March 03, 2020

Finds 1232: Golden Axe for Master System, Night Striker, and Blood Gear

Here are three new titles for the collection. Lets start off with Golden Axe! It's a very bad port of the arcade classic but well, you know, I love the Sega Master System so I had to have it! 
Here is a pic of it!
You can only play as one character and the animation is choppy. I still believe it has a charm, a Sega Master System charm.
The next game on the list is Night Striker which is a pretty cool racing game. It is also one of the more cheaper ones so totally worth picking it up. Cheap and good always equals to good.
Here is a shot of Night Striker. As you can see, it looks beautiful! 

Finally, I already mentioned this game Blood Gear but it's totally worth another look. This one is definitely worth a playthrough if you have a PC Engine. Import it now!
If you are into Mech style games with good gameplay and music, this is it! Enjoy, I know I am!


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