November 28, 2013

Finds 636: Garage Sales Lot! Intellivision and More!

This was a pretty good haul! Some Garage Sales proved to be very interesting to go to! There is a little bit of everything, even more boxed NES games!!!
Here is the haul! Good stuff! All boxed and complete Intellivision stuff!
More of the same goodies!
The rest of them!
Here are some boxed NES games. They were minty as heck! Also, were .50 cents each!
Here is a Nintendo DS Lite I bought from a garage sale. The little girl that sold it knew how to bargain!
Here are some more games for the shop! I needed these!
And the rest, some unusual games to be honest except Resident Evil DC ^_^

Duck Tales (NES)
Big Birds (NES)
Sesame Street 1 2 3 (NES)
Star Wars Trilogy (GBA)
Resident Evil DC (PS1)
Chronicles of the Sword (PS1)
Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)
Zelda 3DS (3DS)
Mario Kart 7 (3DS)
Super Mario 64 (NDS)
Mario Kart DS (NDS)
Mario Party DS (NDS)
Pokemon Sapphire (GBA)
Tom & Jerry (GBA)
White Nintendo DS Lite
Lot of Intellivision Games


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