November 07, 2011

Retro Game of the Week 093: Zelda DX (GBC)

Retro Game of the Week is finally back! After putting everything in order, things are finally starting to shape up once more. Why not start with a game I have been itching to finish and will accomplish such task in the next couple of days. Zelda DX brings you an adventure like no other. Lets take a look!

I decided to pick the DX version mainly because of the added features such as an extra dungeon, photographs to print with your Gameboy printer and of course, color. All of these make an already amazing game even greater! As usual, lets take a look at the game in the different categories.

If there is something more memorable about the Zelda games is the music and this one is no different. The music of this game is splendid! I fell in love with every soundtrack especially the mountain track. I should have that one as a ring tone! Anyways, you will find a lot of memorable tunes and only wonder how much amazing the music would sound if this game were ever to get a remake on lets say the 3DS? Totally fantastic!

The game looks and used the best the gameboy had to offer. Not only that, but the game looked more beautiful in color. You can't get anything better than Zelda DX graphically wise. If you think about it, the graphics were really advanced for the year it was released. This little handheld was sure able to do a lot more than anyone ever though. No wonder it was never taken down by its competition.

The gameplay is sensational. You have the A and B buttons to equip whichever combinations of items you feel more comfortable with. Of course, you have to know when to use certain items because you can only get so far with a shield and sword. With an array of weapons, challenging dungeons, and comical situations this Zelda game is as enjoyable as the day it was released. The freedom Link has in this game is nothing but great. You'll feel as if you can do almost anything! Exploring and discover is also a huge plus in Zelda games! Be sure to find all the heart pieces and don't forget to knock against certain trees. There is a lot to love indeed.
This game is one that you can play over and over and never get bored that's for sure. I have probably played through this game over ten times and still find it amazingly fun. Why? Because it's an enjoyable experience that not once makes you want to put it away. Be sure to try to beat the entire game in one sitting for the special ending ^_^

So to conclude, I'm pretty sure I don't have to mention this twice but I'll say it again. This game is an absolute masterpiece. You have to play through it at least once in your lifetime. If you are new to Zelda, then this is a great way to step back into Link's past. You will also not have to spend a fortune on the game as you'll find it for really cheap (I got mine for 2 dollars). So that's about it, glad to be bringing this series back to life! Lets keep order and until next week!


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Overstock Retro said...

Such a good game. I remember playing it on the bus when I was younger. I never did finish it I think.

famicomfreak said...

You should give it another shot! This is an amazing game! Get the DX version of it for the extras!


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