Here are some new arrivals straight from Japan! I had to see what all the Puyo Puyo talk was about so I picked up both games for the SFC and MD. I can play them with the help of adapters so I'm good to go! Game Genie Should do the trick! Anyways, I also picked up boxed copies of Final Fantasy 2 and 3 which look great as usual. That's actually my second boxed copy of Final Fantasy 3 so I might sell the one that's in worse shape :p. Finally, I got Monster Maker for the Famicom complete as well. I've never heard of such a game so it's a nice addition to my collection.

Puyo Puyo Fever (MD)
Puyo Puyo Fever (SFC)
Monster Maker (FC)
Final Fantasy 2 (FC)
Final Fantasy 3 (FC)
Are these like EBay purchases or do you find them just around your hometown?
Oh I got them from eBay! :p
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