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January 31, 2016

Retro Gaming Life E-zine January 2016 Issue Released!

I want to apologize for the delay on this issue but I ran into some issues but that's over with! Here is the January Issue which comes packed with lots of new games! The February issue is also coming soon since this month is practically over. My apologies and enjoy!


January 29, 2016

Ads from the past 312: Ms Pacman (SNES)

This game was a late release for the SNES especially for a game from the 1980s. Some things I just don't know why? Either way, the ad is cute and shows Ms Pacman waving calling you to kick some ass! 


Pokemon Card of the Week 031: Magneton

This is the electric Pokemon that caused nightmares to a lot of trainers. Mainly because it's really trick to defeat. The answer is fire! 


January 27, 2016

Yu-gi-oh! Card of the Week 031: Archfiend Black Skull Dragon

This is one kick ass fusion monster. It has a bunch of effects and it's strong! How can you not run this monster in a red-eyes deck?


January 22, 2016

Ads from the past 311: Atari Wireless Controllers

For those of you who didn't know, wireless controllers aren't anything new. They have been around since before your existence. The Atari had them, Nintendo had them, and now you guys enjoy them thinking you were the first? Please, get real! 


Pokemon Card of the Week 030: Lt. Surge's Electabuzz

This is Lt. Surge's electric killer! One of his strongest creatures and a pain in the ass to deal with! Watch out! 


January 20, 2016

Yu-gi-oh! Card of the Week 030: Megazowler

Another monster used by Rex Raptor. He just has the most awesome monsters ever! Normal type and all! 


January 15, 2016

Ads from the past 310: Donkey Kong

This is a very popular ad that deserves a place here at Retro Gaming Life. This ad is from the original game Donkey Kong and it's quite funny. Mario has a red nose and Pauline is about to faint. A little adaptation of King Kong huh? 


Pokemon Card of the Week 029: Misty's Golduck

We all know that Misty's Psyduck doesn't evolve to Golduck so you can think of this Pokemon as what if he would've evolved. Nevertheless, This is another tricky Pokemon! 


January 13, 2016

Yu-gi-oh! Card of the Week 029: Sword Arm of Dragon

Many of you might remember this guy because he was used by Rex Raptor in one of his duels. It's a pretty kick ass card if you ask me.


January 10, 2016

Retro Gaming News: Namco Classic II



Here is a translation patch for the Namco golf game, Namco Classic II. Most of the game is translated but there are issues where the text is garbled when asking for caddie advice, caddie selection, pro selection, and a few lines here and there. The game is navigable and playable to an extent so the patch is being made available to the public and is suspended till the rest of the code can be figured out as it is finicky and has some issues when altering it."


January 09, 2016

Retro Gaming News: Back to the Future (Enhanced)



This patch was made at the request of Tramsam500. It makes graphical and gameplay changes to make the game more enjoyable. The text was changed to look nicer. The title screen was enhanced. Marty now has a red vest like he does in the movie, as well as blue sleeves. The picture of Marty and his siblings was horrible, and also enhanced to look nicer. There is a new ending as well. Also, gameplay elements such as infinite lives, and an instant win at Lou’s Cafe, make the game less difficult so the gamers can enjoy the main game."


January 08, 2016

Ads from the past 309: Mega Man X (PC)

This game was released for the PC as well. For those of you who didn't know, this game was more than just any game, it was the first Capcom game CD-rom game and that's saying a lot. Capcom would go on to release a bunch of others including Resident Evil 2, and Street Fighter 2. It may not mean much but it's part of video gaming history. 


Pokemon Card of the Week 028: Misty's Seadra

This is Misty's Powerhouse! This Pokemon is quite tricky as it combines deadly attacks that slow and damage your opponent at the same time! 


Retro Gaming News: B-Wings Unlimited Morphs



This hack added the select button the function to switch wings in the game, there are 13 total wings in the game (10 normal wings and 3 extra wings found in secret places), but there are still a few minor bugs:
  • wing 14 is “no wing” (the previous wing graphics will remain on the screen)
  • you must wait 0,5 seconds to attack after switching to wing 11,12,13 (crash or suicide)
  • if you activated the shield with wing 11 and switched to 12 don’t attack (boss enter error)."


January 07, 2016

Retro Gaming News: An Apeeling Sonic Hack



Do you like the Super Peel-out? This hack’s just for you! Why waste your time with a Spindash that forces you to be rolling if you can manually hold down to do it? It’s so great that Sonic decided to use it as his only means of movement, he sure seems excited to start his journey through Green Hill Zone… again! But you know what’s even more fun than Green Hill Zone? Why Marble Zone of course! What’s that? You find it impossible to go through Marble zone because of the platforming in it? Don’t worry about that, you can Jump while Peeling-out. Eh? You say this defeats the whole point of the hack? Well too bad. It would be too hard for anyone (and some stages would be impossible unless tool assisted). The concept is stupid enough as is. You may ask, “What if you get stuck on a bumper?” Don’t worry, after a few hits of going straight up, it will let you out. Springs are no issue either, you can control your movement while in that state.
Hmm…? what’s that? You’re here for the easter eggs? Try beating the game with all emeralds or holding buttons around to trigger something. You might find Action, Bikes and Cats, and maybe the occasional dog, who knows… Don’t worry, it’s not as cryptic as last time, you don’t have to play through a level of that hack with the red recolor cat either."


Retro Gaming News: Bust-A-Move - Bust-M-Up Edition



Bust-M-Up is a hack made for the SNES version of Bust-A-Move. Do not use this patch with a Puzzle Bobble ROM. Even though they appear to be the same game, there are minor differences which will render the patch useless given the wrong game. Easiest way to tell if you’ve got the right ROM is to open it up and read the title screen. Anyway…
What is changed:
  • All 100 levels re-mapped
  • 4 bubbles in a row to pop (instead of the usual 3)
  • Credits changed
  • Boss takes 10 hits (used to be 12), but has a new “arena”
  • Brown bubbles and invisible bubbles can’t be popped, so they present a new challenge to the game"


January 06, 2016

Yu-gi-oh! Card of the Week 028: Tomozaurus

The question is, which is the monster of such name? Is it the one that's getting bitten or the one doing the biting! Maybe it's both? I'm confused! 


Retro Gaming News: Dungeons of Hyrule

"Here’s a Zelda facelift for Bomberman. Check the Readme file for further details. Enjoy!"


January 05, 2016

Retro Gaming News: Pyokotan no Dai Meiro

"Here is a news announcement for the English translation of Pyokotan no Dai Meiro. This is a fun game for younger ages to enjoy where you navigate through 4 environments and come across mini-game obstacles in order to make progress. As the player, you come across memory challenges of music, a maze navigation game, collecting apples, hopping across one end of a river to the other while dodging obstacles, and separating different colored candies. Hope everyone enjoys the release!"


Retro Gaming News: Roll-chan 5



This is a player sprite hack of Rockman 5/Mega Man V for the NES! This hack changes Rock’s player sprites into his sister Roll! There are currently 2 types of patches:
  • Classic Roll
  • Rockman/Mega Man 8 Roll
In the year 20XX, Protoman has unbelievably committed atrocities against the world, commanding an army of rampaging robots bent to destroy everything in its path. As chaos ensues, Protoman suddenly invaded the Light residence and kidnapped his creator, Dr. Light.
To reach Protoman, Rock, has given his combatant sister Roll, his buster powerup, making her charged Roll Buster more power & range; despite him being benched for this act. Without Dr. Light’s guidance, they must act in urgency and use what he left after the kidnapping, with Tango only having a few upgrades. However, Dr. Cossack has offered them his help and created a new ally, Beat the blitzing, blue bird!


Retro Gaming News: FIGHBIRD English Translation 2016 Released!

“Taiyou no Yuusha: Fighbird”, aka “Brave Fighter of the Sun: Fighbird” is a shoot’em up game based on a mecha anime of the Yuusha or Brave series. (Protip: use Select in some instances in the game). The game is super easy when you acquire the level 3 homing missiles (which is OP).
The author decided on making an English re-translation of this obscure Japanese game because the previous group did not translated some of the game’s texts (i.e. the part when you did not rescue the people then the Doctor says something about it; while some untranslated texts were simply unused).
Before, the author wanted to make a bugfix/addendum patch of the translation made by Dragoon-X Translations (DXT). But the translation took liberties on its own without much reference with the anime counterpart. And there were messups with the hexadecimals that made some palettes on the talking heads glitchy. And there’s the notorious misnomer of “Kenta”, which DXT (and PL Translations) called “Kesota”. Understandably, they mistaken “n”, [ン] with “so”, [ソ]. The names of each member of the Baron Team is used instead of the regular vehicle names. And there’s their title logo, not gonna touch it because its cool. Eventually, the author made a fresh start with the original ROM.
Note that the author rendered a nice and new title logo and mini in-game logo :)
Please enjoy the game!"


January 01, 2016

Ads from the past 308: Commander Keen Aliens Ate my Babysitter (PC)

 One of my favorite artworks of all time has an ad! This is the only Commander Keen that saw the light of a release. The others were order only so they really didn't had a cover like this one. I wonder who did this beauty of a cover. It shows how amazing the game really is in art form. Keen dreams! 


Pokemon Card of the Week 027: Poliwrath

This is a fighting/water Pokemon so it's a beach to take down. This is one of my favorites from the first generation. 
Happy New Year! 



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