November 22, 2011

Retro Game of the Week 095: Contra (NES)

For this week's pick we have a game that shouldn't need any introduction. Contra is probably one of the most amazing games ever created. Its replay value is phenomenal especially when you play with a friend. The game itself has a very interesting story behind it especially when we talk about the European release Probotector. The game even has a very famous code named after the company who released it. There is a lot more interesting facts about this game but lets look at it from the different fields we set up for it.

The music can't get any more satisfying and does a well job at keeping you in pace with the action. You'll fell like a warrior on a mission to destroy everything around you and get through it without getting touched once. The sound for the game is also quite good as everything sounds like how it's supposed to. I'm not sure about the different gun sounds but I'm sure if they ever existed, they would sound somewhat like it.

The graphics are great for a NES title especially for the time of its release. The levels are vast and detailed and the backgrounds are unforgettable. If can even get better if you get the Famicom version of the game with the enhanced graphics and cut-scenes they chopped off the NES release. It makes me sad to see it. Other than that, you have a very intact copy of the Japanese counterpart.

The gameplay is beautiful! You can go on and pick your favorite gun (once you find it that is) And shoot everything around you. Make sure you don't get touched once or you are dead which makes the game even more thrilling. Do you have the guts to make it through without losing a single life? There is always the Konami code to help you wimps with it but I rather you do it the real gamer way.

The game is fun to come back anytime. You can come back to it with a friend or alone and put yourself a challenge for it! The game itself is going to ask you to come back after it kills off all your lives! Make sure you bring it to a friend's house or just have it in the view so the party can continue with a session of Contra!

You can't quite get any better than this when it turns to classic NES titles. This is one that should be in your collection. It should be quite easy to get a copy as well so don't hesitate to look for it. With great graphics, up-beat sound, and challenging gameplay Contra will be in your mind for a long time! Until next week!

Here is the Konami code once more!!


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Blake said...

I recently played this on the PC and didn't realize how short it was. I guess dieing alot makes the game seem like it was longer back in the day.

famicomfreak said...

Yeah if you don't die as much it gets quite short :p


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