July 07, 2011

Retro Game of the Week 086: Max Payne (GBA)

So in order to catch up, we'll have to be releasing these until we are up to date! This time around, we have Max Payne for the GBA. Another portable pick worth your time!

We start with the music which is not as good as the PS2 or Xbox versions of the game but still there to keep you on your feet. Max Payne is not known that well for its music but other factors help it make it a hit and a must have for the portable handheld. At least you have different types of guns that will satisfy your urge for hearing led.

The graphics are extremely good for a GBA title. You wouldn't think that a handheld like the GBA would be able to create such great graphics so I was surprised myself. The game has the feel of the console version which helps a lot. You also have part of the scenes with voices which help the game identify with its style altogether. Gotta love how this game looks.

The gameplay is as tough as the console versions. You'll end up being shot to dead many times. Just try again and be sure to use your Matrix-skill in order to shoot down multiple bad guys. You would be wise to save up as many painkillers as you possibly can since the game will take you through very tough paths. Believe me, you'll need every single one of them. Altogether, the challenge is moderate but keeps you coming back for more especially with such a good story line. You won't have much difficulty to control Payne. Every button has a purpose and is well placed. This is surely a game that you can pick up and play very easily.

Because of the story, this is a game you will always enjoy coming back to later on if you get the urge for shooting down bad guys. It's just a very enjoyable experience and keeps you going towards the end of the game. This is a game totally worth a second run or even third run. You should always have this one in your collection as it's one of those games you can always come back to again and again.

You couldn't have asked for a better port of Max Payne for the GBA. The game just delivers so much and cuts off so little from the original that you will be enjoying it more than inspecting its flaws. You can't go wrong with picking up this title especially if you are a portable freak. Be sure not to miss this one!


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