November 27, 2008

King Kong's Queen Kong

As I was playing this game I decided to take a break and check out the demo gameplay that is shown. I was also introduced to what the story is behind this game. King Kong 2 is probably one of the more fun smashing games for the Famicom. The story should make you want to smash even more especially when Queen Kong is taken away! Oh NO!! Behold some snapshots of the intro:

King Kong's heart is pounding faster more and more!!

Those bastards have taken Queen Kong. Lets go teach them a lesson.

Never mess with an ape on mating season!
Now to have revenge on the world! Go King Kong GO!

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Lorfarius said...

I've just gone and bought a copy of King Kong 2 from eBay. I hope its good!

famicomfreak said...

Yeah it's a great game. A little confusing but the feeling of smashing everything around you is pretty kewl especially for a Famicom game.


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