November 11, 2011

Finds 357: M.U.S.H.A., Phantasy Star IV, and Super Mario All Stars + World!

I decided to put these new arrivals separate from the others as they came from somewhere else and that somewhere else is none other than the mail! I finally got these babies and tried them out (After taking a long four hour nap) And I gotta say, I'm very happy with them.

Behold, M.U.S.H.A. and Phantasy Star IV! They totally rock! Two games in my collection I will cherish forever.

This game sure helps saves you room! This one is the later release of the All Stars game which brings Super Mario World in it. People who bought the earlier Mario All Stars game must have been disappointed and pissed at the same time. Believe me, I was one of them...

M.U.S.H.A. (Genesis)
Phantasy Star IV (Genesis)
Super Mario All Stars + World (SNES)


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