This was an unexpected pick up. The 360 is being put aside for someone else but the rest are pure pick ups of awesomeness! There is even a Final Fantasy VII in there.
March 31, 2015
The Masked Heroes, My Favorite Deck!
I have over ten decks I've built and this one is definitely one of my favorites. Masked heroes are definitely my deck of choice at least until I built the next one. A lot of duelist stay away from this deck and I'm not sure why. It's alright, I will let my heroes do all the talking errr dueling...
Game-bit of the day 330: Mega Man X3 (SNES)
This is one sexy game! It's also expensive as fuck! Doesn't that suck? I wish Nintendo would re-release these games in cart form. I mean, Yu-gi-oh! re-releases their expensive cards all the time. Why can't they do the same???
March 30, 2015
Finds 841: Greedy Green Nintendo 64!
This was a pretty sick pick up. Green Nintendo 64 has always been one that I've come across but didn't bothered to keep. It's staying with me now.
One of my Favorite Yu-gi-oh! Cards, Elemental Hero Bubbleman!
My favorite Hero since the Yu-gi-oh! GX series was on the air is Bubbleman. Back in the day, I used to run a Water deck and having this guy in it was probably the best thing ever even though I couldn't do much with him. With Masked Heroes, I've been able to play him again. He's my number one!
A Gameboy to Remember...
Usually when one hunts down video games, they're eventually going to run into something odd. This is one of those items. This may look like an ordinary Gameboy but it's not. It's a Chinese knock off of the Gameboy Advance with built in games. I'm not even sure the Slot for games works as I never thought about testing it out since the built in game feature is quite massive. There are just so many games in it starting from the NES to the Gameboy Advance. Of course, these kind of gadgets do come with faults. Some of the games don't work and the games don't save. You are better off playing the arcade style games. That's about it for this interesting peripheral.
March 19, 2015
Game-bit of the day 329: Mole Mania (Gameboy)
This game is just amazing. Very underrated as well but it's a lot of fun. It's a puzzle beauty in my opinion. A must have for any Gameboy collector.
March 18, 2015
Game-bit of the day 328: Galaga 90 (Turbografx)
This is an amazing game. I thought it wasn't going to be a big deal but it definitely was. I got a sweet deal on it too!
March 17, 2015
Game-bit of the day 327: Vanguard Bandits (PS1)
This is a game I've been looking for a while. I want to play it at some point. The game is incredibly minty too!
March 16, 2015
Game-bit of the day 326: Gamepro Magazine
This was the first magazine I read when I moved to the States. It was so full of advertising, it was just ridiculous!
March 15, 2015
Game-bit of the day 325: Wireless Sega Genesis Controllers
This is a nice set of controllers for the Sega Genesis. They are wireless and totally awesome. Sega definitely knew how to please their gamers.
March 14, 2015
Game-bit of the day 324: Freaky Looking Mario
Isn't this Mario kind of freaky looking? He doesn't even has his hat. I sure hope he doesn't come alive, that would suck.
March 12, 2015
Game-bit of the day 322: Mario's Cement Factory Game and Watch
This is a beauty I lucked out on. It's Mario's Cement Factory! I didn't even know this one existed. On the shelf it goes!
March 11, 2015
Game-bit of the day 321: Mountain Dew Xbox
A lot of people hate this console and this color. I don't understand! I love this color and console so you can suck it!
March 10, 2015
Game-bit of the day 320: Sega Saturn
This is one of the most underrated consoles ever! Why don't people show love for this gem of a console? Oh well! I know I respect and enjoy this gem.
March 09, 2015
Game-bit of the day 319: Sega Genesis 3
Sega wanted to keep bringing out kewl stuff for us gamers so they released three different Sega Genesis consoles although all three did the same thing, it was awesome!
Finds 840: More Yu-gi-oh! Support
Here are some wicked cards for my Cyber Dragon deck. They're all helpful and will definitely help me figure out the best possible way to use them. LETS DUEL!
March 08, 2015
Game-bit of the day 318: Gamecube
The Gamecube sure doesn't get much love nowadays. People just want to throw away this console. We didn't even received many special editions of this one. Give it some love!
Finds 839: More Gems Added to the Collection! Mole Mania, Vanguard Bandits, and Galaga 90
famicomfreakSunday, March 08, 2015Dreamcast, Gameboy, Latest Finds, PS1, PSP, RPG, Turbo Grafx, Working Designs
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This was a very surprising lot! The PSP is broken but I can fix it! The Dreamcast is one you can never have enough and the games, the games are just amazing! Working Designs ftw!
March 07, 2015
Game-bit of the day 317: Nintendo
Here is the other side of my reason for collecting. The NES is just a masterpiece. I don't care what anybody says, the NES is the best console I've ever played and will probably still be on top till the day I die.
Finds 838: Yu-gi-oh! Elemental Hero Structure Deck
This is a very impressive deck but you'll need to have three structure decks to have a very useful combo. Elemental Heroes are back!
March 06, 2015
Game-bit of the day 306: Final Fantasy VII (FC)
This is a pretty awesome game for my collection. It's a port of Final Fantasy VII for the Famicom. Believe it or not, it has been made!
Game-bit of the day 316: Famicom
Well, this is the reason I started collecting. The Famicom is one of my favorites consoles of all time. I grew up playing clones of this beauty. The memories are never ending...
Finds 837: Magna Carta 2 and Dark Forces
Here are two awesome games for my collection. Magna Carta 2 was a surprise since I didn't even know it existed. Dark Forces is a classic for the PC so the Playstation version was a must have.