Well I only have two weeks left before the trip and a lot to do. I probably won't buy many games before I leave because I have to spend the money in other stuff. I also found out the owner of my job is leaving for a week so I will probably won't get much sleep before I go. I'll keep you guys posted though. Wish me luck!
May 29, 2009
Finds 072: Four PS1 Titles
Hello there it's me FamicomFreak and it's time for another set of finds! I returned Marvel vs Capcom(sob sob) and got these four titles instead. The best part of all is that I got two and the two others were free! Even better, I only used up eight bucks out of the fifteen I spent for Marvel vs Capcom so I have store credit left for my next trip there. That's about it. Enjoy the photos!

A new series -Darkstone-
Well I decided to log about all my adventures of this game since it's so much fun! I will also have photos to show you know! This game has brought my ps1 days back to life. Like I said earlier, if anyone knows of other games like this of the ps1, let me know! I will hopefully have my first log this weekend. Cya later
Finally going to return it- I want my money back!-
Yeah I found the receipt and I'm going to return the faulty game I bought but what should I get instead?? I'm not sure! Hopefully they'll have some new games but it's highly doubtful. Well I'll keep you posted with photos and all like usual.
May 27, 2009
Gradually making a list in Backloggery...
Well I decided to resume my collection list and started adding my recent additions into my Backloggery account. I think every time I have a new find, I'll add them to the list I have in Backloggery and therefore start building up a master list of all the games I have. Of course, I missed a lot of the games in the past four years but I'll start adding those little by little. I think it's the only way for me to have an updated list of my games and also keep count as well. Enjoy the link and let me know what you think.
p.s. The link is on the right side in the links section of this blog for future visits.
Famicom Freak Backloggery
p.s. The link is on the right side in the links section of this blog for future visits.
Famicom Freak Backloggery
May 26, 2009
Finds 071: Parappa 2 + Gameboy Soccer Game!
Got some neat stuff today. Well I also got a game I won't post a photo of (Marvel Vs Capcom for the PS1), that's because the game doesn't work so I'm going to take it back! I'll bring something nice in the place of that game. Man! I wanted to play that game so bad but I guess it was not meant to be. Anyways, the photos of my other finds are below as usual....

Paid 89 cents for this one!

Paid four bucks for this game on play n trade.

Got this in the mail today (Ebay purchase for four bucks!)
Paid 89 cents for this one!
Paid four bucks for this game on play n trade.
Got this in the mail today (Ebay purchase for four bucks!)
May 25, 2009
Some news.....Brother in hospital
Well the past weekend wasn't the most interesting one but the most tiring nonetheless. My brother had to go to the hospital because he had stones in one of his intestines. Of course, the doc didn't found out about that until a couple of days later so he was in a lot of pain until yesterday. I went to visit him and he feels fine so there is nothing to worry about. I hope he recovers 100 percent so we can put all of this behind us. Well that's about it, cya later!
May 24, 2009
No Flea Market Today
Well the weather wasn't good enough to hit the flea market. We have been having rain all week so the forecast for today wasn't good. I hope that in the next couple of weeks things will improve but I'll be busy with other stuff like preparing for my trip that I might not be able to go. So that's it, until next time.
May 22, 2009
Finds 070: Famicom Pirates + Castlevania Symphony of the Night!
Woot another great day as my package of Famicom pirates finally made it to my home. Lots of awesome games on this lot including Ninja Gaiden 3 and Don Doko Don! I also passed by Play n Trade and used up my 10 dollar store credit on Castlevania Symphony of the Night which was actually 19.99 but with 10 dollar credit and 10 percent off I ended up paying 9 bucks for it. Sweet deal indeed. Here are the photos!

May 21, 2009
My Play n Trade card is complete!
Man I'm happy I filled out my Play n Trade card so now I have a 10 dollar credit for the store. I should have some interesting stuff to show you guys next week if the titles I have my eyes on are still there. Wish me luck!
May 19, 2009
Darkstone is addictive!
Man I haven't even tried the rest of the titles I have but this game I got called Darkstone is one awesome Dungeons and Dragons style RPG! Man I have been leveling up and hanging around the dungeons for the past two hours! I just got to save my game a couple of minutes ago. This RPG is just how I like it, simple and fun. Well I hope some of you try it out.

Finds 069: Xbox Titles and others
Well I decided to visit the local Play n Trade and I was finally able to fill out the card with every used game purchase. Next time I go to Play n Trade I will be able to get Castlevania Symphony of the Night but that is only if they still have it for sale. With the 10 dollar credit I should be able to get it for 8.90 because of the 10 percent discount. That's a great price for Castlevania. I also saw that they had Marvel Vs Capcom for ps1 so I might pick that one up since it's another rare title. Anyways, I took advantage of the buy 2 get 2 free on used games and got four more games. This time around most of them were xbox titles. I was able to find some titles suggested by a friend of mine so I can't wait to try them out. I also got two ps1 titles that were pretty cheap and RPGs. One last find was in Target were they had two copies of Gauntlet and Rampart 2 in 1 title for two dollars so I picked those up. Well, that's about it, enjoy the photos.

May 18, 2009
People collect just about everything
So the other day I was in the local goodwill and of course I wasn't able to find anything decent so I decided to check out the books section. So I got there and there was this lady with a notebook checking out the books. I was curious of what she was doing since she was writing down a lot of info into her notebook. She saw I was looking at her and said "I collect children s book" and I was like "Oh that's really kewl". It's amazing that people can find a hobby with pretty much anything. I'm also wondering where could she find a master list for all children s books so that she can check off which ones she finds. It's interesting to find people like that you know....
May 17, 2009
Finally it's over!
Yeah so the owner arrived last night and things should be getting back to normal. I'll have a life again and won't lack of sleep time. Well that's about it, just wanted to mention that...
May 16, 2009
Finds 068: RF Adaptor for old time tvs...
May 15, 2009
Here we go again....
Finds 067: Gameshark Pro for PSX
May 14, 2009
Finds 066: Mana Khemia and Gameboy Finds!
May 11, 2009
Well work is still being a bitch but everything else is doing well. I'm going to finally play the games I bought in the past two weeks. I went to play n trade today but forgot they closed at 9pm so I was pretty bummed when I saw the store closed....That's about it, I'll try to hit the thrift stores later this week. AWAAAAAAAAAA!
May 10, 2009
Alexis Lalas is unveiled!
So like I said in my other finds post that I didn't know who this Lalas fellow was. I finally did some research and found out that Lalas is a defender for the US national team from the early nineties. I still don't know why he was picked for the cover of this game but at least I know who he is now. He works for the L.A. Galaxy soccer team nowadays..... Well that's about it, always nice to learn some new things right? Cya later!
P.S. if you want more info just google "Alexis Lalas". His wikipedia has a lot of interesting info.

He looks like Jesus!
P.S. if you want more info just google "Alexis Lalas". His wikipedia has a lot of interesting info.

May 09, 2009
Finds 065: Castlevania and Bomberman Jetters + others!
Well I found myself at the thrift store(bought gameboy games), Play n Trade(bought Bomberman Jetters and Perfect Weapon), and Gamestop(bought Castlevania game) today and ended up with some nice little finds. The most i spent for a game was for Castlevania since gamestop had a clearance section and I decided to take advantage. They did had a couple of fun games which I will probably pick up next week if they are still there. Anyways, enjoy the photos and let me know what you think.

May 07, 2009
A couple more weeks
Well the boss called last night to see how things are going and instead of coming back this Sunday he is going to be on vacation for an extra week. Everyone took it real bad except me. I was kinda of laughing about it since I had a feeling he was going to do that. So I will be for another week with no life coming and going to this business but I don't mind since the money is pretty good. Well I'll probably hit the thrift store this Friday and have some new finds to show you guys! Stay tuned!
May 03, 2009
Finds 064: Azure Dreams(PSX) and more!
Alright so I was finally able to update my newest finds after a long week of work. I was able to also take photos but haven't tested all of them. Anyways, I found another copy of Earth Worm Jim for the Genesis so I picked it up after all it was only ninety five cents. I also picked up a Genesis game called Race Drivin'(go figure what it's about) but that's about it. The lady did gave me advice to come early because people come asking for the games in the early morning. I'll be able to do that after this week finally!
I also stopped at the local Play n Trade and decided to check out their psx games and well ended up finding some kewl stuff including Azure Dreams(PSX RPG) and Umjammer Lammy(Music PSX Game). I was very happy with these finds but the only problem with them is that they were disc only but for the prices they were a steal each(8 bucks each). Anyways, I also picked up some soccer games like FIFA 98 which I used to play to death back in the day and some weird soccer games I have never heard of like Viva Soccer and Alexi Lalas International Soccer(who is Alexi Lalas anyways...) But yeah that's about it for my finds. I'll be able to pick up more stuff in the next couple of weeks and maybe a future Flea Market trip might be coming up. Cya later

I also stopped at the local Play n Trade and decided to check out their psx games and well ended up finding some kewl stuff including Azure Dreams(PSX RPG) and Umjammer Lammy(Music PSX Game). I was very happy with these finds but the only problem with them is that they were disc only but for the prices they were a steal each(8 bucks each). Anyways, I also picked up some soccer games like FIFA 98 which I used to play to death back in the day and some weird soccer games I have never heard of like Viva Soccer and Alexi Lalas International Soccer(who is Alexi Lalas anyways...) But yeah that's about it for my finds. I'll be able to pick up more stuff in the next couple of weeks and maybe a future Flea Market trip might be coming up. Cya later