy Simon’s Quest the way it was meant to be played!"




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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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