We are back with the ads from the past. We have been gone since February and it was time to bring this bag with our weekly retro ad! This series has been moved to Sunday now since we have Famicom Fridays in that spot, but it'll go back to being a weekly thing! Lets get started. This week's ad is from the Sega Genesis who did a lot of bashing of the Nintendo console especially because they needed to compete with the big boy Nintendo. The Sega Genesis started the race early but Nintendo caught up with the Super Nintendo console in terms of bits. The bit wars of the early 90s was something else. What a time to be alive! I encountered so many discussions and fights over who was better but I'll never forget that one of my teachers actually had the 3DO! I played Gex for a little bit and though it was awesome, but that's the first and only time I played that console till years later when I became a collector and found one in the wild. Other than that, it was either Sega or Nintendo. Sony would enter the console wars with the Playstation and recruit me into a big fan boy especially with the upcoming Final Fantasy VII game. Those were some amazing times.
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