July 02, 2011

Retro Gaming News 041: Dark Half Translation

Here is a partial translation of this very unique game. Be sure to check out the information and link to download of the patch if you are a mad RPG fan!

" This looks like a pretty cool game. And it’s developed by Westone, the Wonderboy guys. Quite a turnaround! Anyways it’s an RPG played out from an isometric perspective. Battles are a little tactical, kind of like, oh, I don’t know, like Rhapsody if you’ve played that, where you move by squares and end turns and stuff.

The antagonist of the game seems to be SATAN. Which is pretty cool I guess. Those Westone guys sure don’t mess around. And the main character has a brother named Jose. Jose likes to run away from every battle. Jose is fairly useless. Damn that Jose.

SirYoink’s doing the hacking, Eien ni Hen is doing the translation. A few others helped out along the way. The end result so far is a beta patch with the following completed!

  • 75% of graphics hacking completed.
  • 75% of menus translated.
  • 75% of monster names translated.
  • 75% of item names translated.
  • 50% of dialogue translated.
  • To Do: Item/Monster name expansion."


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