December 02, 2012

Retro Gaming News 162: FCEUX 2.2.0 released!

"Full-sized picture here
FCEUX is a NES/FC/FDS emulator providing the most powerful toolset for TASing, debugging, romhacking, Lua scripting and more. The new release fixes a lot of bugs, adds support for new mappers and brings many new features.
Full changelog here
Debugger improvements:
  • Numerous usability enhancements
  • “CPU cycles” and “Instructions” counters, and respective breakpoints
  • Fixed and improved Symbolic debug (Names and Comments display)
  • Allow Frame Advancing when Debugger is in breakpoint state
  • Double-click on any address prompts “Add Breakpoint”
  • “ROM offsets” option
  • Bookmarks naming and quick adding with a single-click on any address
Trace Logger improvements:
  • “Symbolic trace” option
  • “RTS” instructions now output the subroutine address/name
  • “Use Stack Pointer for code tabbing (nesting visualization)” option
  • Additional logging options
  • Tracer now auto-updates its window when the user pauses the game
Code/Data Logger improvements:
  • Now can log data access from RAM code
  • “Save Unused Data” button
  • Now can also log graphics access
In addition, this version introduces the new tool called TAS Editor, which allows you to create deterministic scenarios of playing and thus test the game behavior.
Also, the debugging documentation was updated, describing all the new features as well as some old tricks, for example, how to create custom breakpoints and write automatic handlers for them using Lua scripting."


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