Some emulation news for ya!
WinVZ300 (2011/12/09)
ykhwong's DOSBox 0.74 SVN Build 08.12.2011
"This build is an enhanced SVN build which incorporates unofficial features and fixes that are not officially part of DOSBox. The best Dosbox version IMHO.
Included Patches:
Direct3D with pixelshaders, OpenglHQ, Innovation, Glide, zip/7z mount, Beep, NE2000 Ethernet, Graphis user interface (menu), Save/Load states, Vertical sync, CPU flags optimization, Various DOS commands (PROMP,T VOL, LABEL, MOUSE, etc) and CONFIG.SYS commands (DEVICE, BUFFERS, FILES, etc), Continuous turbo key, Core-switch key, Show details (from menu bar), Nice DOSBox icon, Font patch (cp437), COPY CON feature, MAKEIMG command, INTRO, Ctrl-break patch, DBCS support patch, Automatic mount, Printer output, MT-32, MP3CUE, Overscan, etc.
Build environment:
Based on MinGW/MSYS under Windows 7 x64
Flags: -s -O2 -pipe -fprofile-use -fomit-frame-pointer -mtune=i686 -march=i586 -mno-push-args -ffast-math -funroll-loops --param max-unrolled-insns=60
Libaries: SDL, SDL_sound, libpng, libphysfs, DirectX SDK library, Freetype, etc.
For advanced users who want to debug or compile, debugger-enabled build and source are available.
1. Based on SVN r3763
2. Moved from GCC 4.6 to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (Improved performance)
Debugger-enabled build will still use GCC (Updated to GCC 4.6.2)
3. Updated PCJRCart patch (VileRancour)
4. Updated pcspeaker improvement patch from ripa
5. Updated SDL hg (including openglhq + dx fix, compiled by Visual Studio 2010)
6. Fixed some minor bugs"
QMC2 SVN r3341
imp: updated template format to v0.2.5 which adds support for an
optional 'part' attribute that can be used in file-type options to
specify the extracted part of the file's path (currently only "basename"
is supported, used by the effect-option)
fix: corrected license string (GPLv2 => GPL-2) in openSUSE pkg-specs
wip: added dock/undock functionality to the software-detail widget
imp: updated SVN exclude list
fix: corrected more (new?) log-scrolling issues
fix: corrected startup crash on Windows (hopefully)
fix: actual fix for Windows startup crash"
Nintendulator 0.975 beta (2011/12/09)
"- Added support for the SNES Mouse controller - try it out with the game "Thwaite"."
MESS SVN r13533
Updated VGA core to accept a start address for VGA RAM (needed for Paint & Puzzle in MAME)
Fixed romfill handling in softlists (no whatsnew)
pc8801: added preliminary softlists for tapes and disks. [Fabio Priuli]
out of whatsnew:
- these replace pc8001 lists, which anyway were not hooked up to anything
- the floppy list is already hooked up to the driver so it can be used
- the floppy list will be soon split into pc8001, pc8801 and pc88va lists, but at this preliminary stage it was easier to work on them as a joined softlist so be patient
- *huge* thanks for the archival efforts go to pete_j, danjuro and all the other Tokugawa Corp. guys, whose packs have been a wonderful starting point for these lists!
[ABC1600] Cleanup. (nw)"
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