November 15, 2008

Finds 002: A pirate game lot!!

Here they are my latest Famicom finds and they are all pirate carts!! Oh yes these are all pirate carts for some pretty fun games:

That game you see with the airplanes is actually Tetris. I don't know why there are airplanes all over the cart but I guess they were trying to make it look cool. There is also Adventure Island, Sky Kid, and some Namcot baseball game.

Then finally the top games of this find. Behold are Contra, Super Mario Bros, Yu Yu Hakusho + Dragon Ball Z, and some strategy game. These are actually the carts that cost me that most. The Yu Yu Hakusho is pretty unique which lets you play the whole dark tournament saga and maybe even more since I haven't gotten that far yet. You can also pick which fighter you'll fight with and they also have their own unique powers!!

Well that's about it. Lots of good stuff here and there. There will be more new things in the future so keep checking my blog out.

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Lorfarius said...

Where are you getting these pirates from? Fancy getting a few myself :)

popibros1 said...

hey on the last pic
is that a Yuu Yuu Hakushou cart?

famicomfreak said...

Yes it is a pirate of Yu Yu Hakusho!


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