July 25, 2011

Emulation News 115: Updates for 7-24-11

Here are today's updates! WOOT!!

MESS SVN r12312

lisa: add Twiggy I/O board ROM [Bushing]"


Jpcsp SVN r2227

Improved the error handling of the functions which can enter the current thread in a wait state while the dispatch thread is disabled:
- sceKernelWaitEventFlag
- sceKernelAllocateFpl
- sceKernelAllocateVpl
- sceKernelReceiveMbx
- sceKernelSendMsgPipe
- sceKernelReceiveMsgPipe
- sceKernelWaitSema
- sceKernelReleaseThreadEventHandler
- sceKernelSleepThread
- sceKernelWaitThreadEnd
- sceKernelDelayThread
- sceKernelDelaySysClockThread
This could fix applications displaying the message "DispatchThread disabled, not changing thread state of xxx to xxx".
Remember if the UMD was activated even after a call to sceKernelLoadExec()
Another Java native code sequence for memset, based on profiler info posted on forum.
Improved template matching for Java native code sequences: J and JAL instructions contain an absolute address and have to be masked so that a match can be found when the code sequence is relocated to another address.
Implemented sceIoIoctl(cmd=0x01020003)
Fixed triggering of thread events (create/start/exit/delete): trigger the event after completing the thread operation (previously, the thread operation was skipped).
Not tested.
Not sure in which thread context the event should be executed: in the context of the thread performing the syscall, or in the context of the referred thread?
Fixed processing of file names having a path containing ".." (identified by Raziel).
Improved UmdVideoPlayer:
- Added basic native Fast Forward, Rewind, Pause and Play capabilities;
- Added small new findings to the PLAYLIST.UMD format parsing;
- Enabled resizing in video player mode;
- Improved general format handling (e.g.: now the DISC ID is recognized by UmdBrowser).

Fully reversed and partially implemented new module sceHeap.

Reversed and added drafts for newly discovered functions in sceMpeg module.

Cleaned up and refactored several modules with wrong firmware versions.

Fixed a bug in CryptoEngine (spotted by codestation).
Improved triggering of Thread Events, based on tests performed by Darth.
Fixed a typo in sceKernelLockLwMutex introduced in r2217."


DeSmuME SVN r4065

win32: some minor clarifications to console behaviour. console behaviour is now verified to be pretty dang good in cygwin/msys bash as well as cmd.exe so long as you launch with "cmd /c desmume.exe".
win32: newer console title format, somewhat more useful. now %EXENAME% %ARGS% to show you how you launched it. let me know what you think. also let me know if it crashes while trying to parse something!
cheatSystem: headerId should be const
Fix memory block alignment in RomBanner for 4-byte wchar_t, #3354040

From rogerman:

The RomBanner struct requires UTF-16 strings for the six different ROM titles.
Currently, we use wchar_t buffers to define the memory blocks where the title
strings are supposed to go. Using wchar_t is fine for compilers that assume a
2-byte wchar_t. But compilers that use a 4-byte wchar_t will misalign
the memory blocks.

I've submitted a new patch that changes all the wchar_t in RomBanner titles
to u16 for all ports. It took me a while to research the dependencies on
titles, and to make sure I didn't accidentally break something in the
Windows port.

As for the wcscpy() deal in the RomBanner constructor, it's an arbitrary
default init value that we don't actually use in practice, so I removed it.
If a particular port wants to know what to display for the titles when a
ROM isn't loaded, there are plenty of ways to figure this out. Or they can
just check the titles for an empty string, which the constructor inits the
titles to before the wcscpy() call.

For CHEATS::save(), I removed the dependency on using titles. The ROM name
we write to file is also an arbitrary value which we don't actually
reference in practice. I changed it to use gameInfo.ROMname, since we're
already using gameInfo.ROMserial."


PCSX2 SVN r4819

Reverting r4796 (Console window now opens again before main window). Reason: The console window's menus were overlapping the main window menus, leading to main window menu actions getting invoked when using the console menus...
GSdx: Fix an old and silly bug that could cause slowness in native resolution hardware rendering. Thanks for debugging, Lana and avih."


D PSP Emulator SVN r300

- Fixed sceKernelWaitThreadEnd(CB) + Unittesting
- Fixed??! sceCtrlReadBufferPositive and sceCtrlReadLatch + Unittesting
- Stop all the emulator when an error rises. @TODO CHECK! It loses the exception
- Minor changes and refactorings
- Changed the way sceCtrl waits for a frame. Still not accurate.
- Some changes and fixes on IoFileMgr_FilesAsync
- Implemented some more NIDs
- More changes and fixes on ThreadMan
- Disabled/Enabled all threads on sceKernelCpuSuspendIntr/sceKernelCpuResumeIntr
still have to check if it works as expected.
- Fixed sceKernelLibcClock
- Fixed PspLibDoc singleton (not used __gshared; was Thread Local Storage)
- Added and fixed tests for module loading
- More tests
- Implemented simple voices on sasCore (still has some issues)
- Implemented sceAudio.sceAudioSRCOutputBlocking
- Minor changes and refactorings
- Updated to D v2.054
- Fixed some issues and cleanups
- SwitchGen is now faster (probably MUCH faster) using AA instead of plain
arrays because of being able to use AA on CTFE. Because of that, there is no
need for "cached_switch_all.dcode" file anymore and it has been deleted. By
faster I mean on compiling times. On runtime it should be as fast as always.
- Added a link to the online compatibility table (not enabled yet)
- Added a new option to force to check updates: --check_updates
- Fixed ApplicationPaths
- Fixed SvnVersion.getLastOnlineVersion on v2.054 because of the non-greedy fix.
- branches/pspemu31 -> trunk"





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