May 31, 2021
TMNT Turtle in Time Baxter Stockman! Terminate the Turtles!
This figure is finally here. I am so happy they are making these for the classic games. This is one of the most memorable ones as I remember playing this game in the arcade and always dying to him. He was the first boss after all! Those were some good memories! Lets check out this beautiful action figure!
As you can see, an awesome photo on the left showing him in the level of its respective game while you will see the figure itself on the right! The figure does come some accessories and are really awesome. They really got the pixel look which is the usual in this line.

Finds 1478: Monty Python, Toy Story, Ghostbusters, Panzer Paladin, and Others

Finds 1477: Gifts from a friend, Entombed Enhanced & Einhander

Finds 1476: PS4 Games Trials of Mana, Cloudpunk, VOID Bastards, Tokyo Xanadu and PC Software such as NCAA 98, Home Design 3D, and Lego Island.
Lots of new additions such as Trials of Mana which was a steal on clearance, VOID Bastards, Cloud Punk, and Tokyo Xanada for PS4. Then, for PC I got Lego Island, Home Design 3D, and NCAA Football 98. Lots of goodies overall.
The PS4 arrivals! VOID Bastards looks to be the more interesting one of the bunch as it reminds me of Thirteen for PS2.

Finds 1475: Dead Tomb for NES
Finds 1474: Dragon Quest XI, Minecraft, River City Tokyo Rumble, and Art of Fighting Anthology

Finds 1473: Naruto Clash of Ninja, Medevil, Sega Smash Pack 2, and Die Hard Trilogy
Finds 1472: The Pagemaster
Finds 1471: Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol 2
Here is a really awesome addition to the collection. Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol 2 for the PS4 by Limited Run Games. I highly recommend you check them out as they release retro releases as well as remastered in limited amounts. Once they are gone, you will have to hi eBay and overpay for them so be sure to take advantage!

May 28, 2021
Finds 1470: Vintage Retro Magazines lot EGM 2 Number 1!
These are so awesome! I don't usually get magazines anymore but these appeared locally and I had to get them especially because I was able to get issue number 1 of EGM2! Total nostalgia over all.
This one is a magazine I wasn't really into or knew its existence but hey it has TMNT on the cover, that's enough reason for me to get it. The artwork is okay, I really wonder who drew this up. It's really cool nonetheless.
I remember Batman Returns as I rented it for the SNES years ago. I also went to see the movie and it was pretty awesome! Uff those were the days.

May 27, 2021
Finds 1469: Some 3DS Gems, VHS Tapes, and Other Stuff
This was an epic day of findings! I was able to find a lot of cool stuff for once! At least stuff I really needed for the collection which is great. As many of you might have seen, I've been collecting VHS tapes lately and I actually found some beautiful tapes! A lot of other things so lets check it out!
I got some PC software as usual and a nice sound track for Pulpfiction. Love the Simpsons? Here it is!
Also, a sound blaster drivers cd and card shop plus deluxe or older Windows OS.

That Viva Piñata for the 360 had a very cool case so I picked it up. The PGA Tour 96 I only got for one reason.
This is the reason! the original receipt of the purchase, what nostalgia!

Finds 1468: Magic the Gathering Cards, and Others
Some new findings from thrifting. I always seem to find PC software and I'm always willing to pick it up. There is nothing crazy on here or is there? I got some Magic the Gathering cards but I have no idea if they are worth anything, I will keep them till I can find someone that can check the prices for me. Lets see what else I got.
Here is the PC software I found. Some of them are going to my friend. I also found a PS1 game that's nothing crazy, but one I didn't have for my collection. I got the Naruto game for the 360 which is always a good addition as those fighting games are always a lot of fun!

May 25, 2021
Finds 1467: A bunch of random things! Vintage Keyboard, VHS Tapes, and More!
famicomfreakTuesday, May 25, 2021Latest Finds, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS2, VHS, XBOX, Xbox 360
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Went back to thrifting again and was able to find some really neat stuff. Overall, nothing extremely rare, but cool stuff to add to the collection overall. Lets take a look!
This keyboard is actually very old. I need an adapter so I can use it on my older computers, that's how old it is!
PC software that I found. I think it's stuff that needs to be extracted and uploaded online. Believe it or not, there is still a lot of stuff that has been lost in time.
Some games. Xbox mostly, but the switch game I was able to get online. It's a shoot 'em up collection and totally worth it. I love shoot 'em ups!

May 05, 2021
Retro News: Starhawk & Metal Masters from Limited Run Games