November 28, 2013

Finds 640: From Garbage to Treasure, NES and Others!

 An interesting day of incredible loot! The feeling you get when finding these gems is indescribable! Lets check out what we came across this time around.
 This was a late night pick up. Can you believe all of this was 20 bucks? it was well worth the drive!
 This is one of the more interesting pick ups. It's not because of the games but because of the deal I got on them. The guy was asking ten for the older gameboy games and ten for the ds game. I counter offered with 15 and he said it was too much but how about 13? I said yes and got the fuck out of there!!!! go figure!!
 Local Thrift store pick ups!
 As I drove into the garage sale I couldn't keep my eyes off this box which was on top of the garbage the people in the garage sale just finished throwing out! I picked it up and asked the lady if it was actually garbage? She said yes! and I got that and got the fuck out of there! I of course, asked if she had any games for sale. Free NES! boxed! life is good!
 This is what the result of a nice cleaning was. Totally worth rescuing huh?
Here are more thrift store pick ups! The Resident Evil books were quite interesting and only paid .25 cents for each! 
x2 Resident Evil Books
Deep Labyrinth (NDS)
Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)
Twisted Metal Small Brawl (PS1)
Boxed NES 
x3 Xbox 360 Games
Portable Games + Gameboy SP


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