July 31, 2016

Guy Makes NES Mini That Plays Mini Carts!

I gotta hand it to an amazingly dedicated Nintendo fan to create such an amazing little console with a Raspberry Pi! He definitely does what Nintendon't! His name is Daftmike and he has come up with a mini NES that actually plays cartridges. Not only that, the tiny console comes packed in with an emulation program that plays all the game you could imagine. He made the console with a 3D printer, the cartridges were also done with 3D printing and with some modifications, he was able to make the cartridges play as if they're the real deal. You even have Gameboy classics like Pokemon Red! The possibilities are endless! This is making me want to get into 3D printing more than ever. What you can do is limitless! 

You can check out his blog here and how to make one as he left all the instructions so you can also have a mini NES. All of this only makes Nintendo look back after the announcement of their mini NES as it's so limited compared to this. Maybe we should start making our own consoles from now on...


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