November 07, 2011

Finds 353: Mail Day! Variety of Games Including Super Mario IV!

I woke up today to find these babies waiting for me to unwrap! Lets check out what we got today shall we?

I picked up this lot of Gameboy games for 2.50. I was happy to have none other than Adventure Island 2 even though that the Kirby game was the reason I wanted this lot. The rest of the games should be fun to play as well. I know I beat that TMNT game years ago.
Here is yet another copy of TMNT 3. It seems I keep bumping into them as it's been the third copy I got in two weeks. Gotta keep looking for those turtle games ^_^ I paid 5.50 for the lot.

Finally, the ace of these finds is a pirate! This one is a multicart called Hot Collections 2003. It's like any other pirate except it brings a very special game called Super Mario 4. The cart originally has 8 games and after the 8th game, they start repeating with very silly misleading names. Behold, Super Mario IV!

So that should be it for these finds! There is a lot more coming in the next week or so! Don't go anywhere that there is a lot of amazing findings to come! Thank you for visiting and please leave some love in the comments section! ^_^
Hot Collections 2003 (Gameboy)
Mortal Kombat 3 (Gameboy)
Qix (Gameboy)
TMNT Fall of the Footclan (Gameboy)
Adventure Island 2 (Gameboy)
Kirby's Pinball Land (Gameboy)


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