December 02, 2012

Finds 458: I finally got a Wii! Goonies never say die!

 Here are the first finds for December! There are not much and non-retro but a find is a find! I was able to find some interesting goodies and finally got a Wii. Believe it or not, I never had one before so picking one up for the right price was only fair. Now, I'm going to mod that shit till next century! Check out my other finds ^_^
 I picked up this copy of Mario Party 5 for two dollars which came with a Mega Man Anniversary collection inside! Great freebie :p
 I picked these three up for a dollar each. Can't beat the Marvel vs Capcom 2 for that price! It's the Xbox version and well if you checked out my finds from last month, I was able to find a Dreamcast Marvel vs Capcom 2 during that trip. I also got the Goonies which is one of my favorite movies evah! I shall be able to watch it since I'm on vacation now...Goonies never say die!
 This is the Wii! At first I though it didn't read the discs but I was putting them the other way around. I picked it up for ten bucks which I though was fair especially since it was sold as is. I'm looking for an SD card to mod this into playing all sorts of crazy games, I can't wait! It's going to be a good vacation time! :p
Finally, I picked up these games mostly for 2 dollars each. There are some RPGs that I'm probably going to get rid of since I already have them. All to keep the hobby alive huh?  Gotta test and clean them first ^_^ But I'm sure they are all fine! 

Nintendo Wii Console
Mario Party 5 (Gamecube)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (Gamecube)
Marvel vs Capcom 2 (Xbox)
Rocky (PS2)
Goonies Movie DVD
Final Fantasy Origins (PS1)
Mega Man 8 (PS1)
Mega Man X6 (PS1)
RPG Maker (PS1)
Harvest Moon (PS1)
Evil Zone (PS1)

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