July 30, 2011

Finds 320: I'm a Retro Gamer No More, Playstation 3 Acquired!

So it was about time to walk to the dark side and join the next generation of gamers. I finally went and bought my Playstation 3 with a couple of games! I got it new just so you know! The games I picked up were Marvel vs Capcom 3 and 3D Dot Game Heroes by Atlus. Totally psyched and happy about this ^_^

Although this might be a next gen console, Atlus was nice enough to give us retro gamers a taste of some old school gaming. 3D Dot Game Heroes looks gorgeous! I'm simply amazed at how the game looks like, it's a work of art. Then I got Marvel vs Capcom 3 because I needed a new fighting game since like forever. The game kicks ass although the final boss totally raped me.
Here is a photo of my PS3 moments before I ripped it opened! I'm so happy ^_^

Playstation 3 Console
Marvel vs Capcom 3 (PS3)
3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)


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