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September 30, 2016

Game-bit of the day 583: Super Mario Land (GB)

The first of many of Mario's portable adventures. Super Mario Land was one game that was the reason why I got a Gameboy in the first place. I still remember the first time I saw the tiny gameboy screen with Mario in it. I couldn't wait for my turn to play. Amazing days! 


September 29, 2016

Game-bit of the day 582: Super Mario World (GBA)

The ports of these classics to the GBA were a good idea as you could now play them on the go. It's definitely a good addition to anyone's collection. 


September 28, 2016

Yu-gi-oh! Card of the Week 051: Cosmic Cyclone

Yet another Cyclone card out for the game. This one is quite good although it'll cost you 1000 life points to banish the card. I can see this ruining pendulum summons and what not. 


Game-bit of the day 581: Gargoyle's Quest 2 (FC)

This is a wonderful game that is a classic for both the Famicom and NES alike. The quest of the Gargoyle is a must play for any 8-bit fan. I suggest the import as the NES game is quite expensive! 


September 27, 2016

Game-bit of the day 580: Harley's Humongous Adventure (SNES)

There is really nothing humongous about this adventure. The game really disappoints with bland levels and sub-par music. 


September 26, 2016

Game-bit of the day 579: Bubble Bobble (Game Gear)

This is a very hard to find game for the Game Gear. It's Bubble Bobble and plays just like the NES version. It's a beauty! A must have for any Bubble Bobble fan! 


September 25, 2016

Game-bit of the day 578: Gameboy Light

Although this may look beat up, I'm sure you can see what the gameboy says. It's the Gameboy Light! Released only in Japan for some reason, the Gameboy light had a backlight for gaming! It was what we wanted for a long time! 


September 24, 2016

Game-bit of the day 577: Mighty No9 (PS4)

This game got so much criticism that it's lost a lot of fanbase. The successor to Mega Man fell short and disappointed many but is it really such a bad game? I'll leave that up to you! 


September 23, 2016

Game-bit of the day 576: Mother 3 (GBA)

This is the game that Nintendo should've brought here. I still don't understand why they didn't! It doesn't matter, we have amazing fans that will translate it and bring it to physical form for us to play! 


September 22, 2016

Game-bit of the day 575: Tales of Destiny 2 (PS1)

The start of the Tales games in the USA was in the Playstation even though there was a SNES release that never made it to the States. This was the first taste we had of the games. 

September 21, 2016

Retro Gaming News: Streets of Rage 2: Simpsons Edition

This is a very hilarious hack that I'm definitely going to try out for the Genesis. It changes the characters of the game into Simpson characters. They use the sprites of the Arcade game which is perfect for this mod. Definitely check it out! 

"The Simpsons characters in Streets of Rage 2."


Retro Gaming News: "Pac-Man Xtreme" Officially Released

"On September 17 2016, after eleven long years of hard work, ROMhacker “KaBooM!” finally releases “Pac-Man Xtreme”. A ROMhack of the Namco version of Ms. Pac-Man for the Nintendo NES, it is much more than a simple maze/level hack. Pac-Man Xtreme introduces new features, functions, and options which make playing it a truly unique experience. Almost every single aspect of the original Ms. Pac-Man game has been altered… graphics, sounds and music, levels, even gameplay mechanics. In essence, Pac-Man Xtreme is a new commercial-quality game reprogrammed around Ms. Pac-Man’s engine and is thus virtually unrecognizable from its predecessor.
Some of the most notable new features are the inclusion of working vertical tunnels, randomly vanishing mazes, all-new original levels, new original sound effects and music, four different stage progression modes, tons of selectable game options, and the brand new ability to cast relocation spells upon all characters in the level at once moving them to more advantageous positions within the maze.
Please visit Pac-Man Xtreme’s RHDN project page for a full list of all features and changes. The “Pac-Man Xtreme - File Package”, downloadable from that page, contains the required .IPS patches as well as loads of extra supplemental material and documentation."


Retro Gaming News: Family Trainer 8 - Totsugeki! Fuuun Takeshi-jou now in English!


Game Description:

Family Trainer: Totsugeki! Fuuun Takeshi Jou is a sports game for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Translation Description:

Here is a full English translation for the NES Power Pad title, Family Trainer 8 - Totsugeki! Fuuun Takeshi-jou. If you are familiar with Takeshi’s Castle or the spoof show, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (MXC), this game is based off of this popular Japanese game show. This has been rumored to be very physically involved and is recommended to do stretches before playing. We hope you enjoy this translation."


Yu-gi-oh! Card of the Week 050: Chocolate Magician Girl

The Magician Girls are definitely a deck I want to put together. I will definitely get them all little by little. It's definitely fun and I have the right build for it. 


Game-bit of the day 574: Silhouette Mirage (PS1)

Leave it up to Working Designs to release some of the oddest games out there. This is a side scroller with craziness written all over it. Check it out! 


September 20, 2016

Game-bit of the day 573: Super Gameboy 2 (SFC)

The Super Gameboy 2 has more compatibility than the first one. Apparently, you can use the link up in order to play two player games on the big screen. That's the thing that was lacking in the first one. Pretty neat! 


September 19, 2016

Game-bit of the day 572: Sonic R (Saturn)

Sonic didn't released a big adventure on the Saturn but they did released a really neat game about racing! It's Sonic R or Sonic Racer if that's what they were going for. It's a fun game indeed! 


September 18, 2016

Game-bit of the day 571: Rabio Lepus (PC Engine)

This is a really cute game where you ride a robotic bunny and fly around! Yes, it's a shoot 'em up and it's a really good one! A must play! 


September 17, 2016

Game-bit of the day 570: Darius Plus (PC Engine)

Another wonderful shoot 'em up for the PC Engine. This one is wonderful and a beautiful but tough gem to play through. Of course, this is not a problem for all the shoot 'em up fans! 


September 16, 2016

Game-bit of the day 569: Bomberman (PC Engine)

Bomberman is amazing in any way you put it! The games are just classic and probably one of the best multiplayer games to play ! I'm not just saying this, it's the truth! 


September 15, 2016

Game-bit of the day 568: Jinmudensyo (PC Engine)

This is a pretty fun game. It's a pick and play which is great for us casual gamers. 


September 14, 2016

Yu-gi-oh! Card of the Week 049: Shiranui Solitaire

This is a very interesting card although it hasn't gotten much attention in this set. Zombie decks are on the rise out!


Game-bit of the day 567: Puzznic (PC Engine)

Want to take a wild guess what this game is about? I mean the name of it begins with Puzz! Of course! Puzzle! Puzzle game it is! Enjoy! 


September 13, 2016

Game-bit of the day 566: Sinbad (PC Engine)

 This is another RPG for the console. They were tons of them out there that used the Dragon Quest engine for their gameplay. These games were quite popular in Japan. Gotta love it! 


September 12, 2016

Game-bit of the day 565: Doraemon (PC Engine)

This little character was quite famous in Japan back in the 80s and 90s. There are countless of games by Doraemon and this is another one of the bunch! 



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