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May 31, 2018

Game-bit of the day 934: Vixen (PC)

Vixen is another wonderful platformer game that plays like Jill of the Jungle. They really had a thing for wild girls. 


May 30, 2018

Game-bit of the day 933: Vinyl Goddess from Mars (PC)

This is a pretty awesome game with a very seductive hero! She really is a goddess! Get ready to play some wonderful platforming action. 


May 29, 2018

Game-bit of the day 932: Ultimate Domain (PC)

This is a pretty interesting RPG. It plays like Ancients and Dungeons and Dragons. It's just another one of the wonderful classic RPGs that we can add to the list. 


May 28, 2018

Game-bit of the day 931: Xatax (PC)

Another wonderful shoot 'em up for the PC. I gotta dig up the rest of them as there are a lot of obscure ones that weren't even made by companies. Just love it!


Ads from the Past 441: Space Quest 3 (PC)

This is a classic series that is all about exploration. There were so many of these, I lost count! 

May 27, 2018

Game-bit of the day 930: Maniac Mansion (PC)

The classic was also released on the PC. This is an adventure game like no other filled with charm and more than one funny scene! A must play! 


May 26, 2018

Game-bit of the day 929: Xargon (PC)

Here we have another wonderful game for DOS. Xargon is pretty epic as it involves side scrolling platforming action. It was the norm back in the day and is still used to this day with some of the newer retro style games. 


Game-bit of the day 928: Artura (PC)

This is a classic RPG for DOS. Look at the classic cover art, it's just old school to the max! Imagination at its best! 


May 25, 2018

Ads from the Past 440: SEIRYŪ DENSETSU MONBIT

This is some random game and even though there is no photos of the actual game, the dinos caught my attention. I would be crazy enough to actually buy it for that reason only. 

Game-bit of the day 927: Happyland Adventures (PC)

This game mimics Super Mario in a lot of ways and it was quite popular back in the day. It's the perfect Mario by many although the Keen games can definitely compete with the title. 


Finds 1143: Super Hydorah and Nurse Love Addiction

Two really neat special editions from Limited Run Games! Nurse Love Addiction is for the kinky minded and Super Hyrodah is for the old school shoot 'em up fan! They're definitely different from each other. 


May 24, 2018

Finds 1142: Limited Run Lot! Lots of Goodies!

Four games from the limited run line have arrived. They are all quite unique and are everything from RPG to side scroller. Lots of fun with these unique releases. 

Finds 1141: Donald Duck The Lucky Dime Caper for Sega Master System

This is another title that I've been wanting for a while. It's finally in my possession! I really need to stream this one! It's just awesome! 


Finds 1140: Splatterhouse is Finally Mine!

I finally was able to get this beautiful game that has eluded me for a while. I found an amazing deal online believe it or not, the rest is history! MORE GAMES!


May 23, 2018

Game-bit of the day 926: World Quest (PC)

Such a sexy cover art for a game about the World! Should I say more? Lets just leave it a secret, a secret to everyone! 


Retro Game of the Week 168: Montezuma's Revenge (PC)

A classic of all classics especially because of how many different platforms this one has been in. Montezuma's Revenge combines exploration with side scrolling that has kept in memories of gamers for decades now. It's an early  game that was released on PC and various other consoles. The main purpose is to jump around and be careful with the various monsters and obstacles you are given. Remember, they are ruins so be careful! Game on! Be sure to get this for pretty much any console out there. 


May 22, 2018

Game-bit of the day 925: Pickle Wars (PC)

This is an odd game with an odd story line that just works. It really does! Stop the pickles from taking over the planet. Exterminate them! 


May 21, 2018

Ads from the Past 439: Dungeon Explorer 2 (PC Engine)

This one was released on CD and came with cut-scenes. Can't beat more Gauntlet style dungeon crawling action. I believe this one was released on the Turbo Grafx as well. 

Game-bit of the day 924: Gateworld (PC)

A very underrated game for the PC. This game reminds me of the first and second Duke Nukem. Talk about classic Sci-fi genre. Love it! 


May 20, 2018

Game-bit of the day 923: Skyroads (PC)

Skyroads is just a very fun game. It can be frustrating but helping your ship dodge death can definitely become addictive. Love it! 


May 19, 2018

Game-bit of the day 922: Champ Kong (PC)

This is just a clone of the classic Mario Bros but for the PC. Can you blame them? I'm digging the graphics though... they're just beautiful! 


May 18, 2018

Ads from the Past 438: Shinobi (PC Engine)

This is an ad for Shinobi. I heard this port of the game is not as good as the one for the Sega/Mega Drive. You are better off sticking with Sega on this one. No offense my beautiful PC Engine. 

Game-bit of the day 921: TMNT (PC)

Lets face it, this game is horrible and at times, unplayable, but it's the ninja turtles so you gotta love it. Unplayable though... 


May 17, 2018

Game-bit of the day 920: Arya Vaiv (PC)

A shoot 'em up for the PC that plays really well. I can't believe it fits in one floppy disk! Try it out if you haven't . I'm here to bring all obscure titles into the light! 

May 16, 2018

Game-bit of the day 919: Antartic Adventure (PC)

Guide a penguin through the ice in order to reach his destination. Something that simple, yet something real fun. Game on! 



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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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