July 29, 2016

Retro Gaming News: Wizardry Chronicles for PC (Windows) is now fully playable in English!

It's great to still see these type of projects still being worked on by dedicated gamers. Definitely check it out if you're a Wizardry fan!

"Thank you for playing our Wizardry Chronicles English translation. This project has been hard at work for over 2 years and now is available completed to the public!
This has also been tested under Windows 7 64-Bit. No issues have been found as of yet in game-play.
APPLocale is not required for running this game.
FOR THOSE EXPERIENCING VIDEO ISSUES WHILE RUNNING THIS, TRY DxWnd -https://sourceforge.net/projects/dxwnd/
Current Issues -
1. Some of the letters may appear squished together in some instances. Currently there is no fix for this but is still legible when reading.
2. Class Abbreviations for stats & item usage are still in Japanese as I have no idea how to change that. If someone can lend assistance with this issue please let me know. Otherwise in the meantime I would write them down on paper to associate them to what class they are in avoiding confusion.
3. What issues remain to be uncovered!"


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