November 21, 2013

Finds 633: Gijoe Massive Lot!!! Video Games as well!

 Here is a massive lot of stuff! There is a bit lot of Gijoes, some TMNT and of course, games! Check out the pics!
 I paid a quarter per Gijoe! So awesome!!!!!
 Even Mega Man joined the party with some Street Fighter action figures from the Gijoe line!

 Here are some games! Picked these up at very considerable prices!

 Some portable goodies as usual!
Here are some PS1 games! There are some nice games in here! 

60+ Gijoe lot
5x TMNT Action Figures
Crash Bandicoot (PS1)
Nightmare Creatures 2 (PS1)
Tomb Raider 2 (PS1)
RPG Maker (PS1)
Rampage (PS1)
Harvest Moon (PS1)
Soul Blade (PS1)
Mario Party (GBA)
Mario Hoops 3 on 3 (NDS)
Double Dragon 2 (GB)
Spiderman (GB)
Darkwatch (PS2)
Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
Resident Evil Long Box (PS1)
Myst (Sega Saturn)


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